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No more Joint Pain

This Makes Your Joint Pain Worse

Joint pain is something everyone deals with from time to time, impacting your quality of life and ability to function. Those with chronic joint pain are at a higher risk of mental health issues, such as depression, but it can also affect your self-confidence and relationships. I’m sure you know of various things you can do to help relieve joint pain, but are you aware of what worsens joint pain?

This article will explore the various rules for reducing joint pain. We’ll discuss everything from lifestyle changes to mental blocks and even give you an excellent remedy to soothe your aching joints. By the end of this post, you’ll be able to help others by saying, “This makes your joint pain worse.”

Why Does Joint Pain Occur?

Have you ever wondered why joint pain occurs? Some have joint pain due to autoimmune disorders, like arthritis or lupus. Others experience joint pain after a severe virus, such as pneumonia. Many active people have found themselves with joint pain as a reminder of the good old days. The truth is that joint pain can occur for all those reasons and more. You may never be able to pin down the cause of your joint pain, but you can learn more about the process behind it.

Joint pain can occur when the connective tissues between the joints wear down, making them rub together and feel stiff. Discomfort can also be felt when the joints swell, accumulating water and inflammation. At times, this swelling can even include what’s called acidic crystals. Other scientific reasoning behind joint pain includes overextension of the muscle.

If you’re currently struggling with joint pain, the lifestyle changes mentioned above may take a while to kick in. In the meantime, you can make use of the best anti-inflammatory pain reliever out there from a trustworthy source.

This Cayenne Pepper salve contains 100% organic ingredients that alleviate Arthritis Pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, and much more. Here’s what people said about it already:

JMS Review

Doing This Makes Your Joint Pain Worse

Did you know that outside factors can significantly affect the intensity of joint pain? It’s true! Holistic health methods show us that we play a bigger part in our health than we think. Here are some things that can cause joint pain to flare up.

A Poor Diet: The Standard American Diet (SAD) is notorious for producing a myriad of health issues, including joint pain. Pastries, cereals, sodas, and even juice are full of sugar, which can lead to inflammation. In fact, those who consume sugary sodas and juices can experience arthritis in their 20s!  Stick to a balanced plate, which includes protein, vegetables, and healthy carbs. Your joints will thank you!

Anyway, this is the most inflammatory food you should avoid starting today.

Overexercising: Exercise is fabulous and can keep you feeling young and trim. But there is too much of a good thing, even in this area. Overexercising can lead to soft tissue injuries and joint strains that can take months to heal. Your best bet is to listen to your body and take rest days as needed. If you know you’re prone to joint pain, find low-impact exercise methods, such as walks, pilates, or water aerobics.

Underexercising: Overuse can strain your joints, but underuse can be just as bad. Being sedentary for extended periods can lead to stiffened joints, especially in those with pre-existing conditions. If you have a sedentary job, take breaks every couple of hours to stretch your muscles and walk around. This keeps your joints lubricated and gives you a mental health break. Exercise can also boost your mental health, alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety.

You can tackle joint pain from the outside with salves and patches… but what about addressing the root cause from the inside?

These medicinal herbs offer a natural anti-inflammatory solution to help you target the problem from within.

Poor Mental Health: One of the top symptoms of depression is joint pain.  In fact, many times, patients report physical aches and pains as the first depression symptom they experience. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and it’s essential to speak with your doctor if you feel depression coming on. Removing mental blocks can improve your quality of life, leaving you feeling light and free.

And it’s pure logic. If you don’t rest enough you have a bad mood. And certainly, you won’t feel like having a walk or warm up your joints a little. Many people overlook the connection between mental and physical health. To create lasting change in our lives, it’s essential to first manage Stress and Anxiety. Only then can we maintain a healthy lifestyle over the long term.

How to Make Joint-Soothing Epsom Bath Salts

You can also try out over a while the Joint-Soothing Epsom Bath Salts, which can soothe the pain. Here’s a quick rundown of the ingredients chosen specifically for joint-soothing properties.

Epsom salts: This rockstar ingredient contains magnesium, which absorbs into the skin, relieving aches and pains.  The body struggles to produce magnesium as it ages, and a warm Epsom salt bath can boost those levels. Plus, the warm water is soothing and will instantly help you relax.

Frankincense essential oil: Applying frankincense essential oil topically can instantly soothe achy joints.  This is because frankincense contains anti-inflammatory properties that provide lasting benefits. Plus, it smells great and boosts mental health.

Juniper berry essential oil: Juniper berries are a powerhouse ingredient that’s antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antifungal. Studies have proven that juniper extract, or essential oil, is helpful in treating arthritis.  Juniper berry essential oil is a popular natural treatment for animals and humans alike.

Peppermint essential oil: This fragrant essential oil contains menthols that give the skin a cooling effect. This can temporarily ease joint pain and make your body feel refreshed. One study showed that peppermint essential oil significantly reduced arthritis joint pain..especially when paired with rosemary.

Here’s how to make this effective home remedy.

Join Pain Ingredients copyIngredients
  • 2 cups Epsom salts
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ½ cup carrier oil (olive oil, fractionated coconut oil, jojoba, etc.)
  • 5 drops of frankincense essential oil
  • 5 drops juniper berry essential oil
  • 5 drops peppermint essential oil
Join Pain Step One copy

Step One: Combine all ingredients in a bowl and transfer to a jar.

How to Use Our Joint-Soothing Epsom Bath Salts

To use our Joint-Soothing Epsom Bath Salts, pour ¼ cup into the bathtub, as the water is running. Soak for at least 20 minutes to give the solution time to sink into the skin. You can do this once a day if desired. You can also use this as a foot or hand soak. The methodology is the same.Joint Pain How to use copy

This remedy contains peppermint essential oil and is recommended for children over the age of six. A hand and foot soak is preferred for children over the age of two as it’s a milder remedy.

Store your Joint-Soothing Epsom Bath Salts in a dark, cool place so the essential oils retain their potency.

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Thank you! Looking forward to trying this.

Last edited 4 months ago by Linda

Interesting recipe. What part does the baking soda play? I use cayenne everyday. Right now in my garlic phase. Trying to use it also as much as possible. Both cayenne and garlic play their roles in good cardiovascular health.

What really causes a lot of joint pain and inflammation for me and many other that do not even know they have that problem is man made fabrics, like polyester and nylon. The coarser the fabric like carpeting, upholstery fabric are worst. Doctors never heard about this, they will just tell you it is arthritis because the symptoms are the same. You talk to people and some will say, oh my mother is like that too. Once I was in Toronto and was looking at leather jackets at the Leather Ranch store and ask if they could make me a jacket with a cotton lining. The answer was, Yes we can, many people cannot ware synthetic material and we make them of denim instead, When I first noticed it, I could not hold a pen or pencil, could not write, it was the nylon mouse pad. Another time, my neck and shoulder hurt so bad I could not turn my head, it was caused by my seat belt. For me if I stay away from synthetics, I have no pain or inflammation. It means, waiting 6 months for a mattress with only cotton, re-upholster my car seat to leather, dream that somebody would make all leather shoes, boots and sneakers. We live in a plastic world, today even the food we eat it part plastic. From birth I never could wear wool so my cure is cotton and leather.

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