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What Happens if You Bath in Rosemary Water

What Happens if You Bathe In Rosemary Water

If you haven’t tried bathing in rosemary water yet, maybe it is time to consider having one. Rosemary water is an aromatic elixir proven to elevate the mood and aid in many health problems.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a perennial shrub widely recognized for its hair and scalp benefits. It is also packed with essential nutrients that make it useful for both culinary and medicinal purposes.

Benefits of Rosemary Water

Rosemary water is technically prepared by boiling and steeping rosemary in water. In folk medicine, it is used to bathe an ill person and restore his health or sanity.

Presently, rosemary is most valued for its ability to encourage hair growth to treat alopecia and other hair loss issues. It is also used in aromatherapy to relieve stress and reduce brain fog.

Here’s what you will get by bathing with rosemary water.

Healthy Hair and Scalp

If you are experiencing significant and noticeable hair loss, try bathing in rosemary water and massaging it over your scalp. Rosemary water and rosemary essential oil may improve blood circulation to the scalp to reduce hair loss and encourage quicker hair growth.

Rosemary is very effective in preventing alopecia. It is a very effective antifungal and may be used to treat and prevent dandruff as well. It can be used as an alternative to minoxidil without the side effects of itching and scalp dryness.

Related: Nature’s Minoxidil

When it comes to hair growth, I’ve become the go-to expert among my friends. They come to me for advice on what to use, when to use it—morning or evening—and what habits to avoid to protect their hair. All this wisdom? I owe it to an incredible health and wellness book that changed the game for me. If you’re looking to elevate your self-care knowledge, this book is a must-have addition to your bookshelf!

Improved Brain Health

The pleasant smell of rosemary can alleviate stress and may help improve sleep quality. A study on a mouse model showed that rosemary compounds – carnosic and rosmarinic acid – improve memory and reduce oxidative stress. The smell of rosemary also boosts the neurotransmitters and activates the muscles to increase brain functions.

Other well-known remedies to help you fall asleep faster and actually get the rest you need over the night are Valerian Root, Hops, Chamomile, and Passionflower.

If you can’t put your hand on those easily, you can get them all as an already-made tincture from here. People call it ‘Nature’s Valium’. I used it, and others used it and confirmed it’s better than sleeping pills.

Treatment of Skin Problems

According to a study, rosemary contains antioxidant and antimicrobial properties making it useful for dermatologic practice. It has great potential for treating inflammatory and infectious skin diseases, although more research is needed to validate the assumptions. Rosemary water is a powerful antiseptic that can disinfect the skin from microbes and prevent many skin infections.

Relief from Joint and Muscle Pain

Topical application of rosemary, such as bath water and essential oil, assists in alleviating body aches and general malaise. Rosemary water promotes proper blood circulation, which can help reduce stiffness and pain. Rosemary oil is likewise used in massage therapy to manage arthritis and muscle pain.

If you’re like me and arthritis symptoms are already present in your daily activities (sore joints, joint pain, body aches…) don’t worry. I’ve got your back!

I found some time ago a soothing salve that relieved me from knee pain in minutes! It’s anti-inflammatory and famous for alleviating arthritis pain. I’ll leave a link for you HERE to check out the most powerful natural Joint & Movement Salve. 

JMB Review

Alleviate Menstrual Cramp

According to experts, taking a bath during a period is perfectly safe and will not hinder blood flow. In fact, it might greatly help alleviate menstrual pain and headaches. Adding rosemary to the bathwater gives it a therapeutic benefit that can soothe discomfort and improve mood.

Boosting Skin Health

Aside from being an anti-inflammatory herb, rosemary is also rich in Vitamin C, an important antioxidant for the skin. It helps reduce wrinkles and lines, stretch marks and age spots to even out the skin tone. Rosemary water is more effective and safer than rosemary oil against acne because it does not risk clogging the pores as oils do.

When I’m short and I need an instant fix for my skin, I go for the easier (and honestly my favorite) option: a lavender-scented salve that smells absolutely divine.

The infused herbs—like calendula and plantain—moisturize, reduce inflammation, and promote healing, while beeswax locks in hydration to prevent cracking and reinfection. With its calming lavender oil and skin-nourishing vitamin E, this salve ensures your skin recovers smoothly, leaving it healthy and protected.

I’ve been using it lately whenever my skin cracks from the cold or after my cat scratches my hands. It speeds up healing and leaves a really nice, soothing feeling afterward. Here’s how it looks like if you want to make it at home yourself!

Prevent Body Odor

The natural antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties of rosemary (you can read more about antifungal herbs here) can keep body odor at bay. Rosemary water contains volatile compounds that inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria to keep you feeling fresh all day long. You may also use rosemary oil as a deodorant for long-lasting odor protection.

