No Prescription Needed! 5 Natural Antibiotics
In the pharmaceutical world, antibiotics are considered to be one of the most significant medical breakthroughs ever.
They are considered a medicinal way to prevent and treat bacterial infections, however, antibiotic resistance has become a significant problem with their overuse.
This cycle of using pharmaceuticals to treat bacterial infections and antibiotic resistance makes antibiotics more challenging to use as a step in the right direction to prevent other drug-resistant bacteria.
However, many people don’t know that you can get natural health benefits without prescription, from plants.
Most natural antibiotics can be found in your kitchen cupboard or herb garden. They will provide your body with potent antimicrobial properties that help fight germs with very few side effects.
Making use of natural antibiotics will lessen the chance of someone developing pharmaceutical antibiotic resistance while keeping your body listening to more natural solutions, to assist in preventing and treating some common bacterial infections that would otherwise be handed to you via a packet of tablets.
Read on to learn some ways to naturally treat bacterial infections and combat drug-resistant bacteria at home.
What Are Natural Antibiotics?
Natural antibiotics are plants, fruits, and vegetables that contain antibacterial agents. They’re often found in foods as well as herb-infused teas and tinctures.
These natural foods and plants are rich in antioxidants, which may help in the prevention of cell damage from free radicals, inflammation, and bacterial infections.
Pharmaceutical antibiotics have been around for decades and have indeed saved millions of lives. However, the overuse of antibiotics is now a major issue because bacteria can develop resistance to them quickly.
People are becoming aware that the natural world can provide solutions that may be more natural and effective in the face of bacterial infections.
⇒ The Only 4 Antibiotics People Should Stockpile (Video)
The Benefits Of Natural Antibiotics
There are many benefits to these natural antibiotics that don’t require prescriptions.
It’s important to remember that most natural ingredients can be super-powerful in many areas of healing, and some can be effective in more than one area.
While we are looking at some natural antibiotics in their own right, we also know that combining them with some other super-ingredients to make some “super-healers” can be incredible options too.
When using combinations of natural ingredients to perform more than one powerful action, it is essential to know what ingredients can go with what and which ways are better to combine certain things; just like a pharmacist would be clued up on specific properties and potential contraindications, we must be knowledgeable too with natural ingredients, and this is what this whole website is for!
Some essential and alternative benefits of natural antibiotics may include:
- Antimicrobial properties to fight drug-resistant bacteria without side effects
- Aiding in digestion and immune function
- Helping with weight loss by preventing fat gain
- Cellular repair for your body
- Protection from free radical damage to cells
- Skin moisturization and repair
- Topical healing
The 5 Natural Antibiotics You Should Know
The humble garlic clove has been utilized as a natural antibiotic for many centuries.
It is one of the best-known remedies for fighting against drug-resistant bacteria. It’s also known to reduce inflammation and can also help to fight viral infections.
Garlic has long been considered to have unique antimicrobial properties. Research has found that garlic extracts are effective against bacteria.
You can buy garlic extract at your local health food store (check for its potency) or make a homemade one by soaking some garlic cloves in oil and waiting 24 hours before straining out the pulp, and then sprinkling on salads.
Garlic is generally safe to ingest, but be sure you read about the possible side effects such as bleeding from eating too much of it when taking blood thinners. The issue with using culinary herbs like garlic as an antibiotic is they might amplify the effects of blood-thinning medication intended to reduce clotting risk if taken together.
Manuka Honey
Honey has been used medicinally for many hundreds of years, and not just by the ancient Egyptians who would use honey to heal everything they could!
Honey, specifically Manuka Honey, is a natural antibiotic that has the ability to fight off bacteria on the outside of your body or from the inside.
You can use raw Manuka honey because it has many health benefits over other types of honey. It is unique because it is derived from the pollination of only 1 plant in the world, the Manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium), located in New Zealand and Australia.
To use the natural remedy as an antibiotic in most cases, apply it directly onto wounds or infected areas with gauze for a direct external antibiotic.
Honey can also be safely ingested to cure internal infections for most people, but this isn’t recommended for infants under one year of age or pregnant.
