How to Use Avocado Seeds to Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
The next time you are eating an avocado or making a tasty batch of guacamole, don’t throw away the seeds! At first glance, they might appear to be a big pill to swallow. Thankfully, I’m not suggesting that you do. But, there may be health benefits to consuming the seed, not just the flesh.
In fact, while I am sitting here writing this, I am listening to a group of doctors discussing avocados and how good they are for our health. The creamy flesh has been long thought of as good for our skin, hair, weight loss, digestive health, and balancing blood sugars.
We are accustomed to eating the flesh part of the avocado, and it’s loaded with nutrients. However, the seed seems to be as well. It contains fiber, protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phenols, and flavonoids. While there is still some doubt by a few, many professionals and non-professionals believe these are beneficial to our health, including reducing blood pressure and cholesterol.So, it only makes sense that a closer look at the root of the fruit is in order. Or, the seed, where all the nutrients are born. But, it’s like a rock to chew, and far too large to swallow whole. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to prepare the seed so it can be added to your diet.
Preparing the Seed
First, you will need to remove the seed from the flesh, which can be messy and difficult at times. However, there is a little trick I learned…
Slice the avocado lengthwise with outer skin intact, as pictured below. Tap into the seed with a large and sharp knife.
Once the knife has taken hold of the seed, twist it until it pops out.
Next, you will need to prepare the seed(s). You do this by the following method:
#1. Rinse the seed.#2. Place them in an oven to dehydrate, at 250° F, for 2 hours.
#3. After dehydration, the outer skin of the seed can easily be removed.
#4. Use a large knife to slice the seeds.
#5. Put into a high powered blender, or coffee grinder.
#6. Pulse until it turns into a powder.
Now, what do you do with this powder?
Using the Avocado Seed Powder
Once you have the powder ready, you will need to find ways to ingest it. However, I would caution you to use in moderation, until you know how well you can tolerate it. In addition to studies still being conducted, it tends to have a strong flavor. I found it rather bitter. So, you might not want to eat it without camouflaging it in some other food. There are several ways you can add the powder to your diet such as adding a 1-2 teaspoons to:
- Smoothies
- Oatmeal
- Baking
- Entrees
- Beverages
Of course, this not to replace eating the flesh, as that is a wonderful and healthy fruit to eat…and it tastes good. But, there might be times you don’t have fresh avocados on hand, or simply want a break…yet, don’t want to miss out on the nutrients. So, if you tend to eat an avocado twice a week and want a break, adding this powder to your diet a couple times a week could be a good alternative for you.
However, keep in mind that consuming excessive amounts of anything is not recommended. In other words, this is not meant to be a daily supplement. Consuming avocado seed powder is gaining in popularity. But keep in mind, the act of doing so still has some critics.
Storing the Avocado Powder
You can store the unused portion of the powder in a container, and place it in the freezer.
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Wow. This is amazing! Thank you Nicole!!
Hi Patrycja,
Thank you so much for your comment and for your kind words as well.
I really appreciate it!
God bless!
Suppose you put the powder into 2.5 litres water and drink at intervals. Is there any objection?
I plan to try this thanks for these emails they are very educational
Hi Victor,
Thank you so much for your comment.
I am happy that you are enjoying our articles.
God bless!
I will definitely try the avocado deed recipe because I do have high cholesterol & take medication which I would love to be able to s l o w l y get away from. I will also consult my GP before stopping the medication.
Hi Janice,
Thank you so much for your comment.
You should consult your GP before using any herb as well! It is very important to know the possible effects they may have.
God bless!
I also have 4 seeds waiting to try to make the avocado powder and help me get off my BP meds (hopefully!). Thanks Nicole!
Careful for those prone to kidney or gollstones.
Same goes for ground egg shells. I read that somewhere.
Hi Lise,
Thank you so much for your comment.
You are right! Avocados, including guacamole, should be avoided on a renal diet, especially if you have been told to watch your potassium intake.
God bless!
Thank you for the renal diet information! Very important!
I actually have done this before. However I grated the seed once dry. Then blended it into smoothies. Be creative
Hi Mark,
Thank you so much for sharing your tip! I really appreciate it.
