Use This To Boost Your Metabolism
Feeling constantly sluggish and having frequent cravings for sweets can be frustrating. It can even be more exasperating if you are trying to lose weight, but it seems like you can’t.
These are just a few signs of a slow metabolism, which, if left unattended, can damage general health and well-being. Several factors cause a slow metabolism, some are inevitable and often compounded by an unhealthy lifestyle.
How Metabolism Works
Metabolism refers to the chemical processes within each cell that provide the body with energy. It occurs in all parts of the body and starts from the breaking down of food into compounds like sugar, amino acids, or fatty acids.
These compounds are the energy sources carried into the cells through the blood. Enzymes metabolize them and release them for the body to use or store.
The hormones released from different organs determine how fast or slow the metabolism should be. Examples are thyroxine from the thyroid gland, insulin, leptin, sex hormones, and growth hormones.
To many people, metabolism may equate to weight gain or loss. But, metabolism is more than just a weight indicator. It is a multi-faceted and complex process that involves the whole body to sustain its functions.
Keeping yourself on the brink of health is a continuous process. Getting active, eating healthy, and taking proactive steps in supporting the metabolic processes are a good start. Some herbs and spices may also provide the necessary compounds to boost the body’s chemical processes.
How to Boost the Metabolic Process
Stress, lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle, restrictive diet, and dehydration affect the metabolic process. Certain medications and nutrient deficiencies may also alter the process but doctors can rectify this by changing the prescription.
Genetics also plays a role in metabolism. It is not something you can change but something you can modify by focusing on a healthy habit.
Some of the ways to boost the metabolism include:
Increase physical activities to increase muscle mass and burn plenty of energy.
- Get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep to enable the body to use energy well.
- Stick to a healthy diet and realistic meal plans.
- Drink plenty of water and fruit juices.
- Get more calcium.
- Reduce stress, if possible.
What people are saying about the stress-reducing tincture:
Cinnamon for Metabolic Support
There are many claims about how herbs and spices improve metabolism. One of these is the effectiveness of cinnamon on the metabolic profile and body composition.
According to a randomized double-blind control trial, cinnamon supplement intervention significantly improved all components of the metabolic syndrome.
Cinnamon is a popular and widely available culinary spice. It can also be used as a therapeutic spice for a wide range of ailments including metabolic diseases. Cinnamon is useful in controlling blood sugar levels to aid in diabetes.
Scientific research and evidence support cinnamon’s medicinal use. Here’s why it is one of the best options for boosting metabolism.
Contains Cinnamaldehyde
Cinnamon has cinnamaldehyde, a powerful compound that gives it its distinctive aroma. Cinnamaldehyde may help increase insulin sensitivity, modulate adiposity and aid in lipid metabolism.
Its effect can either be short-term or long-term and may help in the early treatment of obesity.
Cinnamon may inhibit the release of arachidonic acid, a type of inflammatory acid, that causes many inflammatory diseases. This is due to its powerful flavonoids and antioxidants which prevent cardiac inflammation and metabolic diseases. Cinnamon also alleviates chronic swelling, pain and soreness.
If you’re like me and arthritis symptoms are already present in your daily activities (sore joints and joint pain, body aches) don’t worry. I’ve got your back! I found some time ago a soothing blend that relieved me from knee pain in minutes! It’s anti-inflammatory and famous for alleviating arthritis pain. I’ll leave a link for you HERE to check out the natural Joint & Movement Salve.
Antioxidants like polyphenols present in cinnamon and its extract prevent oxidative damage. Antioxidants affect the body’s endocrine and metabolic functions and regulate metabolism. It also reduces the oxidation of cells to improve cellular functions to neutralize and prevent metabolic syndrome.
Stabilizes the Sugar Level
Regular consumption of cinnamon has great benefits for blood sugar levels. It prevents blood sugar spikes by reducing the glucose absorbed into the blood. Cinnamon slows the breakdown of carbohydrates during digestion and mimics the effect of insulin in regulating the blood sugar level.
