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Stress Relief Cheat Sheet

You can’t control the situation that life throws at you. Yet, you have a say in how you respond to make it bearable. If you think that everyday stress is already too much to bear, here are some healthy ways to turn it around.

What Causes Stress?

Stress Relief Cheat Sheet- stressed woman

Stress is defined as the state of worry that arises from a difficult life situation. It is our response to challenges and each of us experiences it to a different extent. It is a part of life everyone must expect under some circumstances.

But while stress is said to be a constant in life, it needs to be addressed properly as it occurs. Chronic or overwhelming stress can lead to bigger problems like depression or mental disorders. It can make you lose interest in daily activities and cause uncontrolled emotions and difficulty concentrating.

The Ultimate Stress Relief Cheat Sheet

Exercise: Physical activity is scientifically proven to loosen stiff muscles and pump up endorphins, the feel-good hormones, to elevate the mood.

Exercise does not just mean gym lifting or hitting the road running. There are countless physical activities you can do which may align with your interests. Take a walk, go for a swim, do some stretching and breathing exercises, go for a dance, and other activities to sweat out.

Do Yoga: Yoga is a type of exercise that involves physical, mental and spiritual practices that aim to give you more control of your mind. The postures and breathing techniques in yoga are an effective way of relaxing and coping with stress.

You can do yoga at home or outside any time of the day. However, enrolling in a class will help you do it more safely and effectively with the help of trained coaches.

Take a Break: Take a relaxing mental break from whatever you think stresses you. Having some time off can reset the mood, promote a positive outlook and enhance mental wellbeing. Go for a vacation, connect with your peers and nature, or just give yourself a space to pause to relieve you from persistent stress.

Talk It Out: Talking about your feelings with a trusted friend or family member can do so much to unburden what ails you. Spilling your worries will not only release pent-up emotions. It may also be a channel for finding solutions to solve the problem and cut you from the long-term stress that the situation may create.

Sleep: Get at least seven hours of quality sleep to reduce stress. Sleep deprivation can cause frustration and irritability and affect thinking skills. To give yourself quality sleep, stick to a nighttime routine and sleep in a comfortable environment. Avoid using any electronic devices half an hour before bedtime to help you sleep better.

Eat a Balanced Diet: Most people tend to do emotional eating when stressed to seek temporary relief. However, it can lead to a dangerous habit that may even trigger long-term stress. Instead of reaching for refined carbs and sugar, try consuming a healthy meal loaded with fruits and vegetables. Oatmeal, berries, salmon and tuna, eggs, avocado and healthy nuts are just a few of the filling and natural stress relievers you can add to your diet.

Aromatherapy: Breathing essential oils and extracts can ease stress and may help lift the mood. It is also a great practice to try to relax before bedtime. Aromatherapy can activate the brain to release serotonin and endorphins. Scents can improve memory and ease inflammation and chronic pains. Aromatherapy may be available as essential oil diffusers, aroma sticks, spritzers or bath salts. Lavender, peppermint, rosemary, frankincense and bergamot are all good oils for stress reduction.

Herbal Supplements and Teas: Herbal supplements for stress are now widely available over the counter. Medications like melatonin, magnesium, CoQ10 and L-theanine are food supplements that can induce sleep and reduce stress.

Herbal teas are also a great alternative to supplements if you want a safer and inexpensive option. Stress-reducing herbs are widely available everywhere and are as effective as the supplements.

This Anxiety & Stress Protocol provides in-depth information about what natural remedies, vitamins and minerals to take, plus what to avoid. Check it out here.

The Best Herbs for Stress Relief

Stress Relief Cheat Sheet- nervine herbs

Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), or Indian ginseng, is an adaptogen that can improve nervous functions. It can pacify the mind by easing anxiety and stress. A decoction of ashwagandha root taken twice a day may also treat chronic insomnia.

Lemon Balm: Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) can reduce stress without causing any digestive reaction. It is one of the safest but most potent herbs to take for nervous problems. The minty and grassy scent of a lemon grass decoction is great for soothing and alleviating the brain from stress.

Basil: If you are constantly feeling stressed and exhausted, boil about half a cup of fresh basil leaves and drink it as tea. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a great relaxant and sedative that counters stress, uplifts the mood and relieves fatigue.

Valerian: Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a recommended herbal medication for anxiety and depression. It is a powerful nervine that helps soothe the brain. It can also lower the blood pressure level to relieve tension and stress.

Rhodiola: Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) is often used as an ingredient in stress-relief herbal supplements. In its raw form, Rhodiola is potent in promoting physical and mental well-being. It is an adaptogenic herb that can counter stress and help the body adapt to various stressors.

Lavender: Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is a versatile ornamental plant used in a variety of herbal products. Lavender essential oil is great for massage and aromatherapy. Its tincture, infusion or tea is also useful in alleviating many illnesses including stress.

Chamomile: Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) is popularly used as a tea for inducing a sound sleep. It has a strong sedative property that can calm a hyperactive mind and also relieve stress. Chamomile can also be prepared as an infusion using its fresh or dried blossoms.

I personally prefer to grow my own Lavender and Chamomile plants, because they’re helpful for a wide range of common ailments. For buying quality, non-GMO seeds I recommend this Medicinal Garden Kit.

Peppermint: Peppermint (Mentha piperita) gives a refreshing and cooling feel to uplift a stressed mind. It may also ease headaches and pain to calm the body physically. Peppermint clears the mind to enable it to function well for a better sense of perspective.

Stress-Relief Bedtime Tea Recipe

If you are feeling burdened about many things right now, take a moment to step back and reflect. Worrying does not solve the problem, but clearing your mind from things will reset your outlook in a better direction.

It all begins with calming yourself and doing things that you love while setting aside what bugs you. You may also concoct this mind-supportive tea to relax yourself and bring you back to your senses. As a more potent alternative to tea, you can try a stress relieving tincture.

I am currently taking this Anxiety & Stress Tincture and it’s showing good results for me.

I purchased it from Nicole’s Apothecary shop. If you’d like something for sleep, this tincture is also a good option.

Below it’s my easy tea recipe that I’d like to share with you.

Stress Relief Cheat Sheet- ingredients
  • 2 cups boiling water
  • 1 tbsp dried chamomile buds
  • 1 tbsp dried peppermint leaves, shredded
  • ½ tsp fresh ginger, grated
  • 1 slice organic lemon, chopped
  1. In an infuser, put the chamomile, peppermint, ginger and lemon.Stress Relief Cheat Sheet- put the ingredients in a mug
  2. Pour boiling water over them and let them steep for 15 minutes.Stress Relief Cheat Sheet- pour water
  3. Pour the tea in a mug and relax!

Drink this infusion preferably before bedtime to help you feel sleepy and calm. A good night’s sleep is a good start in reducing stress by enabling you to wake up refreshed and renewed.

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Thank you for sharing this with us

Hi Angel,

You’re very welcome! We’re happy to hear you enjoyed the article.

Many blessings and good health!

What brand of essential oils do you recommend?

great recipe! thanks

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