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these household items are making you sick

These Household Items Are Making You Sick

You need to quit these very dangerous items RIGHT NOW.

They’re damaging your health, and you don’t even know it.

Don’t put your life in danger.

In this article, I’ll explore some of the dangerous household items you probably have in your house right now and some natural alternatives that will help your overall well-being.

Laundry Detergents

Woman with laundry detergent at home

Unfortunately, most laundry detergents are toxic. Every option you can get from supermarkets contains over 25 toxic chemicals. Some even contain even more trace toxicities that are left unlisted.

What’s really scary about them is that these toxic products are one of the main causes of accidental poisoning in children each year.

One such chemical is 1.4-Dioxane, which is a known carcinogen linked to various cancers. Another harmful one is Ammonia, which has been proven to lead to respiratory problems, neurological dysfunction, and nervous system disorders.

It’s on the ingredient list of most detergents because it’s a powerful cleansing and disinfecting agent. Though safe at moderate levels, it lingers in the fibers of your freshly laundered clothing, meaning you get more exposure to it than you’d normally think.

Instead, you can make your very own antimicrobial laundry soap. Just grate a 1.8 oz (50g) bar of sulfate-free soap and gently melt it in the pot. Add three tablespoons of distilled water, stirring until it becomes a thick paste. Then, add a paste made from one tablespoon of baking soda, borax, or washing soda to make it extra-potent. You can also add three drops of essential oil for fragrance. Finally, you pour the mixture into molds and let it set for five days. When you want to use it, just wet the bar and rub it on stains before machine-washing or you can directly wash your clothes by hand with it.

Air fresheners

Woman spraying air freshener at homeAir fresheners could release phthalates and volatile organic compounds into the air, which can irritate the lungs and disrupt hormone balance. Alternatively, you can diffuse essential oils or use fresh herbs like rosemary and lavender.

Non-stick cookware 

Non stick frying pan with starry night design.Many non-stick pans contain perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and other chemicals that, when heated to high temperatures, can release toxic fumes. The coating degrades over time, and some of the particles get leached into your food.

PFOAs have been studied and proven to increase the risk of certain tumors of the liver, mammary glands, testicles, and pancreas.

Instead of non-stick cookware, use stainless steel, ceramic-coated cookware or cast iron. These options are not only durable but safe too, as there’s no risk of anything leaching into your food, even when cooking at high temperatures.

Aluminum cookware

While this is a preferred type of cookware, many people don’t know that when heated, aluminum can leach into your food. This happens especially when you cook acidic foods. Ingesting aluminum can lead to Alzheimer’s and other serious neurological issues.

Instead, use glass, ceramic, and stainless-steel cookware.

It’s easy for heavy metals to build up in your body – especially in your liver, since it’s your body’s primary organ for detoxification. However, when you expose your liver to excessive amounts of toxins, it becomes overwhelming.

Liver Blend TinctureTo give my liver a boost, I make my very own Liver Detox Tincture. I extract dandelion root, milk thistle, and schisandra berry in alcohol for 4-6 weeks. However, if you don’t want to wait that long for the plants to get extracted, you can get the very same formula from. This mix of herbs is so powerful it also helps calm inflammation, promotes liver regeneration and so much more. After just one week of using it, I felt lighter, more energetic, and didn’t feel as bloated as before.

Commercial cleaning sprays

Surface sanitizing against COVID-19 outbreak. Home cleaning spraying antibacterial spray bottle disinfecting against coronavirus wearing nitrile gloves. Sanitize hospital surfaces prevention.Cleaning sprays also contain chemicals like ammonia, chlorine, and triclosan. These, too, can impact hormone levels and harm your respiratory system.

Chlorine can also irritate your eyes, nose, and throat. In severe cases, it can also lead to burns. Prolonged exposure to it can exacerbate respiratory conditions like bronchitis and asthma. If you mix chlorine with other household chemicals, especially ammonia, it produces gases that can be highly toxic, and in some cases, even fatal.

Triclosan has been proven to interfere with thyroid function and even make bacterial infections harder to treat. It has been classified as an endocrine disruptor, impacting your long-term health.

