What Happens If You Take 2 Cloves Every Day?
I always associate cloves with the holiday season. A key ingredient in gingerbread, cloves add that distinctive flavor to that holiday treat. But cloves are more than just a holiday spice.
They are common in Indian cuisine and other forms of cooking as well. And this flavorful spice has many health benefits that will have you wanting to add two cloves to your diet every day.
What Are Cloves?
Cloves come from the clove tree, Syzygium aromaticum, native to the Spice Islands of Indonesia. Now they are grown in many different tropical locations.
An evergreen tree, the clove tree can reach heights ranging from 15 – 30 feet. It has smooth bark and gray or grayish-yellow aromatic leaves.
The small reddish-brown flower buds are dried and used as the spice we find at the store.
What Happens If You Take 2 Cloves Every Day?
Improve Overall Health
Cloves can help you improve your health in general. They are high in certain nutrients and antioxidants. Anti-oxidants help your body fight chronic diseases.
They can help lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, improve arterial circulation and increase your lifespan.
Cloves can also help boost your white blood cells, boosting your immunity. By adding cloves and other high anti-oxidant foods you can improve your general well-being.
Improve Blood Sugar
Diabetics have a problem producing insulin, which helps control blood sugar. Studies have shown that cloves can help your body regulate your blood sugar.
They do this by increasing insulin production in your body. They also aid in sugar absorption in your cells. So, adding cloves to your diet could help improve your blood sugar.
Improve Liver Function
Cloves contain a compound called eugenol. It has been found that eugenol may be beneficial to liver function. It may help reduce inflammation and decrease oxidative stress.
There have been several studies done on animals showing the effects of eugenol on the liver, including the ability to reverse cirrhosis of the liver.
However, research on humans is limited. It is also important to note that eugenol in high quantities can cause liver damage, so consume cloves and clove oil sparingly.
Help Build Bone Mass
Many elderly suffer from osteoporosis, a condition caused by a loss of bone mass with age. Osteoporosis increases your risk of fractures and breaks in the event of a fall.
Cloves are high in manganese, a mineral that is essential to bone health.
Animal studies have shown that both eugenol and manganese help improve bone density. More research is needed but consuming cloves may help improve bone mass and reduce your risk for fractures.
Aid Digestion
The compounds found in cloves have been shown to increase the levels of stomach mucus in animals. This gastric mucus helps prevent the erosion of the lining of the stomach from too much acid.
Consuming cloves daily can help prevent indigestion but it also may do more than that. It may help prevent peptic ulcers. Studies in animals have shown that the compounds in cloves can be as effective as anti-ulcer medications.
Cloves are known for their anti-bacterial properties. Clove oil is particularly effective at killing three different strains of bacteria including E Coli, the bacteria that can cause food poisoning.
There are also effective at killing the bacteria that cause gum disease.
Dental Health
Cloves and clove oil are excellent for your dental health. You can make clove oil or clove mouthwash easily at home.
Not only are cloves effective at reducing gingivitis and periodontitis, but they also can help with dental pain.
Simply use a cotton ball to rub a small bit of clove oil onto the aching tooth or gums and the pain should subside. To make clove oil simply follow this recipe:
Clove Oil
- 1 ounce of carrier oil (olive or coconut)
- 5-10 whole cloves
- a jar
- Cheesecloth (optional)
- Add 5-10 whole cloves to a clean dry jar.
Pour your carrier oil over your cloves. It should be about one inch above the top of the cloves.
- Seal tightly. Shake the jar a few times.
- Place in a cool dark place for 10-14 days. Shake daily. When it is ready, use the cheesecloth to strain the cloves from the oil.
Clove oil is also an effective insect repellent.
May Help Against Cancer
Studies have shown that high amounts of eugenol can be effective at fighting cancer. It has been shown to help stop the growth of cancer cells and help kill cancer cells, specifically esophageal and cervical cancer cells. Overall, eugenol has been shown to have anti-cancer properties but most studies have focused on highly concentrated amounts.
Cloves should not be consumed in high quantities because high quantities of eugenol can be toxic or cause liver damage. Small children are specifically at risk.
If you are looking to heat up your relationship, add some spice to your diet. Cloves have long been held to have aphrodisiac qualities and studies in animals seem to show that to be the case. So next time you are planning a romantic dinner, don’t forget to add the cloves to your recipe.
How to Use Cloves
Cloves have a strong, spicy flavor with a warm to hot taste. Some examples of using cloves in food and drinks include:
- Orange, cinnamon, and clove mead
- Hot spiced cranberry cider
- Spiced tea
- Little powdered cloves with 70% dark chocolate and heavy cream. Add hot milk or water and stir well.
- Use cloves in Indian cuisine. Cloves are a popular addition to many curry dishes and to the biryani.
- Fruit pies. Typically, they are added to pies that need a warm, spicy flavor.
- Relishes, chutneys, and pickles. Cloves make a spicy addition to many of these condiments.
- Use them with pumpkin and squash dishes; the cloves complement the flavors of these fruit vegetables well.
