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Rosehip Powder for Blood Pressure & Cholesterol

When the last of your rose petals fall off, what is left of it is its shiny berries called rosehips. If you leave them on the plant, rosehips will grow into new plants to give you more luscious bush and bloom. But you can also forage these fruits and try out their various culinary and medicinal uses.  In this article, I’ll share with you how to make rosehip powder and why you should.

How To Consume Rosehips

Rosehips are the fruits of rose bushes that come after the flower gets pollinated. They contain the seeds that will regrow into a new patch. In autumn, when the flowers and leaves are gone, what is left on the bush are bright red rosehips.

When winter rolls in, rosehips make a good tonic for chasing the cold away.

Rosehip Powder For Blood Pressure And Cholesterol -rosehips

Rosehips are edible, however, eating them fresh may not be for everyone. The fruits have tiny hairs that may cause an allergic reaction.

If you want to consume raw and fresh rosehips, blending them might make them easier on the tongue. You can also soak them overnight, then cook them for half an hour the following morning.

Powdered rosehips are easier to consume just as it is easy to prepare. All you need is a blender or miller to turn dried rosehips into powder.

Rosehips give an aromatic spin to ordinary culinary dishes as well. You can also macerate or brew them into a tea and use it to tame an upset stomach and boost immunity.

One of the easiest ways to consume rosehips, and perhaps extend their shelf life, is to grind them into powder. In powdered form, rosehips are versatile for use in cuisine and medicine.

You can mix it into your dough for a power-punched protein ball, sprinkle it over dishes and shakes, or mix it into beverages.

How Rosehip Powder Helps with Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Among the amazing therapeutic properties of rosehips is their ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. These two correlate with each other such that when the cholesterol is high, the blood pressure also spikes.

In a study conducted to assess their benefit in diabetes and heart diseases, rosehips show promising results in managing cholesterol levels, due to their high level of antioxidants like flavonoids, Vitamin C, polyphenols and other nutrients.

A daily intake of rosehip powder can decrease the total plasma cholesterol, LDL and LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio. It significantly lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and boosts good cholesterol (HDL). The HDL is the one that absorbs cholesterol in the blood and carries it into the liver to be flushed out.

By lowering the cholesterol level, it impacts the reduction of the blood pressure level. It improves blood circulation and prevents damage to the blood vessels.

Taking rosehip tea or powder reduces the chances of stroke, heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.

Note: Rosehip may cause an allergic reaction like nausea and headaches in people sensitive to it. Do not use rosehips if you have bleeding problems, kidney stones, diabetes, or taking any medication.

Other Benefits of Rosehips

Boost the immune system: Rosehips, especially the fresh ones, are rich in Vitamin C. This particular vitamin is needed for the proper support of the immune system. In fact, rosehips are said to contain the highest concentration of Vitamin C among other fruits and vegetables.

Help in weight loss: Rosehips are rich in antioxidant tiliroside which helps in preventing weight gain. It is particularly beneficial in reversing high-fat diet-induced obesity. Rosehips also contain dietary fiber which aids in maintaining a healthy gut flora and facilitating proper bowel movements.

Treat skin problems: Rosehip is largely popular in the aspect of skincare. It aids in reducing blemishes, wrinkles, scars and other skin problems as well as healing burns and wounds. With its astringent property and high collagen content, rosehips can make the skin more elastic.

Remove toxins: The antioxidants found in rosehips benefit the body in all aspects. Antioxidants work by binding and flushing away the free radicals in the cells that cause oxidative stress. The action lowers the risk of contracting serious health problems like cancer and premature aging.

Support the bones: Collagen is important in improving skin’s density. It is also an important type of protein that helps in strengthening the bones and connective tissues. The collagen in rosehip helps maintain bone mineral density and prevents osteoporosis.

Lower inflammation: Rosehip is highly anti-inflammatory which works in both internal and external inflammation. It can lower joint inflammation and reduce the pain level in people with osteoarthritis. It may also help manage the pain in rheumatoid arthritis although its effectiveness is yet to be validated by ongoing research studies.

Treat and prevent cold: Rosehip is full of ascorbic acid that boosts the immune system. Rosehip tea and its extract is a prized tonic in the prevention and treatment of colds and flu. It may also help in dealing with other related respiratory symptoms.

What Doctors Do to Keep Their Immunity High (Video)

How to Make Rosehip Powder

Rosehip powder is quite easy to make and it starts with foraging them from the bush. Rosehips are not at all necessarily red. Depending on the variety, they may be orange, dark purple or black.

They are best for harvest when they have turned into a deeper color and are firm to the touch. Some people harvest rosehips in autumn but others wait until the first frost for a fuller flavor.

To harvest, just trim the fruit off the plant, cut in half and scrape the seeds. You may also leave the seeds if cutting and scraping is too time-consuming. However, the seed is the part of the rosehip that contains the tiny hairs that may cause an allergic reaction in some people.

You can process them initially in a food processor and let the rosehips dry for at least two days before blending them into powder.

Alternatively, you can buy dried rosehips which are widely available in online stores.

You will need:Rosehip Powder For Blood Pressure And Cholesterol -ingredients
  • 1 cup dried rosehips
  • Food processor or blender
  • Fine mesh sieve
  • Glass jar
  1. Place rosehips in a blender or miller a little at a time and grind them into a fine powder. Rosehip Powder For Blood Pressure And Cholesterol -grind rosehips
  2. Sift the powder in a fine sieve and transfer the rosehip powder to a clean, dry, and sterile glass jar.Rosehip Powder For Blood Pressure And Cholesterol -pour the powder in a jar

How to use:

Take 1 tsp of rosehip powder and add it to a cup of boiling water. The safe dose of rosehip is 1 tsp (5 grams) daily for no more than 12 weeks.Rosehip Powder For Blood Pressure And Cholesterol - make tea

You may slip rosehip powder into your food by adding it to soups and broths to give your meal a healthy boost.

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I am excited about adding rose hips for cholesterol reduction but I am curious why it can’t be taken for longer than 12 weeks? Is there a suggested period of rest before starting another cycle?

I am curious why you can’t take it for more than 12 weeks at a time??

Where did you find the 12 week limit?

I found it, sorry.

I have lots of wild roses in my woods. Of course the hips are really tiny. How do they compare with cultivated rosehips as far as usefulness?

Can you take Rosehip if you’re taken Xarelto

i always took the little hairy part and the seeds off before i ate them and just ate the outer skin of the hip, do you need the hairy part and seeds?

I’m curious about why they are not suggested for diabetics ~ or for those who produce kidney stones please ~

I am 52 years old with High cholesterol prediabetes ,can I use rosehip powder

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