A natural alternative to these cleaning sprays would be to make a cleaning agent from vinegar, baking soda, and castile soap.

Commercial deodorants 

Woman in shop chooses deodorant closeupCommercial deodorants often contain toxins which can lead to various health concerns. Primarily aluminum compounds, which are commonly used in antiperspirants, may be linked to breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. The preservatives found in many deodorants, called parabens, are known endocrine disruptors; the same goes for phthalates.

Switching to natural deodorants is not always an easy process, but there are so many options out there with baking soda, coconut oil, essential oils and other recognizable ingredients that can promote your overall well-being.

Plastic food containers

Dirty plastic food container on dark wooden backgroundThey contain Bisphenol A (BPA), Phthalates, Perfluoroalkyl, and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). Their main targets are your reproductive health and brain development. These toxins disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria in your gut. This can contribute to serious digestive issues, a weakened immune system, and other health problems.

To protect your gut, use non-porous containers that do not release harmful chemicals into the food like glass or stainless steel containers. Avoid microwaving your food in plastic containers; use glass or ceramic instead.

Additionally, I use a tincture made with Reishi Mushroom, Turkey Tail Mushroom, Plantain, Slippery Elm, Marshmallow and Lion’s Mane Mushroom. These do not only coat your gut with a soothing protection layer, but they can also repair the intestinal tract. I got the Balanced Gut Blend Tincture from here.

Microwave popcorn bags

I was shocked when I found out about this one.

I love eating popcorn, especially when I’m watching a movie. But I never had the time to pop my own, so I just get it in bags from the store. You know the ones.

However, popcorn bags are typically coated with chemicals like perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and other polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to stop the oil from seeping through the bag.

Woman hands taking a cooked popcorn bag from the microwaveThese are called “forever chemicals”, and they are highly resistant to grease and heat, which makes them ideal for food packaging. However, when you heat a forever chemical like PFOA, it gets released into the popcorn.

Studies have linked these chemicals to immune system suppression, increased cholesterol, and higher risks of cancer.

On top of that, the artificial butter flavor you find in many microwave popcorn products contains diacetyl. When inhaled, it can cause severe respiratory issues.

Those who work in factories and have been exposed to high levels of diacetyl were diagnosed with “popcorn lung,” a serious condition called bronchiolitis obliterans, in which the tiny air sacs from inside the lungs get scarred.

As an alternative, you can use a stovetop popcorn maker and make the popcorn with healthy oils like coconut or olive oil, use organic kernels and natural seasonings to flavor it.

Makeup and beauty products

I thought I was safe because I don’t use a lot of beauty products. But when I read the studies on what they add to even the most basic items, I got very scared.

Even lipstick, lip balms, and moisturizers contain toxins that can get absorbed into the skin and affect your health over time. Your skin is permeable, which means that substances enter your body through dermal absorption.

Eyeshadows, blushes and lipsticks were found to contain trace amounts of heavy metals like calcium, lead and mercury. Phthalates, parabens, and synthetic fragrances are mostly used for the consistency, preservation or fragrance, but with regular exposure, they pose great risks like hormone-related health issues, including cancers and fertility issues.

That’s why I make this soothing salve. It only takes a couple of minutes. You just heat your infused olive oil with beeswax until it melts. You remove it from the heat and let it cool. You then add a few drops of lavender essential oil and some vitamin E. Pour the mixture into your jar or tin and you’re all done!

APS BannerThis is a natural and versatile salve that I coat my chapped lips with during the winter, it’s good for cracked hands, feet and lips. You can also use it to soothe skin irritations, inflammation, cuts and burns. But if you don’t have the time and want one made by an expert, I recommend this one made by one of the top American herbalists. It’s 97% certified organic, GMO-free, and made in the U.S.A.

Shower curtains (PVC) 

Yes, even your shower curtain can slowly poison you.

Shower Curtain, Three RingsPVC curtains release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) when used in warm, humid bathroom environments. VOCs are actually chemicals that transform into gases at room temperature, which contributes to indoor air pollution.

Additionally, but many PVC curtains also contain trace amounts of heavy metals like cadmium, mercury and lead, which can leach out over time. These are toxic even in small quantities, and when you allow them to build up in your body, they contribute to severe health problems like neurological disorders.

