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Cramp Bark

Cramp Bark

Cramp Bark of the genus Viburnum, is an upright, flowering shrub that goes by many names. There is an American species known botanically as Viburnum trilobum, which is a synonym…



Leeks (Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum) are bulbous vegetables with a leafy green top and white fleshy stalk. It is a member of the onion family, slightly bigger than a scallion…

Top 5 Diet Changes for Autoimmunity

Top 5 Diet Changes for Autoimmunity

If you don’t have an autoimmune disorder yourself, chances are that you know someone who does. At last count, millions of people across the world are suffering from an autoimmune…

Self-Heal Plant

Self-Heal Plant

Self-heal (Prunella vulgaris) is an edible flowering plant that is useful for treating many illnesses. For many centuries, the Prunella vulgaris exists as an important herb and elixir in folk…

How to Make Herbal Ice Cubes

How to Make Herbal Ice Cubes

Herbal ice cubes are great. They’re not only easy to make but they contain added nutrients that your drink otherwise would not have. They also taste great and make a…

Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Ice Cream

Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Ice Cream

With summer already here, there is no better way to celebrate than with ice cream. This homemade turmeric ice cream is packed full of goodness, tastes delicious, and you don’t…



Fennel is a hardy but short-lived perennial and a member of the broad plant family that includes carrots, dill, celery, and parsley. Like many plants that have both herbal and…

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum annuum) is in the same group of peppers as jalapeños and bell peppers. It is widely used in cooking in many countries. Common names include Bird’s Beak…

50 Ways to Use Yarrow

50 Ways to Use Yarrow

Yarrow is an easy herb to find and something that many herbalists keep in their stockpile. It’s useful for its use in blocking bleeding, toning skin, treating cold and flu,…

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