You can simply just swallow a tablespoon at once and allow the body to pull the benefits from it. Still, the nicest way to enjoy manuka honey is to pop a tablespoon in a hot lemon tea with some grated ginger for a soothing and antibacterial warm drink.
Honey is generally safe when applied to the skin or used internally, but best avoided in pregnancy or for use in infants under the age of 1.
⇒ Natural Amoxicillin: The Antibiotic That Grows in Your Backyard (Video)
Oregano essential oil is a powerful substance that contains something called Carvacrol that can help heal and prevent many different types of health problems.
Oregano oil has been found to be helpful for the treatment of gastric ulcers, reducing inflammation and infections from fungi on your skin, like Athlete’s foot.
Oregano oil is particularly potent when it comes to seasonal bacterial infections, such as sinusitis, colds, and flu-like ailments. The essential oil can be inhaled to soothe the irritations and symptoms and it can be used in teas, tinctures, or applied topically.
For sinus infection relief, you may combine oregano essential oils with lemon juice in an equal mix- about 10 drops each- then diffuse it through fans in order to clear the air at home.
However, before using oregano essential oils undiluted on your skin, you should first consult with a medical professional as they can cause irritation if used incorrectly.
Ginger is one of those fantastic all-rounder ingredients, and It’s incredibly common for ginger to be widely used in the natural treatment of flu and colds.
It’s also great for treating an upset stomach and for nausea, as well as treating muscle and joint pain.
Research shows that ethanolic ginger extract can be a good treatment option for people who have been diagnosed with certain types of infections.
However, much more research is required on the effects and safety of this herbal remedy in humans to determine whether it works when taken orally as an antimicrobial and if there would be any side effects.
Besides its unique flavor, ginger can also be used in teas and tinctures to reap all of its medicinal benefits.
There is a widely believed theory that ginger eases sickness, especially in pregnancy; however, there is reason to avoid consuming ginger in very large amounts if you are expecting, as some experts fear it may lead to miscarriage.
Chili Pepper
Capsaicin, the powerful active ingredient in chili peppers, is one of nature’s most potent natural antibiotics.
Its unique chemical compounds and special properties enable it to fight against food poisoning and other gastrointestinal infections.
The more widespread use of this compound has led to some new discoveries about its benefits for people with bacterial infections. The capsaicin raises a person’s core temperature naturally, and this can assist in helping to “flush out” bacterial infections.
With that said, capsaicin may soon be recommended as an effective remedy for treating viral and bacterial infections in addition to alleviating some common stomach problems, such as food poisoning.
Antibiotics are a kind of medication that is used to prevent and treat bacterial infections. Like other drugs, antibiotics can have many side effects when taken over too much time, or in the wrong doses for prolonged periods. The most notable is a person or a strain of bacteria becoming antibiotic-resistant, meaning it will have no effect whatsoever.
Natural plants and food sources that have similar bacteria-fighting properties are referred to as antimicrobials because they have an innate ability to kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and even parasites that can be found in your body, or the environment.
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How to Make A Ginger Tincture
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My 10 year old grandson has pneumonia and can’t break his fever. He’s had a fever for 5 days. Is there any natural way to help with this and the congestion in his lungs. He’s also not getting “good” sleep. Thank you so much
I’ve always had great results using fenugreek tea for congestion. My kids complained about the taste, but it cleared them up. As for the fever, have you tried giving him baths with rubbing alcohol in the bath water? I don’t know what ratio to use, but I would think at least half a bottle of alcohol in a tub of warm water and pouring it over his shoulders while he sits in it. I would also try essential oils in a vaporizer, like camphor, eucalyptus, and peppermint. I’ll pray for him, that God will see his need for healing.
Peppermint tea, let them drink a watered down Peppermint tea, with manuka honey in, and also sponge him down with some more P.Tea but with no honey in,..
I use Usnea tincture for pneumonia. In addition, Nasal rinses several times daily with saline water/ten drops povidone iodine, or saline water and 10 drops hydrogen peroxide. In addition, nebulize with water/8-10 drops hydrogen peroxide plus one drop Lugol’s iodine, several times daily until relief.