God bless!
I have a dehydrator that only goes to 150 degrees. How long should I put them in for?
Hi Deborah,
Thank you so much for your comment.
If you are willing to dehydrate your avocado seeds, please read the following steps:
1. Wash the avocado fruit and slice it in half.
2. Using a spoon, take out the seed. Then remove the outer skin of the avocado.
3. Cut the fruit into thinner slices. Soak them into a bowl of lime juice to prevent oxidation.
4. Arrange the slices on the dehydrator tray. Use more dehydrator trays if necessary.
5.Set the dehydrator to 135°F-140°F, then dehydrate for 8-10 hours.
6. Take one out and check if it’s brittle. If not, dehydrate again for two hours.
7. Let the dehydrated avocado slices cool.
God bless!
Since the point of the article was working with the avocado seed, I think she was referring to how long to put the avocado SEEDS into a dehydrator with a max temp of 150 F. for, not the avocado itself.
Good to know that you can dehydrate the avocado flesh itself. Never would have thought of that myself.
Hi Nicole,
I recently purchased the lost Book of herbal remedies and I would appreciate it if you have any suggestions for kidney friendly herbs and how to administer the right dosage. My Nephrologist told me that I don’t have to be concerned about dialysis until my gfr reaches 20. Also davita responded to my request when I asked them to allow me to speak to a kidney dietician, that their dietician is only available for kidney patients on dialysis. This indicated to me that unless you have kidney disease and are on dialysis, that care is not available until it is too late to save your kidneys. What type of backwood medicine is that?
Hey Melvin, it’s going to be tough to find someone to give medical advice since you are looking for something that you’re actively fighting. If your kidneys are failing due to diabetes then take that on first. You can use supplements and study articles from naturopathic doctors like this one https://holistic-kidney.com/natural-medicine-and-kidney-disease but there are so many resources. You may want to seek the help from a functional health practitioner or naturopathic doctor so they can monitor you while taking strong herbal concoctions. Good Luck!
Hi Melvin, have you ever tried a completely Whole Food Plant Based diet? Possibly something worth looking into for your kidney issues. After watching Forks Over Knives last year, my husband (a kidney transplant patient) and I switched to a plant based diet as taught by Dr Caldwell Esselstyn in his book, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. In 8 months, he has lost 50lbs, GFR went from 28 to 52, he had to stop all BP meds and is using about 75% less insulin than before. His nephrologists have been very supportive.
Dr John R Christopher taught that parsley tea and juniper berry tea could be useful for kidneys. You might want to read up on his writings. He also started a school. The book, ” an herbal legacy of courage”, tells his story
I should think encapsulating the avocado powder would be the best and the easiest method to consume it as well as keep it
might be good to add back to the guacamole. I’ve read the peels are good to eat as well but haven’t tried them. How long will the seed powder store for?
[…] How to Use Avocado Seeds to Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol […]
Thanks for sharing so much useful information. Always wanted to know what I could do with the pit how much could you take each day?
Hi Sandra,
Thank you for your comment.
The avocado seed powder is not meant to be a daily supplement.
It is best to only eat it occasionally to reduce the likelihood of harmful side effects.
You can add it to your soups, smoothies, oats.
God bless!
I use the whole seed in with smoothie. removing
the thin layer first though. They are actually quite soft.
I have always enjoyed a wholesome, plant based diet having grown up on a family farm with our own milk, meat and eggs, a huge veggie garden and lots of wild and homegrown fruits. My mother taught us foraging, early in lifea nd still enjoy a good diet. But for the past 30 years I have high BP. I have tried to lower it with natural remedies but none seem to help so I have to go back to using Rx drugs. 🙁 I’ve tried using more garlic (which I love); drinking more water and eating more of several recommended herbs, veggies and drinking different teas. I’ve never smoked and don’t drink alcohol or sodas. I avoid unnecessary sugar, salt or oils ; I’m not diabetic or over weight. Still, I have high BP and had a major stroke at only 49. Now I have to work at using avocado seeds? Oh me oh my….Discouraging to say the least.
There is not a recommended measured amount to put in oatmeal or other. How much is considered acceptable for benefits and not too much?