With all the health benefits of cloves, it is easy to see why you would want to incorporate them into your daily diet. If you are looking for more creative ways than gingerbread, check out Indian cuisine. Cloves are a common ingredient in many Indian dishes. Get creative and start enjoying the health benefits of this amazing spice.
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I always use cloves for toothache. I didn’t know you could use them for so many things.
I have used cloves for toothaches also, I am glad to learn more uses for it.
How are cloves used for tooth ache? Thanks in advance 🙏
Can I swallow cloves each day like a pill for the same benefit?
Hi Melody,
Cloves can pose a choking hazard similar to that of fish bones if they are swallowed whole. You can chew on them, make a cup of tea, or simply add them to your food while cooking, but remove them at the end.
It’s best to grind 2 whole cloves into powder using a pestle and mortar just prior to using them to ensure flavor and freshness are at their peak. To stud an ingredient with cloves, stick whole cloves into it so that the bud heads protrude. Make sure to remove whole cloves before serving as they have a strong, pungent, and slightly unpleasant flavor on their own.
God bless!
Thank you for this information could I taje a few whole clives naybe 3 cruch them and then pour boiled water iver them and drink it as a daily tea
Hi Usha,
Thank you for your comment.
Recipe: 1 tablespoon of whole cloves and 1-quart water.
To make clove tea, grind the spice, and let it steep in hot water for 20 minutes.
You can use 1 Tablespoon whole cloves. But if this recipe is too strong for your preference, you can use fewer cloves.
This recipe makes 4 cups of tea, which you may drink hot, cold, or reheated. It will stay good for several days when stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator.
God bless!
I can’t thank you enough for sharing the many health uses of cloves.
Article indicates to “ consume” 2 cloves daily. Can I get a bit more direction? Swallow whole? Chew? Put in a tea?
Hi Beth,
Depending on the problem that needs solving, you can either make a tea (by grinding the spice and let it steep in hot water for 20 minutes) or make the clove oil (for dental health), or simply add 2 cloves to your food.
Cloves can be used whole or ground. You can just insert whole cloves into baked hams, oranges, apples or onions to add flavour or add ground cloves to curries.
They can also be used to flavour syrups and baked goods.
God bless!
I use cloves in foods and drinks most of the time.
I appreciate your knowledge of herbs, I’m learning a lot from you. Thanks a bunch
Bit confused here says take two cloves daily then further down say sparingly as cloves and clove oil may cause liver damage so how much a day is safe?
Good question I was wondering the same. I was taking 2 per day for the winter months.
Like a previous reader, what are we to think when the article contradicts itself, saying take two cloves daily, then saying too much may damage your liver?
Though cloves have many benefits, they may also have certain side effects. Studies show that eugenol, an important compound in cloves, can cause allergies. It’s not a contradiction. It is ok to consume 2 cloves a day as the title says.
According to the World Health Organization, the acceptable daily dosage of cloves per day is 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
Anything beyond this can cause complications.
God bless!
two per day won’t hurt your liver.
How do I take cloves daily? I use Clove essential oil on feet and for dental pain. But, for NH lymphoma (in remission 3 months) how would I use? Thank you. Blessings.❤️
The only thing is the title says taking 2 cloves but that is never addressed. How do you take 2 cloves without choking?
Hi Addie,
Indeed, cloves can pose a choking hazard similar to that of fish bones if they are swallowed whole. You can chew on them, make a cup of tea, or simply add them to your food while cooking, but remove them at the end.
It’s best to grind 2 whole cloves into powder using a pestle and mortar just prior to using them to ensure flavor and freshness are at their peak. To stud an ingredient with cloves, stick whole cloves into it so that the bud heads protrude. Make sure to remove whole cloves before serving as they have a strong, pungent, and slightly unpleasant flavor on their own.
God bless!
Some of these comments are insane? Are you all taking the poison potion or something? The article makes perfect sense and obviously 2 cloves a day is safe and will not cause liver damage. Also the question “HOW”? Seems extremely strange to me. Do you not know how to eat things? Place in mouth, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew… then swallow.
Hi Shirley! Cool post. It does require a teeny bit of common sense, but not too much – just the right amount.
Oooh my God you made me laugh I swear you read my mind 😂 🤣 😅 2cloves daily and you chew chew chew until
How does one add cloves to the daily diet to help with Diabetes? Just crush them, and put on food?? I’m missing something…
Hi Dennis,
1-3 grams of cloves a day for 30 days can help patients with diabetes manage risk factors including glucose and triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels.
You can either make a tea (by grinding the spice and let it steep in hot water for 20 minutes) or simply add them to your food while cooking.
It’s best to grind 2 whole cloves into powder using a pestle and mortar just prior to using them to ensure flavor and freshness are at their peak. To stud an ingredient with cloves, stick whole cloves into it so that the bud heads protrude. Make sure to remove whole cloves before serving as they have a strong, pungent, and slightly unpleasant flavor on their own.
God bless!