Instead, you can use durable, washable options (cotton), naturally resistant to mildew and mold options (hemp), or vinyl alternatives that are chlorine-free and safer than PVC (PEVA/EVA – polyethylene vinyl acetate)

EVERY SINGLE DAY, you get exposed to heavy metals, pollutants, and chemicals from household products which contribute to issues you think might be caused by something else.

That’s why you need to follow a structured health protocol to detoxify your stomach and gut, otherwise, you won’t be able to reduce toxin buildup and support your overall well-being.

The remedies I mentioned above are part of the Liver Health & Leaky Gut, Gastritis & IBS protocols. There are 45 health protocols you can follow in The Holistic Guide to Wellness.


Some other remedies you can find here are:

  • The Liver Booster
  • Gut Health Boosting Gummies
  • Black Milk for Quick Detox
  • Stomach-Soothing Syrup
  • Peppermint Drops to fight Gut Inflammation
  • Natural Intestinal Bandage
  • Heavy Metal Detoxifier
  • The Backyard Probiotic (You Should Never Take Antibiotics without this one)
  • The Liver Drano
  • Stomach Cramps Killer

And many others.

If you want to follow an integrated, holistic, natural approach, this is the book you want on your bookshelf. With The Holistic Guide to Wellness: Herbal Protocols for Common Ailments by your side, you’ll have a complete roadmap to take care of your health at home naturally.

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Thank you! This is very informative!

How do I find the safer vinyl shower curtains? Our downstairs bathroom is in need of significant mold remediation (total gutting), so I want to use something non-porous and easily cleaned until we are able to get that done, which won’t be until at least next year sometime, maybe longer.

I use ones made of fabric and they never get mold in spite of the fact mold can easily develop here.

I used to love changing out my shower curtains on a whim….what’d I do ? buy twin or double flat sheets on sale, bought some curtain hooks, laid out the sheet flat, measured distance from each hole (of the old one), punched with a ice pick, and hung up the curtain. easy, washable, changeable, cheap

As it says in the article, aluminium is a horrible thing to use as cookware especially when cooking a lot of acidic foods. It’s another one of the “soft” metals and can very easily leach into OUR systems. It has been linked to Alzheimers. If possible the very best cookware to use is cast iron. Every time you use cast iron you get a little elemental iron into your system which is VERY good for you. If you can throw out all your aluminum cookware. In the Roman era, whether deliberately or not, lead was used to dumb down the population. In the modern era it’s aluminum. Do yourselves a huge favour and get rid of all your aluminum cookware.

Good point! I use some that are suppose to be stainless but I realize that aluminum is inside! I got to get my cast iron seasoned again and use it. It is good for us!

But take care if you are prone to iron overload/hemochromatosis(it took a while for me to discover I had that issue).

FYI: about cooking in cast iron:

When I used a cast iron pan, I found iron levels were elevated in my blood to harmful levels. I stopped using cast iron in favor of a ceramic composite, and the blood levels of iron went back to normal.

Last edited 3 months ago by Don Karp

Thankfully i use none of this. I make my own products or steer away from those listed.

How much per load of laundry for the DIY laundry soap? What kind of molds (silicone, metal) and what size should each molded bar be?

If you go to you can find a recipe for liquid laundry detergent that I have used for years. It is made with Borax, Arm & Hammer Washing Soda & a Fels-Naptha Soap Bar. I can get all three at the local Walmart where I live in Oklahoma. It removes pretty much all odors and works as well as any commercial laundry detergent. The only changes I made is after you mix it, it says to cover it and let it stand over night before putting it into your bottles and I go ahead and put it in my bottles as soon as I mix it. It seems to come out the same and after it sets it is hard for me to stir again. It works great in my front loading machine as it does not make hardly any suds. I also use it as it is mixed in the 5 gallon bucket instead of adding more water to the individual bottles. If you go on Pinterest you will find several recipes for dry laundry detergent if you prefer that. Good luck and enjoy the savings!

The link to the herb to sniff to detox your brain doesn’t work – it takes you to info about the book. Could you please post the herb information? I’m buying the book but I could really use the brain-boosting herb right now!

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