Could you please specify the percentage of the hydrogen peroxide concentration that you take the 8-10 drops from? There’s concentrations available from 3% to 30% or more. Thank you 🙂
I used 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide. For both my nasal rinses, as well as for my nebulizing. Very good question!
Hello Laurie,
We are deeply sorry to hear he is going through this and we hope he’ll get better soon.
We have several articles on our website that might help. Here they are:
We hope they’re helpful to you.
Many blessings and good health!
Put Onion in his socks
Hi Laurie my husband got pneumonia, his lungs got heal from drinking hot/warm water for 2 months nonstop with ginger, lemon and honey as his regular water. I hope you’re grandson feel better soon.
I use 2 Ts ground ginger, hot water, and sip it. It’s very very spicy, but it worked for me.
When I ask God to please take in in Oct 2019 I was awakening and went straight to kitchen
Cleaned a whole bag of onions cleaned and sliced thin.
I then layered the onions in another bowl putting sugar between each layer
Topping with sugar I put a lid on and let it sit over night.
Yes I did cheat I got some of the syrup it was making 2 Tsb full
My fever broke, headache went away, stinging in my bones stopped, the mucus was breaking loose, still had the dry cough ,but I was able to lay down . I lost my taste, I lost smell, But loosing all of that haha I got my eye sight back I no longer have to wear tri focal glasses still have my mono vision. Thank you God .I’m 72 and I believe in Gods medicines.
I keep some in my ref at all times, go to town get home take a nip , down know what bug jumped on or in me . Lol
Next morning I poured the syrup into pint jars. I didn’t stop there onions was still crisp I pour about cup and half sugar and stirred it and covered let set over night poured out once again.
Do keep this in Refrigerator.
I didn’t take by spoon full I would tip the jars. Took til last February to get rid of the dry cough but I wanted to live I wasn’t drowning in my own fluids no more.
I Thank God for this recipe,
I got 8 pints of syrup ,cost was one bag of onions, one 5 lbs bag of sugar which I only used maybe half of it . Already had the pint jars .
I even ate most of the sugared onions the rest I I put in soups and salads . Waste not , want not how I was raised .
Sarah, honestly it sounds like you had Covid back then! Yes, October 2019 was before it supposedly arrived, but I’ve heard many people say they had a weird illness late 2019 that matched Covid symptoms. Just nobody was testing then. Possibly it was in circulation earlier than officially believed. Very glad you were able to get well with the onion syrup!
My daughter had Covid19 in October of 2019. We were all sick October/November 2019 thought we had the flu really bad. But I daughter received a phone call last year to inform her that her October 2019 blood donation showed she had Covid19. We live near a military base and the soldiers were over to China for military competitions.
I’m so glad to hear you are doing better. What kind of onions did you use?
Hello Sarah,
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with us! It’s greatly appreciated.
Many blessings and good health!
Mullein leaves crush them up put them in a paper bag and breath it in, it will help the congestion and clear his sinuses and chest congestion.
Hello Laurie,
Thank you for your comment.
Mullein is great for respiratory issues.
Many blessings and good health!
Elderflower tea with lemon and honey and elderberry juice can help break a fever. Lungwort tea, feverfew tea. Frequent drinks made from water, lemon juice, a pinch of magnesium chloride salt flakes and vitamin c powder, and baking soda to give a mild tangy sparkling taste. Don’t make him eat if he doesn’t feel like it, but make sure he’s getting plenty of fluids and adequate electrolytes. Aniseed is a good expectorant.
Hello Xenia,
We all appreciate you sharing your extensive herbal medicine knowledge.
Many blessings and good health!
I ordered the book about a month ago and did not receive it. I get reminded that I purchased the book and therefore get the new advertisements in my e-mails. I do not know which form of payment I used and am stumped. Maybe you can help me figure this out?
Hello Veronika,
Thank you for purchasing from us!
An email has been sent to you with all the information you need regarding your order.
Many blessings and good health!
I ordered the book about a month ago and am getting advertising and still haven’t received my book
Hi, can you combine all the above in one jar and make a tincture? If yes, how much of each ingredient and what would be the dosage? Also, just finished a round of antibiotics and was windering if you had advice on how to restore your microbiome? Thank you for all you do 🙂 Jen