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How to Make Stinging Nettle Shampoo For Hair Growth COVER

How to Make Stinging Nettle Shampoo For Hair Growth

This Stinging Nettle Shampoo For Hair Growth recipe primarily uses ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen or pantry.

Urtica dioica L., also known as ‘Stinging nettle’, is a common perennial weed that grows all over the States, South Asia, and Europe. Stinging nettle weed is considered aggressive and invasive, which summarizes this wild herb in a nutshell.

The bottom of the nettle’s toothed leaf is covered with sharp needle-like hairs called trichomes, which deliver a shot of formic acid and histamine when touched.

In other words… nettles sting when you touch them!

It only takes one time of being stung by the Stinging nettle plant to dissuade you from ever going near one again. But this bitey little nettle has many benefits to offer once you get past the rough exterior. For example, Stinging nettle is an excellent hair loss inhibitor.

Nettles for Hair

Stinging nettle contains many vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, and polyphenols, which is probably why it’s been used as food and medicine for a super long time.

Various pharmacological activities, such as its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory effects, make nettle excellent for hair because bacteria and fungus often play a significant role in conditions like SD (seborrheic dermatitis) and eczema, which ultimately lead to hair loss.

Nettle leaf also has cleansing and purifying properties, which is another reason why it’s so great for a DIY shampoo.

When combined with other herbs like Chamomile, Horsetail, and Yarrow, Stinging nettle proved to have antiandrogenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, angiogenic, and hair-stimulating features. Furthermore, in a single-blind placebo study, this concoction proved more effective in preventing and reducing hair fallout in subjects with androgenetic alopecia and telogen effluvium.

When dealing with skin conditions associated with hair loss, it’s imperative not to use soaps and products that aggravate the skin or scalp because it could worsen them.

This homemade hair growth shampoo recipe is pH balanced and free from castile soap or baking soda commonly found in other DIY shampoo recipes.

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Importance of pH in Haircare

Your hair’s natural pH is somewhat acidic, around 4.5 to 5.5, and it’s healthiest whenever it is in this state. Maintaining proper pH levels on the scalp also alleviates other symptoms such as flaking, itching, redness, and hair loss.

Castile soap and baking soda can both raise the pH levels of the hair and scalp, which is not what you want, especially if you already have issues with the scalp including hair loss.

Castile soap is also known to strip color from color-treated hair, and just maybe… you’re not entirely ready to display your grey for the whole world to see.

This nettle hair shampoo recipe primarily uses ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen or pantry.  Each component in this recipe has fairly low pH levels and adds its own unique gift to the mix.

Let’s look at a few of them closer:

  • Coconut Milk for Hair – Coconut milk contains lauric acid, which is highly absorbable and low in molecular weight. Coconut milk can soften and penetrate the hair shaft, promote hair growth, and moisturize the scalp. Coconut is an excellent cleanser because of its potent antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties.
  • Castor Oil for Hair – Ricinoleic acid found in Castor oil may boost circulation in the scalp and work cohesively with other nutrients in this hair growth shampoo while promoting healthier and stronger hair from the root to the tip. Additionally, castor oil can help pull moisture into the skin and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which may help improve overall skin, scalp, and hair health.
  • Honey for Hair – Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also rich in hair-promoting vitamins and minerals such as nicotinic acid, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6. In addition, honey moisturizes both hair and scalp.
  • Jojoba Oil for Hair – Jojoba oil isn’t really an oil but rather an oily wax that helps strengthen hair and protect it against breakage, drying, and splitting. Jojoba is nutrient-dense with hair growth-promoting vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C, B, E, copper, and zinc. Jojoba oil can also help alleviate dandruff.
Optional Essential Oils

This recipe includes the option to add additional essential oils, which you may want to do if you don’t like the scent of coconut milk, as it can smell a bit sour. Many herbs are multifaceted, so there are many options here, which is a beautiful… beautiful thing.

Here’s a brief list of some essential oils you may want to consider adding to your shampoo. These oils smell amazing AND improve the vitality and health of your hair and scalp.

  • Chamomile
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Rose
  • Cedar Wood
  • Sage
  • Peppermint
  • Tea Tree
  • Carrot Seed

Coconut Milk Stinging Nettle Shampoo Recipe

Gather together all of your ingredients.

You will need:

How to Make Stinging Nettle Shampoo For Hair Growth all ingredientsHow to Make Stinging Nettle Shampoo For Hair Growth all ingredients

  • 1 can of full-fat coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp. of liquid raw honey
  • 1 tsp. of jojoba oil
  • 1 tsp. of castor oil
  • 2 tbsp. of organic apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp. of nettle leaf oil (you can use the extract, although it may separate)
  • 10 drops of other essential oils of choice (optional)
  • 1 – inch cubed candy molds
  • A bowl
  • A wire whisk
  • A squeeze bottle
  • A jar to store in the refrigerator
  • A container to keep frozen cubes

Step 1. Open up the can of coconut milk and add it to your bowl.How to Make Stinging Nettle Shampoo For Hair Growth coconut milk in bowl step 1Step 2.  Add the honey, castor oil, vinegar, jojoba oil, and nettle leaf oil.How to Make Stinging Nettle Shampoo For Hair Growth honey and oil in bowl colaj step 2

Step 3. (optional) Add up to ten drops of additional essential oils.How to Make Stinging Nettle Shampoo For Hair Growth adding essentil oils step 3

Step 4. Whisk all ingredients thoroughly.How to Make Stinging Nettle Shampoo For Hair Growth mixing ingredientsStep 5. Pour the shampoo into a squeeze bottle, then divide it equally into the candy molds.

