The Forgotten Home Apothecary
Discover how to create your own 250+ natural remedies, tinctures, poultices, and salves with the healing power of plants. Learn the forgotten wisdom of herbal medicine and take control of your health with remedies you can make at home.
The Amish Ways Book
Discover the healing wisdom of the Amish, from natural painkillers to time-tested remedies for fevers, infections, and joint pain. Learn how they treat ailments without pharmacies, using powerful herbal formulas and old-world healing techniques.
The Amish Ways Academy
Learn how to live off the grid, preserve food, make remedies, and build off-grid solutions with time-tested Amish skills.
Nicole’s Apothecary
Herbalist Nicole Apelian shares her herbal tinctures, salves and infusions, all made in the USA
The Lost Remedies Academy
Get your herbalist diploma as Nicole Apelian helps you craft powerful remedies in Lost Remedies Academy!
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies
You’ll discover powerful natural remedies made from healing plants, for every one of your daily needs
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies II
Nicole Apelian’s limited-edition sequel introduces new plants and remedies—a perfect addition to your medicinal library!
The Holistic Guide to Wellness
For each common ailment, you’ll find specific herbs, foods, natural remedies, exercises, vitamins, detoxes and more
The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods
You’ll discover over 400 plants that never made it to most people’s lives
The Lost Superfoods
126 forgotten survival foods that you can stockpile for years without refrigeration
The Self-Sufficient Backyard
Transform a typical money-draining house into a profitable off-the-grid homestead
The Lost Ways
Our forefather’s lost survival skills for every crisis situation we may face in our life
The Lost Ways II
Even more survival skills that we’ve lost to history and we’ll need in the next crisis
The Modular Backyard Power Plant
How to make a 24/7 power source in your own backyard for long-term blackouts
Foraging Field Reference Bandana
It was designed in cooperation with some of the finest foraging instructors