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Warming Turmeric and Cayenne Pain-Relief Balm

Warming Turmeric and Cayenne Pain-Relief Balm

Warming spices have been used throughout history as pain relievers and even modern medicine utilizes the natural compounds found in these spices as more and more people are looking for…

7 Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia Pain

7 Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia Pain

When you live with fibromyalgia, you face daily challenges that many others don’t. Chronic muscle pain, nonstop fatigue, unrefreshing sleep, numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, and depression…

How To Make A Pain Healing Mint Salve

How To Make A Pain Healing Mint Salve

Finding ways to conveniently apply the wonderful pain-relieving qualities of mint is sometimes a challenge. You may have gorgeous, fragrant peppermint plants growing in the garden, or soothing peppermint tea.…

DIY Pain Relief Salve

DIY Pain Relief Salve

To treat any form of pain, you should consider what symptoms you need to combat. In many cases, pain is associated with inflammation, fluid build-up, swelling, stiffness, muscle spasm, and/or…

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