Thank you so much for this article ! I am convinced that cloves are excelent for your hair
It can kill fungus that are in many ways responsible for hair loose
I had no idea cloves were so beneficial. I’m excited and just took my first 2 cloves.
It says to avoid in high quantity. So the way I read it is that two cloves would be what they consider sparingly. That is my take on it, hopefully Nicole or her associates will answer this for us.
I hope we get an answer soon. I want to give this a try.
It is ok to consume 2 cloves a day as the title says. Though cloves have many benefits, they may also have certain side effects. Studies show that eugenol, an important compound in cloves, can cause allergies.
According to the World Health Organization, the acceptable daily dosage of cloves per day is 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
Anything beyond this can cause complications.
God bless!
How many mgs is the average clove – just for science?
I agree with Debra Jacob’s if thebexpert can chime in as well to answer question would be greatly appreciated
how can u take 2 cloves a day when they taste so strong? is there a way to ingest thats more appealing without incorporating into cooking
I am going to put them in a gel capsule.
Get weaker cloves.
Me too, as I stopped taking them for a month and have started up again.
Do you grind down the 2 cloves?
One might. Another might grind them up.
Thank you for a lot of interesting info, but I still don’t know how to consume this – do I chew the entire clove, do i eat the oil (how much?) or just use it topically… Please, please explain so more… 🙏
Dear Lost Herbs,
You keep answering the same – about the quantity – but a lot of us still wander, how is it best to consume it – swallow, chew, grind, cook, consume oil (how much oil from your recipe), … can one also eat 100% essential oil? We would be most grateful if you share this also. Thank you!
Hi Nina,
There is no one universal rule for how to eat your cloves. Whether you eat it whole, ground, or as an oil extract, the benefits are the same. It all depends on your preferences. However, be aware that cloves can pose a choking hazard similar to that of fish bones if they are swallowed whole, so it’s best to grind them or if you are cooking with whole cloves, they should be removed before serving.
If you want to use cloves for dental health it is best to use clove oil (as mentioned in the article ) and for a fresh breath, you can simply chew on them.
You can also make tea.
Clove essential oil is very potent, so be sure to dilute it with a carrier oil. A ratio of 15 to 30 percent, or one drop of essential oil for every three drops of carrier oil it is recommended when using topically to avoid skin irritation. When it comes to ingesting clove oil, or any essential oil really, it should only be done encased in a vegetable capsule or gelatin capsule and under doctor supervision.
God bless!
Amazing patience! You have answered the same questions over and over with supreme grace.
Now, exactly how do I take those two cloves…? JUST KIDDING!!!
Don’t forget that for fun, you may roll one or two peppercorns (I like the expensive Vietnamese ones) around in the mouth until they start to erode layers; just pry off one layer at a time. Soybeans do this too and pass the time very nicely.
Just don’t choke as you learn how to do it.
Google it. Crush them and add to dishes or boil 3-5 of them and consume as a tea.
And, for Pete’s sake, don’t stick them in your ears.
You can also grind them
And capsule them in empty capsules. I get my empty capsules from rosemountainherbs.com
Hope this helps 🤎
Can I grind up the cloves and put them in a pill capsule and then swallow them that way?
I have understood from the original post about the quantity of cloves to take it has been straight forward from the beginning. Having you repeat yourself over and over because people can’t understand what they’re reading is frustrating. READ THE WHOLE ARTICAL AGAIN ! They are not doctors giving you a prescription. This is helpful advice given in a general format. Take 2 cloves a day. You decide how you want to do that. They tell you TEA, GROUND, IN OTHER FOOD. What is so hard to understand?
No, but seriously, exactly how do I take it again? It was NEVER mentioned…. I would count how many times people asked and the answer given, but it’s not worth the time. Seriously, I am going to use this post as an example for my upper elementary grade students for the skill of rereading for an answer. I will not publish names, but we will read the informational article, ascertain the author’s purpose, summarize, and then show the questions asked by readers. I mean no disrespect. It is always a stronger lesson when I use real-world examples. A cautionary tale, it more permanently drives home the lesson in a humorous way.
Dude… take a Zanax
Good article, thank you!
I put about a tsp of whole cloves with my coffee beans in the grinder (for a whole pot of coffee).
I love herbs all kinds.
they smell good too
Can I use clove for waist pain.?
Yes. Stick a few between your waistband and skin; that should do nicely.
As a teenager, many years ago, concerned about bad breath. Mom would tell us to chew on a clove for a bit then spit it out. It worked. Love the natural remedies that society has disregarded for profit. Thanks for the reminder.
I always use cloves when cooking a bacon or gammon joint. I add about 6 cloves to the water when boiling the joint, along with onion, mustard, carrot and celery.
Traditionally they are used to decorate a roast gammon – slice the skin off, leaving the fat. Make a diamond pattern in the fat crust (brown sugar rubbed into the outside fat and then studded with the cloves)
I’ve been drinking two cloves daily for the past few months and I can honestly say I wake up with no headaches, which I use to get every morning, I am clear minded and know my BP is lower. No dizziness spells and I don’t see white specks any more. I drink two whole cloves every morning.