Homemade Ginger And Chickweed Poultice For Circulation And Sore Muscles
Chickweed and ginger poultices can be used for the treatment of many kinds of skin irritations, as well as cuts and abrasions. Chickweed is good for drawing the infection out of a wound, so it should be applied where there is redness, swelling or other signs of infection around a wound. It is also useful for the treatment of other skin disorders, such as eczema.
Ginger also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It helps promote circulation and can help relieve sore muscles. Used in conjunction with the chickweed, it makes a powerful combination for dealing with any sort of injury to the skin and muscles beneath.
Use Equal Parts:
- Chickweed leaves
- Ginger root
- Honey
- Wash the chickweed leaves and ginger root.
- Peel the ginger root.
- Dice the ginger root and chop the chickweed leaves.
- Place equal parts of the ginger root, chickweed leaves and honey into a bottle blender and mix until you reach an even consistency. It should be a thick liquid, something like a smoothie.
To use the poultice:
- With a spoon or other clean implement, cover the injury with a generous quantity of the poultice.
- Use gauze or clean cotton cloth to fully cover the poultice. Tape in place with medical tape or an elastic bandage to hold the poultice in place.
- Replace every six hours until wound is sufficiently healed that it is covered with scab or closes.
The poultice may get warm, as it draws the infection out of the wound. If the poultice was used on an infected wound, it should be disposed of after use. However, if it was used on a clean, non-bleeding wound, it can be saved and reused.
It is recommended using herbal poultices within six months. It should be stored out of direct sunlight, in a dry place free from moisture, and in a cool environment.
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where I can buy chickweed leaves
I’m asking the same question, where do we get chickweed leaves
Mountain rose herbs…
Sells chickweed by the ounce..fairly cheap
Hi Dora,
Thank you so much for your comment.
If you want to buy chickweed leaves, please check the link below:
God bless!
You can buy chickweed seeds
Hi Sue,
Thank you so much for your comment.
If you want to buychickweed seeds, please check the link below:
God bless!
Thank you, I used the warm water, honey and vinegar, it works wonders my first zip of this tea, I stopped coughing. And it wasn’t bad at all. I didn’t know how much to use. So I used less than a cup of water, two teaspoons of vinegar and like three spoons of honey. I have been having a cough since mid March. I was tested for covid-19 and pneumonia results negative. Dr. Prescribed azithromycin 250 mg 5 pills two the first day and one for the remaining days. It only worked while the five days I took it. Last night I was having a bad cough spell. I was also drinking ginger tea, honey and lemon it worked for a while as well. I really hope it continues helping me. I am coughing today but it doesn’t live me breathless anymore. Thank you again
Hi Merce,
Thank you so much for your comment and for sharing your experience.
I am so sorry that you had to experience this condition. I wish you the best health!
God bless!
Check for candida. Read up on it That might be your problem.
MerceJudge: this post is about a poultice, not a cough remedy…..
To what are you referring?
The common chickweed around my garden has very tiny leaves. The leaves in this video are much larger. What type of chickweed is in the video? Does common chickweed work as well?
Hi Meg,
Thank you so much for your comment.
The herb used in the video is called Chickweed Stellaria Media.
Common chickweed is good for this poultice too.
God bless!
Hi Sue,
Thank you so much for your comment.
If you want to buychickweed seeds, please check the link below:
God bless!
Making the chickweed/ginger/honey poultice; the DIY NOTES say “Use equal parts”.
What does equal parts mean? Please reduce the measuring unit to WEIGHT and then give us the weight equivalent of each ingredient.
Austin F.
It means 1 cup, 1 oz, 1 whatever unit you are using, and then repeat that for all ingredients. It is called the PART method.
feel free to pick a WEIGHT and use that as your measurement for all ingredients.