Now, one of the ways I use cinnamon is not that healthy, I know! It’s the cinnamon rolls. I simply l-o-v-e them. The downside of excessive sugar intake is the high sugar levels in the blood. This drastically increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and hypertension. The only way I managed to keep my blood sugar low was with a natural set of tinctures that aim for your heart health (managing blood pressure and sugar levels). Check out what the herbs are here!
Improves Insulin Sensitivity
Insulin is the hormone that controls the metabolism of carbohydrates. Insulin resistance, or a decrease in insulin sensitivity, can lead to an abnormal and slow uptake of glucose and impair metabolism. Cinnamon may help prevent it by improving insulin sensitivity for proper glucose diffusion and modulation of fat and muscle cells.
Aids in Digestion
Cinnamon delays gastric emptying, which aids in controlling the blood sugar. Many studies also support its effectiveness in boosting the digestive system. Consuming cinnamon increases the gastric juices for better digestion and nutrient absorption. Proper digestion and absorption influence metabolism for better energy utilization.
If you want to purchase a ready-made gut remedy product but are in doubt as to where you should get it from, I want to show you the tincture I’ve been taking for the past years that contains Reishi, Turkey Tail, Lion’s Mane, and three other herbs, scientifically proven to provide great aid to your gut. And nothing else. No chemicals.
It’s made by one of America’s top herbalists, and it’s called the Balanced Gut Blend Tincture. I’ve never seen faster changes in my gut, my body, or my overall well-being ever before. The effects of this tincture are 10 times stronger and faster than the remedies I’ve been taking before.
Helps Lose Weight
A systematic review of cinnamon supplementation shows significant results in baseline BMI among the subjects of a randomized trial. Several other studies support its effectiveness as an anti-obesity agent. It can also reduce the effects of eating fatty foods and help the overall weight plan when taken with a balanced diet and exercise.
Cinnamon Metabolism Booster
Improving metabolism is not an overnight process. It requires strict adherence to a healthy, active lifestyle and a balanced diet. To help with the process, you may take the easy-to-prepare cinnamon tea.
Before brewing a cup, here’s something you need to know about cinnamon.
There are different types of cinnamon spice but two are the most common and with similar properties: Cassia and Ceylon.
Cassia is the culinary cinnamon you can buy from the grocery stores and has a more pungent aroma. Ceylon is more expensive with a milder taste and scent but it has a higher quality than Cassia.
Cassia and Ceylon are almost similar, but Cassia has a higher cinnamaldehyde and coumarin content.
Coumarin is harmful to the liver when ingested in large doses and taken for a longer time. So, if you intend to take cinnamon for a long period, Ceylon cinnamon is the safer option.
- 1 tbsp cinnamon chips (2 cinnamon sticks)
- 2 cups water
- Balanced Gut Blend (see label for dosage)
- Put the cinnamon sticks and water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
- Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Pour into a cup along with the recommended number of tincture drops and serve.
To use: Take 1 cup of cinnamon tea in the morning, preferably in the morning before breakfast or in the evening before bedtime. You may add honey and lemon if you like or take the tea as it is.
You may also use ground cinnamon to make the tea by steeping ½ tsp cinnamon powder in a cup of water. However, powders tend to clump and go with the tea even after straining it. Cinnamon sticks and chips are good options if you care about texture.
Do not take more than 1 tsp cinnamon powder, even lesser in children, to avoid harmful side effects. It is important to consult your doctor before taking cinnamon supplementation, especially if you are taking other medications, especially blood-thinning.
Cinnamon sticks….how long are the cinnamon sticks, what’s the equivalent amount in ground? I see sticks in the store that are 2-3 inches long but I find that an inch of stick is equivalent to 1/2 teaspoon. We are cautioned about taking too much but then you are not clear on the amount to use.
This is a good question! I wonder the same thing. An answer to this would be appreciated.
Once again, herbal drops are used in the elixir! Canadians can’t get them here so what can we use instead?? You should be adding an alternate for people who can’t afford or have no access to your “herbal drops”!!