Use This Recipe If You’re Losing Hair
Hair loss or thinning can be caused by a number of reasons including genetics, the aging process, or an illness. Use this homemade recipe if this applies to you or you want to use it as a preventative measure and just to keep your hair in good health. Any topical treatments such as this one should be accompanied by healthy eating habits too for maximum long-term results. Foods that are commonly recommended to help counteract hair loss include foods rich in fatty acids (e.g. salmon, nuts), and greek yogurt, among a host of others.
About Rosemary
Rosemary is a herb that is native to the Mediterranean where it’s been used for centuries as medicine and food. Full of flavor, it’s also full of healing properties that do wonders for the body, inside and out. As a common herb, you should be able to buy it fresh wherever you live without having to search too hard.
It’s also a fairly easy herb to grow at home and not as fussy as some of its herb counterparts. If you enjoy growing herbs at home, rosemary prefers well-drained soil and to be kept in a sunny location. You can propagate it from an existing plant by cutting a shoot and planting it directly in your garden or a pot.
If you search online or in natural remedy books for hair loss reversal remedies that you can make at home, you will no doubt come across rosemary featuring in many. It’s long been considered good for hair growth and in recent years studies have been conducted to back up these claims and investigate why it helps and to what degree.
Today, we’re going to make a rosemary “tea” for your hair. If you’re losing hair this can help prevent it and can promote hair growth too so can be beneficial for just about everyone. This simple recipe is so easy to use because you only need two ingredients (rosemary and water): throw these in a pot, add the mixture to a spray bottle, and include it as part of your shower routine. I’ll show you how you prepare the recipe soon. First, let’s look at how rosemary benefits your hair and reduces hair loss.
How Does Rosemary Help Reduce Hair Loss?
There have been a number of studies conducted that demonstrate rosemary prevents or helps slow down hair loss. Other studies have even shown that rosemary stimulates hair growth. If you experience pattern baldness then it can also help you.
Rosemary is known to improve your circulation thanks to its Ursolic Acid and this can stimulate blood circulation to your scalp, which in turn helps to boost hair growth. It does this by getting more oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. The Carnosic Acid in rosemary can play a role in rejuvenating nerves and damaged nerve endings. This is also thought to be a factor in stimulating hair growth.
There are plenty of properties in rosemary that contribute to a healthy scalp and hair, leading to less hair loss and less chance of breakage too. The anti-inflammatory nature of rosemary will nourish your hair follicles and make your hair shiny. If you’re trying to grow your hair then it’s as important to keep your current hair and new hair growth healthy to reduce breakage and the need to cut your hair so frequently, which rosemary will help do. Rosemary is also known to darken gray hairs and slow the appearance of new grays.
Another great side effect of using rosemary in the hair is it reduces dandruff. If you are prone to having a dry scalp then this will give you relief as it has a moisturizing effect.
How To Make A Rosemary Spray For Your Hair
This recipe is very easy to prepare but you do need some time to extract the goodness from the rosemary while it’s on the stovetop (three hours). Preparation time is just a minute or two. Here’s what you’ll need to make this and how to go about it.
- Fresh rosemary (a handful of sprigs)
- Water
- Medium-size pot with a lid
- Wooden spoon
- Fine sieve
- Container with a lip (or funnel)
- Spray bottle
- Take a handful of rosemary sprigs and put these in your pot and cover with water
- Put the lid on your pot and turn the heat on low
You’re going to leave it on the heat for three hours now but give it a stir once an hour
- Once the three hours is up take the pot off the heat and remove the lid
- Let it cool all the way
- Put your fine sieve over a container to catch the rosemary “tea” and pour the contents of the pot into the sieve
- You can discard the rosemary leaves and stalks
Pour your mixture into the spray bottle and it’s ready to use
How to use it
To apply the rosemary solution to your hair, towel dry your hair after washing it then spray the rosemary water over your hair, concentrating on the scalp. Once you have sprayed your hair, massage your scalp gently. There is no need to rinse the rosemary off and you can continue with your usual post-shower routine.
