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You Need to Make This Before December

As the leaves start to fall, we find ourselves running at full speed, and that causes our immune systems to drop. Between everyday life stress, work, school, and other factors, our bodies tend to get tired towards the end of the year. There is nothing worse than getting sick this time of the year! But don’t worry, we have something you need to make before December to prepare for the cold days ahead.

This is my immune-boosting tincture recipe that you can make a few days or weeks before the winter season hits, the noses run, and the bodies shut down!

How to Prepare Your Immune System for Winter

Your immune system drops when you do not get enough sleep. Ensure you get your 8 hours of rest so your body can heal and ward off infections.

Eating a balanced diet will help you get all the necessary vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system.

Fresh air is great for the lungs, so it helps to get out of the house often. Or at least, open the windows in the morning. Stagnant indoor air carries germs and bacteria that can make you sick.

Probiotics will become your best friend in winter. They help increase your gut health, which is going to help your immune system fight off harmful bacteria.

Ensure you are drinking enough liquids. When your body begins to dehydrate, the immunity shield weakens and the body becomes susceptible to illness.

The Benefits of The Ingredients I Use

It is essential to know the different health benefits of each ingredient before consuming them, as each has a unique purpose to help boost your immune system. Let’s take a look…

Elderberry is one of the most effective herbs when it comes to boosting your immune system. According to one study, they help break fever and protect against the flu.

It helps to decrease the mucus when you feel stuffy and has antibacterial properties. If you are already sick, taking Elderberry will help ease your cold and flu symptoms and will help your kidneys flush out the bacteria quickly.

Astragalus has become very popular in Western medicine. From a Chinese medicine point of view, the root is seen as a protective sphere that helps protect your body from harmful bacteria. Studies have shown that not only does it help boost your immune system, but it also helps regulate your white blood cells. These cells are our natural defense against germs. They also have antiviral properties, making them an ideal ingredient to use when you feel like you are coming down with something but are wondering if it is bacterial or viral.

Nettles have antioxidant properties and contain Vitamin A and Vitamin C. These properties help to protect your immune system against damage when you are sick but also help to ensure that your immune system gets stronger quicker once you have been ill. Research has shown that Nettles help to stimulate T-cells, which can help your body fight infections that weaken your immune system.

Raspberries are underrated ingredients. They can be a bit bitter at times, and some people do not enjoy the texture of their skin, but they are so good for your immune system! They contain Vitamin C, which we know is good for your overall health, but they also have anti-inflammatory properties. When we have an infection in our body, the inflammation markers in our bodies rise. Raspberries help to reduce inflammation, which will decrease swelling in the body and help to take the strain off our vital organs, such as our lungs.

Peppermint has incredible properties that are outstanding for your immune system. Peppermint helps to relieve pain. We all know that when we are sick, our bodies tend to get sore, and the muscle spasms and cramps can make you feel even worse. It also helps with nausea. Mucus builds up when you are sick and can leave you feeling nauseous; the peppermint in this tincture will help combat nausea.

Honey is not something that is added directly into this tincture. It is only added if you do not like the taste, however, nothing we add to this mix doesn’t have a benefit for our immune system. Raw honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can help combat the effects of thrush if you have been placed on an antibiotic and want to take your immune-boosting tincture to help as well. It will also help to soothe sore throats and can help with irritating coughs that are caused by the cold air during the winter season.

How to Make Your Immune-Boosting Tincture

The following immune-boosting tincture is very simple. I have a family of 6 people, so when I make this tincture, I make 2l (0.5 gallons), which is enough for my whole family. This tincture will last my entire family for about three months before I have to create a new batch.

If you have a smaller family or wish to make a smaller amount, just halve the recipe. All the ingredients can be found year-round, which is why I love this recipe!

Pro tip: if you are unable to use alcohol for health reasons or because you want to give this mix to children, you can use apple cider vinegar or food grade vegetable glycerin instead.

Ingredients:You Need to Make This Before December - ingredients
  • ¼ cup dried Elderberry
  • ¼ cup dried Astragalus
  • ⅛ cup of dried Nettles
  • ⅛ cup dried Raspberries
  • 2 Tablespoons dried Peppermint
  • enough vodka or white rum to fill your glass container
  • glass bottle or mason jar
  1. Roughly chop or grind your herbs before placing them in the glass container. This will increase the surface area, allowing for better extraction. You Need to Make This Before December - add ingredients
  2. Cover your herbs with either rum or vodka. I prefer to use vodka as I find it extracts better. Place the lid on and let it infuse in a cool, dark place.You Need to Make This Before December - pour vodka
  3. You will notice after a week that the color is going to change from clear to purple and then dark purple.
  4. The longer you leave your tincture, the more potent it will become. I left mine for 4 weeks, shaking it every couple of days.
  5. Strain your tincture and pour it in a dropper bottle. Keep in a dark and cool location.

How To Use

I usually start to take this tincture about two weeks before the weather begins to change. It gives my immune system enough time to start getting stronger before the germs start to flow through the air.

I also take it when I feel like I am going through a stressful time, as I do not want my immune system to drop because of stress.

You can take 10-15 drops three times a day during the winter season to boost your immune system.

If you are getting a bit sick, you can slowly increase the dose. If the taste is bitter, add your drops in a cup of warm water mixed with 1 tsp of raw honey. If you can manage the taste, you can drop the tincture directly under your tongue for better absorption.

No one wants to be sick at the Christmas table or to feel out of sorts when they’re on their holiday. This recipe that I’ve shared with you is something that you need to make before December comes, as it is going to help keep your family healthy and stronG during the busy holiday season!

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This is a great recipe, please do some research though if you have / had hormone sensitive cancer
Raspberry is contraindicated for those that have had breast cancer. Is there a substitute that could be used?

I’m new to the herb world, can you offer any suggestions as where I should shop for these herbs so as to make this tincture? If I do a search what would I search on; Herb store?

I’m new to this where is a trusted place to buy these organic herbs ?

Mountain Rose Herbs

Could I use dried rosehips instead of the raspberries? Also, is it dried elderberries or just the dried flowers?
Thanks for all you do!

I bought your book of Lost herbs, but never received it, and no one helped me when I inquired about it.
I still would like the book.
Joan H

I am also new to herbalism. What is your opinion on equipment like the magic butter maker which they state allows you to make tinctures in 4 hours?

Hello, I was wondering, once made, how long does the tincture last?

what sized container are you using for this recipe? You mention how you make a half gallon amount for your family, but the photos look more like a pint or quart size jar. Just want to clarify. Thanks! Excited to make this for the winter season.

The book says to fill a glass jar 1/3 to 1/2 full of dried herbs without packing, and then add the alcohol leaving 1/2 inch headspace. I know you want a more precise response (I do too) but if you don’t at least you have something to go by. It’s on page 39 under pictures/extracts.

Isn’t the email this link came out on a little bit “shock jock” in nature? I appreciate all the recipes and information we get, but some of it is starting to sound a lot like click bait rather than relying on the value of the information itself.

Store bought raspberries work? They’re out of season, probably can’t find them in stores or farmers markets.

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