The Superberry
This Sweet And Small Purple Gem Is Considered The Superfood Of The Berry World, But What Makes It So Special?
The Blueberry
There is no doubt that you have at least once encountered a blueberry.
The United States is considered the top Blueberry producer in the world,.with a staggering 239,071 tonnes approximately produced every year!
Cyanococcus, or Blueberry as we know it, is native to North America and can grow in the wild or be cultivated for mass growth for commercial consumerism, which is generally the “Highbush” variety.
You can find blueberries growing on the Vaccinium bush, which is a collective term for a few bushes that produce similar berries to the Blueberry. The berries are small and round gems of a rich purple-blue coloring and can be either sweet or tart to the taste, depending on the conditions under which it is grown.
What makes The Blueberry ‘Super’?
This little purple gem of a berry is said to have the most concentrated compounds of antioxidants of all the berries. Antioxidants can be an essential element to accumulate to an excellent condition of health.
Of course, the flavor is essential, and these berries are naturally sweet with a hint of sharpness that really set the taste buds alight. It also makes them incredibly easy to incorporate into most diets at any meal of the day or even as a healthy snack with a super-punch!
So why are blueberries so powerful in the super berry stakes?
Let’s take a look at some of the fantastic qualities that blueberries have for your health.
Blueberries Have A High Water Content
The super Blueberry is estimated to have around 85% water content. So while you may see blueberries as a foodstuff, the berries are also a fantastic source of hydration when you consume them.
Blueberries Are Low In Calories
A standard cup of Blueberries added to meals, desserts, or indeed as a snack will set you back under 100 calories in a whole serving, which is lower than a slice of bread!
However, the powerful compound of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals will always outweigh the calorific content in the health stakes.
They Are Nutrient Dense
Often described as “The King Of Berries,” the Blueberry is the most nutrient-dense of all the berries.
Per serving (a cup or around 150g), they have:
24% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
- Vitamin C is essential for the growth and repair of all of the tissues of the body.
- It is also an accelerator for the production of collagen, which can help improve the appearance of your skin.
Vitamin C is a carrier that allows a more sufficient rate of iron absorption, which can be vital for people who suffer from iron deficiency-related anemia.
- The vitamin C in blueberries assists the immune system is working correctly, which may be helpful for those people who find themselves marred with seasonal colds and health complaints.
- Vitamin C also increases the efficiency of wound healing and may create a more rapid and successful healing process to superficial wounds, burns, and also help to repair cartilage, bones, and teeth that may suffer from age-related degeneration.
25% of your recommended daily intake of Manganese
- Manganese is a mineral naturally found in the body in small amounts in bones, liver, kidneys, and pancreas.
- Manganese is a trace mineral that may help the body to successfully form healthy connective tissue, strong bones and improve blood clotting factors
- The mineral, in which blueberries provide a quarter of your RDI of Manganese, also helps metabolize fat and carbohydrates within the body, which can be beneficial if you are looking to manage your weight or blood sugar levels.
- Manganese is vital for optimum brain function and nerve function, ensuring that all of the neurotransmitter pathways are efficient and work correctly.
36% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin K
- Vitamin K is a critical factor in making the necessary proteins (Prothrombin & Osteocalcin)
- required for optimum blood clotting within the body and helps to build strong bones.
- Vitamin K is an essential vitamin required to help the body heal superficial wounds and areas of bruising. It is also thought to be helpful in the management of some skin conditions that are often considered irreversible, including stretch marks and visible veins.
- Four grams of dietary fiber.
- Just one cup of blueberries has a massive 4 grams of dietary fiber, which is an incredible amount for such a small berry!
- The fiber in your diet is so essential for maintaining a healthy gut and a healthy digestive system.
Blueberries Are The King Of Antioxidants
Blueberries have been shown to increase the levels of antioxidants in your body markedly. They are also a feel-good fruit as they assist in producing Dopamine, which is the hormone responsible for giving you a happy mood!
Antioxidants are elements that can protect your body from free radicals (unstable molecules), which may:
- Cause damage to the cells of your body
- Cause oxidative stress on the organs of the body
- May be responsible for aging
- It can be a contributor to common diseases such as cancer.
Blueberries have an abundance of antioxidants called flavonoids (specifically anthocyanins) that belong to the polyphenol family, which is a group of essential micronutrients and are reported to possess one of the highest levels of antioxidants of all other fruits and vegetables.