While you should not experience any negative reaction you should start using this solution twice a week in the first week of use. Then you can build this up to daily use if you like or every time you wash your hair if you don’t wash it daily. This will depend on the individual of course, and the type of hair you have. If you have allergies or sensitive skin you should patch test the rosemary water on your jawline first before spraying it on your scalp.
For the best results, you should use this consistently. While you should notice shinier and healthier hair and any dryness of the scalp improves in the short term, hair growth will take longer to become evident. Be patient and remember to keep this up as part of your regular ongoing hair maintenance regime. It should be kept in the fridge for 1-2 weeks.
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Thank you for all of the wonderful recipes. Where do I obtain some of the more uncommon plants or roots?
Enjoy your day.
Hi Luz,
Thank you so much for your kind words. We are really glad you like our recipes.
Dried rosemary can be found in the spice aisle and fresh rosemary can be found next to other fresh herbs in the produce aisle. You can find both in most grocery stores.
Also, there are a couple of specialized online health stores. For example https://mountainroseherbs.com/. But it is best to use Google to find one that delivers to your area.
Many blessings and good health!
Could we use rosemary essential oil or should we boil off from the plant sprig or rosemary?
Discard the stalks, but, save the leaves for your recipes.
I have been loosing my hair in handfuls every day since my illness began six months ago. Most of my hair is gone and nothing seems to stop it. I am thankful for your advice and will start today. Also, I have rosemary oil. Would that be effective to rub on my scalp daily?
Hi Claudia,
Thank you for your comment. We are sorry to hear about your illness.
Rosemary has been used by many to promote hair growth successfully. Using rosemary oil could very well do the same for you. Rosemary oil can strengthen and promote circulation for thirsty hair follicles that are starving of their blood supply and leading to hair loss.
Here are some ideas:
1. Massage it directly into your scalp: Take about 5 drops of rosemary essential oil and massage evenly into your scalp after bath or shower. Mix with a carrier oil. Rinsing out the oil afterward is optional — though if you do rinse, let the oil sit on your scalp for at least 5 to 10 minutes beforehand.
2. Mix it into your shampoo
Simply add 10-12 drops of rosemary oil to the shampoo. Afterward, use the product like usual.
3. Make your own rosemary shampoo or buy it from health stores.
PS: Avoid getting essential oil in your eyes. If contact occurs, quickly rinse your eyes with cold water.
Likewise, be careful not to apply too much to your scalp. Rosemary essential oil has been known to irritate the skin. It may cause discomfort. To avoid skin irritation, dilute the oil with a carrier oil or other product before applying it.
Not enough is known about the safety of using rosemary essential oils while pregnant or breastfeeding. Though using the essential oil for hair loss is only done topically, be cautious — its effects in this regard are still unknown.
Rosemary oil can take several months to work, so its use requires diligence and repetition.
Many blessings and good health!
Can E.O. be used instead? If so how much?
also check your shampoo , They put an ingredient in it called sodium laureth sulfate , that causes hair loss .
SLS is in toothpaste also. It causes sores in my mouth. I buy toothpaste that does not have it.
Can I dilute organic rosemary essential oil instead of the rosemary tea?
I’d like the answer to this as well. Thanks.
If you want to use the essential oil, you can simply massage it directly into your scalp: Take about 5 drops of rosemary essential oil and massage evenly into your scalp after a bath or shower. Mix with a carrier oil. Rinsing out the oil afterward is optional — though if you do rinse, let the oil sit on your scalp for at least 5 to 10 minutes beforehand.
Or you can mix it into your shampoo: Add 10-12 drops of rosemary oil to the shampoo. Afterward, use the product like usual.
PS: Avoid getting essential oil in your eyes. If contact occurs, quickly rinse your eyes with cold water. Likewise, be careful not to apply too much to your scalp. Rosemary essential oil has been known to irritate the skin. It may cause discomfort. To avoid skin irritation, dilute the oil with a carrier oil or other product before applying it.
