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10 Remedies You Can Find In Your Kitchen

10 Remedies You Can Find In Your Kitchen

When you begin to explore natural remedies you quickly realize that many herbs and spices that we use in our everyday cooking can also be medicinal. The idea of food…



The name Cabbage covers several cultivars of Brassica oleracea all of which are popular annual vegetables. These plants are closely related to cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, and broccoli.     This leafy…

How To Make Medicinal Pickled Turmeric

How To Make Medicinal Pickled Turmeric

In recent years, Ayurvedic cooking has taken the western culinary world by storm. Ancient India’s traditional diet suddenly is the center of attention.  The main ingredient in this holistic culinary…

The 6 Best Bedtime Teas To Help You Sleep

The 6 Best Bedtime Teas To Help You Sleep

Sleeping is an important aspect of every person’s life. It is how you recuperate and get your energy back after a tiring day. The best sleep means waking up in…



Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an evergreen shrub that is part of the Solanaceae or nightshade family. Common names include Winter Cherry, Indian Ginseng, and Poison Gooseberry. The word “Ashwagandha” is…

Soak Your Troubles Away with Homemade Tub Tea

Soak Your Troubles Away with Homemade Tub Tea

Nothing soothes the soul like a good warm bath—especially when the bath contains herbs, nourishing essential oils, and salts. But you know what’s not soothing? Cleaning the tub afterward. An…

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