Red Pain Aid: How To Get Rid of Pain Naturally
If you have experienced overwhelming soreness, stiffness and throbbing pain you should read this article!
Overwhelmed by tension, your first instinct might be to go into your cabinet and take a painkiller. Sure, your pain might disappear, but do you know what’s really happening every time you take medicine?
You develop a tolerance and your brain becomes unresponsive to the painkiller. Or even worse, you become addicted, tempted to start taking more and more just to feel an improvement in your condition.
They also come with an endless list of side effects, like headaches, dizziness, urinary tract infections, indigestion, and, if taken irresponsibly, even worse than this. So, the next time you consider taking an over-the-counter painkiller, think twice!
Now, you might be wondering if there’s a safer alternative to managing your pain. OTC painkillers may sound like a quick fix, but people tend to overlook that they can actually make your pain worse. They contain chemicals that heighten your pain over time by reducing your pain tolerance.
You needn’t worry any longer, there’s a natural alternative to painkillers, and you can brew it at home in just 5 minutes! Here’s how.
Red Pain Aid Juice Recipe
This juice is rich in ingredients that are known for their anti-inflammatory and painkilling effects. Whenever I feel an exhausting headache pain it’s about to come, I drink it and wait for it to work its magic.
Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple that’s used to reduce pain and inflammation. While it can also be found in the juicy pulp of the pineapple, it’s mostly concentrated in the inner core. Raspberries are another source of anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants that promote overall health.
For this recipe I include Blueberries as well, which are rich in anti-inflammatory nutrients. Then there’s beets which are rich in nitrates- they reduce inflammation by flushing harmful toxins from your bloodstream.
You can also use wild lettuce, Nature’s Painkiller. If you don’t find it, replace it with calendula or dandelion. I forage these plants every year and dry them for year-round use. To learn more about how to identify edible and medicinal plants, berries, mushrooms, and more, I recommend this easy and comprehensive guide.
You can also add a bit of turmeric, which contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory. To activate the turmeric, you should use black pepper. Lemon juice is also a go-to for this blend, because of the same properties mentioned.
Now that you know how the ingredients work together, let’s get started!
- canned beets
- canned pineapple
- ½ cup blueberries
- ½ cup raspberries
- ¼ cup chopped Dandelion greens (or one cup of calendula tea- or 5-10 drops of wild lettuce extract)/ calendula juice
- 1 tablespoon of turmeric
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 1 cup/ 250 ml of water
- 2 tablespoons of honey/ stevia (the sweetener depends on your taste)
- Place all the ingredients in the blender and mix until smooth (I recommend you add them in the order mentioned above).
- Drink it immediately.
Watch the Video Recipe
How to Use
Shelf-life: Freshly squeezed juice, without any preservatives or pasteurization, has a short shelf life. It is best to consume it immediately after making it for the highest nutritional value and freshness. If refrigerated, fresh juice can last for about 1 to 2 days, although the taste and quality might weaken after the first day.
Dosage: The quantity of juice that you should consume daily varies. Some people may have a hard time digesting juice at the beginning, so it’s best to start with a small amount, like 2-4 ounces. Then, you can work your way up to 16 ounces or more a day. Try and have at least three cups a week for maximum effect.
Whether you suffer from chronic pain or inflammation, the Red Pain Aid Juice comes to the rescue! – All you have to do is forage edible herbs and blend them together. Click here to discover over 400 wild edibles that could be growing around your property right now!
How much black pepper?
Heck, how much canned beet an pineapple? It would be nice to scale this recipe to the starter dose of 2 ounces and be able to work up from there.
Hi JJ,
Thank you so much for your comment.
We appreciate your feedback! We updated a video, where the ingredients and the quantity are specified.
You should add 10 slices of canned beets and two medium-sized pineapple slices.
Take care!
Hi Kerl,
Thank you so much for your question.
You can add just a pinch of ground black pepper.
Take care!
Wild Lettuce? How to identify it and use it?
Sorry found in book