Blueberries May Help To Lower Blood Pressure
Those people who have a higher risk of developing heart disease, specifically those who are overweight or women who have passed the stage of menopause, may find it beneficial to consume blueberries as a contributor to lowering blood pressure.
How Can You Incorporate Blueberries Into Your Daily Diet?
Thankfully, blueberries are the proud owners of a very sweet and tangy flavor that is unique to the Blueberry. Still, while they are in natural and cultivated abundance, you may find that your blueberries perish rapidly in warmer climates.
Blueberries hold up incredibly well to being fresh-frozen and often do not require thawing before cooking or making jams, which is handy if you have many of them and cannot stand to throw them away!
The blueberry flavor lends itself very well to many dishes and stand-alone recipes, and 250ml ( 1 cup) of blueberries will constitute as 1 of your servings of fruit and vegetables every day!
Here are some superb, quick, and effective ways to incorporate blueberries into your daily routine:
Super-Blue Pancakes
These Pancakes are delicious for breakfast or any time of the day!
They are wholewheat and filled with the super-blueberry!
Here’s How:
- Mix your whole-wheat pancake batter thoroughly, add a handful of blueberries
- Pre-heat your pan with a touch of oil until hot and place a small ladle full of the whole-wheat mix
- Remove each pancake from the skillet when it is fluffy and brown and stack until you have enough!
- Garnish with more blueberries and maple syrup if you prefer and enjoy!
Super-Blue Tea
This steeped Tea is so simple to make and can be enjoyed for breakfast or during the day
It can be enjoyed hot or cold depending on your preference!
Here’s How:
- Rinse blueberries under fresh running water.
- Remove any discolored or withered berries from your yield.
- Boil water in a kettle or pan.
(You can add green or black tea leaves or a teabag to the water if you wish.)
- Add the blueberries to hot, but not boiling water.
- Steep the tea and berries for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Pour the blueberry infusion through a fine strainer while mashing the berries to yield the maximum juice.
- Add honey for sweetness if desired.
- Blueberry tea may be served hot or iced.
Overall, the Blueberry is a fruit that can be found in abundance and has so many incredible benefits for health.
The Blueberry has the highest concentration of any of the fruits available and they are incredibly versatile to incorporate into any diet, either as part of a meal or simply as a low-calorie snack.
Blueberries are so high in natural antioxidants that they can have amazing health befits, such as reducing oxidative stress on the organs of the body, improving heart health, and improving the condition of hair, skin, and nails.
Naturally sweet in flavor and simple o put with almost any dish, the Blueberry is indeed the best super berry of all the berries!
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The article on blueberries solidifies my commitment to eat up to one cup of them per day.
Blueberries are SO very excellent,for our health, AND they are ESSENTIAL, AS WELL……
We would ALL benefit from these berries, if we would ONLY take ONE MINUTE….
I have had Blueberries in Ontario which are much smaller, but richer in taste than the berries in Ohio. Is it possible to grow this variety in Northern Ohio?
I tried to order the special offered (many books) but it would not accept my country.
I want to grow them. Non gmo of course. What is the best bushes for NC
Ask your state Extension: either the Master Gardeners (only for home gardeners, not commercial) or the Small Farms divisions, they have that kind of info.. may or may not have info on native species and subspecies in specific eco niches.. but do have info problems, diseases, pests, etc.. like if you take a specimen in or fill out their intake forms, they can id ‘problems’.. and give recommendations (many are more organic and natural recommendations.. they are NOT infallible but can be quite useful if used with multiple options)..
also your state Native Plant Society often has detailed info on wild and native species and subspecies.. and may list native plant nurseries as well as sponsor seasonal plant sales..
Note: native plants often do MUCH better withOUT extensive ‘management’, fertilizers, too much water, etc., etc.. especially once established, but do need ‘their’ preferred soils, shade, etc.. they are also often more deer resistant than the ‘deer candy’ of conventional gardens..
I love blueberries. However, when you buy them at the supermarket they are covered in a haze of (chemicals). I just cannot eat even one until I soak them in some water with a splash of white vinegar. I have an soft, inexpensive toothbrush. I stand at the sink and actually use the toothbrush to brush off the film. I dipped the clean one in a bowl of clean water and then lay them on a kitchen towel. Not a paper towel! Who knows what paper towels are made of… ugh!
Haskap berries have over 5 times more antioxidants than blueberries.
Check them out.
I grow blueberries in Canterbury, New Zealand. Recently we’ve been experimenting with blueberry leaf (and flower) tea.
Harvested off pruned off branches. 🤠