How to Make Stinging Nettle Shampoo For Hair Growth pouring shampoo in bottleStep 6. I filled three molds with this recipe. If you don’t want to freeze your Nettle shampoo, you can store it in the squeeze bottle in the refrigerator for up to a week.How to Make Stinging Nettle Shampoo For Hair Growth filling moldsStep 7. Place the candy molds into the freezer overnight or until frozen solid.

Step 8. Remove the shampoo cubes from the molds and place them in a freezer-safe container.

How to Use Your Nettle Shampoo

It does take some time to adjust to washing your hair with this coconut and Nettle shampoo.  There won’t be any suds, but rest assured that this herbal shampoo will completely clean your hair and scalp leaving it healthy and moisturized.  You can spritz a bit of vinegar on your hair after you shampoo to soften and detangle it as conditioner does.  You won’t smell it much after it has dried, leaving your hair feeling soft, light, and luxurious.  Better yet, try using a herbal-infused vinegar-like lavender vinegar.

Remove a couple of shampoo cubes from the freezer the day before or in the morning you plan to shampoo and let them thaw in the fridge.  You can add them to a squeeze bottle to make them easier to apply if you want.  The number of cubes you use will depend on the hair length, but you should only need 1-3 cubes.

Massage the shampoo directly into the scalp.

Then rub the hair in a downward motion towards the tips.

Let the shampoo sit for 1-3 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

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Does this help strengthen hair as well

Yes, Jojoba oil is an oily wax that helps strengthen hair and protect it against breakage, drying, and splitting.

Is this good for going bald? Will it start growth back

Hi Johnny,

There isn’t much research on the use of stinging nettle to promote hair growth in the case of baldness, but one of them found that doing so boosted the proliferation of dermal papilla cells. These cells control hair growth and are a component of the hair follicle.
Many Blessings and Good Health!

Where is Nettle oil found or a d I Y method to make it?
Please 😊

I found some in the vitamin/mineral section of Sprouts, which is a mostly natural, mostly grocery store in Albuquerque, NMt(hough I think it’s a nationwide chain.) You can probably find it at Whole Foods, or if you know of an herb store or anything like that they should be able to help you.

I’m allergic to coconut and other nuts. Is there a substitute for coconut milk that would be similarly effective?

Hi Amy,

You can use Aloe Vera gel instead. It helps your hair become stronger, softer and shinier.
Many blessings and good health!

Hello there.
Those are good recipes and i use on my shampoo two ingredients like coconut cream and honey.
I had stopped use shampoo several years ago and then i was using it my hair was thin and weak. After i start make my mixture my hair is strong and i don’t have to wash them so often. twice a month is plenty.
Mixture what i make is
Coconut cream or paste
Onion juice
Egg yoke (only yellow part)
Essential oil (to remove onion smell)

I had done youtube video all so how i make that mixture

Hi Toivo,

Thank you so much for sharing your homemade shampoo recipe with us!
We appreciate your contribution.

Many blessings and good health!

Other “hair” oils that are used by women in India are: Bhringraj, Brahmi, Amla. Other herbs for hair growth are: Horsetail, Rosemary, Fenugreek, Hibiscus, Fo-Ti Root, Shikakai, Bhringraj, Brahmi and Alma. Other Essential Oils for Hair growth: Rosemary, Thyme, Clary Sage, Basil. I have read that Kale extract is good for hair also, as is Aloe Vera and Glycerin.
I have a really nice homemade shampoo using most of these and it has helped my thinning hair, but I’ll try anything and will try this recipe.
Thank you

I love this. My partner taught me to always get shampoo without parabens, sulphates, or silicone, and my hair is MUCH healthier since I’ve been doing that. This would absolutely qualify, and I’m sure it would help my hair get stronger and nicer than ever. His doesn’t need help, though he’ll appreciate using even more natural hair products. I bet my sister would love it, too.

it would be useful to know how to make the nettle leaf oil for those who have lots of nettle

Thank you for this recipe. It would be helpful to know the size of things, like what size of a can (how many ounces) of coconut milk, and the size of the squares in the cube trays. These products come in varying sizes in different parts of the country and by different manufacturers.

I have a stinging nettle tincture made with 100 proof vodka. Would it be okay to substitute that for the stinging nettle oil?

Hello. How many ounces is a can of coconut juice? I never use anything coconut and am not certain how many ounces of aloe vera gel to substitute. Thank you.

You forgot to mention the main ingredient which is nettle 😂

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