Not enough is known about the safety of using rosemary essential oils while pregnant or breastfeeding. Though using the essential oil for hair loss is only done topically, be cautious — its effects in this regard are still unknown.
Many blessings and good health!
Can you make rosemary tea in a crock pot??
This information sounds good. I still have rosemary growing even though it’s winter.
How much water do you use with the handful of rosemary?
These are my questions too. Looking forward to an answer.
Simply boil four to five cups of water and add three to four sprigs of fresh rosemary to the water. If you don’t have fresh rosemary on hand, you can also add 10-15 drops of rosemary essential oil or a few tablespoons of organic dried rosemary. Each person is different, so if you think the mixture is too strong for your scalp, it can be diluted, by adding more water.
Be aware that some essential oils can be toxic, and the volatile (easily evaporated) parts of the oils will boil off or be destroyed by the boiling temperatures.
Many blessings and good health!
Hi, thank you for this recipe. There are two different answers in regards to the water temperature. First one says keep temp on low, further down in the QAndA it mentions boiling water. Which should it be?
Also, two conflicting answers regarding how long the tea will keep in the fridge. Is it up to five days or up to two weeks?
Thank you.
Thank you for this! Can I make extra rosemary tea and freeze in ice cube tray for use later on?
Hi Tracy,
Short answer: yes, you can. The tea will last up to 5 days in the fridge and up to 6 months in the freezer.
** Be aware that any tea that has been frozen might lose part of its flavor and potency after being thawed, especially if you reheat it.
Many blessings and good health!
How to use the rosemary solution if I don´t want to darken my hair? Thank you for the recipes and ideas!
I do have thinning hair. I grow rosemary in the spring. I was wondering if I could use essential oil to make this? I have it on hand now. Please let me know.
Hi Donna,
If you want to use the essential oil, you can simply massage it directly into your scalp: Take about 5 drops of rosemary essential oil and massage evenly into your scalp after a bath or shower. Mix with a carrier oil. Rinsing out the oil afterward is optional — though if you do rinse, let the oil sit on your scalp for at least 5 to 10 minutes beforehand.
Or you can mix it into your shampoo: Add 10-12 drops of rosemary oil to the shampoo. Afterward, use the product like usual.
PS: Avoid getting essential oil in your eyes. If contact occurs, quickly rinse your eyes with cold water. Likewise, be careful not to apply too much to your scalp. Rosemary essential oil has been known to irritate the skin. It may cause discomfort. To avoid skin irritation, dilute the oil with a carrier oil or other product before applying it.
Not enough is known about the safety of using rosemary essential oils while pregnant or breastfeeding. Though using the essential oil for hair loss is only done topically, be cautious — its effects in this regard are still unknown.
Many blessings and good health!
Hello, do you know if it would be possible to use a pressure cooked to speed up the process? BTW, this is the first time in my life that I continuously receive emails after purchase that actually useful and I read them all. Thank You!
Do you smell like Rosemary for long?
Does using this tea with rosemary cause your hair to darken?
I was thinking maybe using Apple Cider Vinegar with the Rosemary instead of water. Thoughts?
Can you use rosemary essential oil with spring water to use as a leave in spritz for hair – would it provide same benefit as your original recipe of boiling and straining fresh rosemary? Thank you!
Why do you have to boil it for 3 hours (so long)? Will the water evaporate, and will it need topping up?
I would like to try this but I’m wondering if it will give my mostly-white hair a greenish tinge?
I thought that cooking a plant/herb for such a long time will destroy the properties. Are there certain plants that need to be cooked longer than others? Thank you.
It would be helpful if you updated your recipe to include the amount of water, how many sprigs of rosemary make a handful and how to store the finished spray instead of your readers having to guess or search through messages on this post. I do love all of your advise, but really need actual details and measurements 😊
Hi, You say keep the rosemary liquid in the fridge for 1-2 weeks. Do I have to throw away the remaining liquid after this time and start again? I still have a lot of liquid left, or can I keep using what I have left?
Thank you
How much water exactly?
4-5 cups of water + 3-4 sprigs of Rosemary.