Combat Stress and Fatigue

Warm baths are very relaxing and can help de-stress after a long day at work.  Rosemary elevates its effectiveness through its active compounds being absorbed by the skin. It lowers the cortisol level to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar for better sleep and relaxation. Rosemary water baths not only ease mental fatigue but also the overall body weakness.

Get Rid of Body Lice

Rosemary water and essential oil may help get rid of body lice and prevent them from coming back. It may also be used against head lice and fleas as its strong smell deters these parasitic insects. The added rosemary oil may dehydrate the lice and kill them eventually.

You can prepare a spray by boiling fresh rosemary leaves and adding a few drops of rosemary essential oil. Spray it on the skin to relieve itching, as well as on beddings and other areas where lice may be present.

Relieve Stress and Improve Memory

If you are feeling down and struggling with brain fog, give yourself a warm rosemary water bath. Rosemary opens the senses and clears the mind to help you destress. The scent of rosemary has the potential to enhance cognition and strengthen memory.

Rosemary contains cineole, a naturally occurring compound that prevents the breakdown of neurotransmitters. It helps improve the brain’s neuroplasticity to help one become mentally alert, and retain and consolidate learning.

You can always go full natural with a plant-based spray or tincture containing the most powerful sedatives found in nature: Ashwagandha, Lemon Balm, Lion’s Mane Mushroom and Reishi Mushroom. This blend contains everything your body needs to adapt to stress. It relieves anxiety, depression and stress-related insomnia.

The most trustworthy source in U.S. where you can get the Anxiety & Stress Tincture is Nicole’s Apothecary. I don’t usually recommend products, but this Apothecary really does the job.

Rosemary Bath Water

Nothing can be as relaxing as capping the day with a nice, warm bath. Adding the therapeutic benefit of herbs is a good elixir to ease the tensions and help you sleep soundly through the night.

Here is a simple yet effective rosemary bath water to warm your bones and delight your senses.  It is guaranteed to improve your sense of well-being and work to boost skin and scalp health.

This recipe can be prepared using fresh or dried rosemary usually found in grocery stores. Fresh rosemary has a mild effect but is abundant in volatile oils. Dried rosemary brings benefits similar to fresh rosemary but usually has a more distinct and concentrated aroma.

Rosemary Water Bath - ingredientsIngredients

  • A handful of dried rosemary leaves (or 10 hardy stems of fresh rosemary)
  • 2 cups water


  1. Add the rosemary to the water in a small pan. If using fresh leaves, add enough water to cover them entirely. You can add as much water as you like to cover up for liquid lost to evaporation. Rosemary Water Bath - step 1
  2. Boil the rosemary water and reduce the heat to a simmer. Rosemary Water Bath - step 2
  3. Simmer for at least 20 minutes to a couple of hours to get the desired strength of its aroma. Rosemary Water Bath - step 3
  4. Let cool and strain into a jar or container. You may keep the strained leaves in a muslin cloth and add it to the bath water if you like. If you are using fresh leaves, you can let them float freely in the bath if you like. Rosemary Water Bath - step 4

Rosemary Water Bath - ready remedyTo use: Add rosemary water to warm bath water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. You may also add essential oils like geranium, lavender, peppermint, or orange, which blend well with rosemary. Rosemary essential oil and a few drops of tea tree oil also boost its benefits for the skin and scalp.

Note: Rosemary essential oil is high in a compound called 1.8 cineole. As such, it is not recommended for use on children under the age of 10. Anyone using the essential oil should be advised to dilute the oil significantly in a carrier oil before application to the scalp, etc.

Rosemary is just the beginning. Imagine having a comprehensive guide to 250 natural remedies at your fingertips, from skin-soothing salves to memory-boosting elixirs. Nicole Apelian’s Forgotten Home Apothecary is the ultimate companion for anyone passionate about holistic health.

Inside, you’ll learn how to make remedies like:

  • Painkiller in a Jar: Made from wild lettuce, a natural alternative to pain relief.
  • Hair Growth Serum: The remedy used for any type of damaged hair.
  • Memory Elixir: A rosemary-based remedy proven to boost memory.
  • Nature’s Amoxicillin: Strengthen your immune system naturally.
  • Herbal Parasite Flush: A simple recipe with papaya seeds, honey, and water to detox parasites.
  • Grandma’s Hot Salve for Back Pain: Relieve stiffness with this warming salve.

These remedies and 245 more will equip you with the tools to manage your health naturally, no matter the circumstances. Don’t wait until it’s too late—click here to secure your copy and take control of your health today.

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Do you put the whole two cups of rose Mary water in your bath water, after you make it?

Anxious to give it a try. No male takes better care of his hair than I do. I have done this with lavender a few times over the past six months. My father clued me in at age 12 on taking good care of my hair. At age 82 I get compliments on my “perfect” hair.

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