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Never Do This Before Sleep

Never Do This Before You Go To Sleep

Your brain will start eating itself if you keep doing this.

This is a very serious issue that most people overlook.

It can even increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders.

Sleep plays a more important role in your life than you might realize.

Keep reading this so you don’t expose yourself to unthinkable consequences.

According to recent studies, burning the ′midnight oil′ can lead the brain to eat its own connections, debris, and worn-out cells. This can contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological diseases.

You probably don’t even realize how much a good night’s sleep affects your mental and physical health. It’s a shame that most people unintentionally do things that can ruin their sleep.

Here are the habits you need to avoid:

1. Consuming a large, heavy meal or snacking heavily close to bedtime.

Your body needs energy to digest your meal. Keeping your body and mind active will make it harder for you to relax. You need to have at least 3-4 hours of sleep between your last bite and bedtime. This way, you’re allowing your body to digest the food, and you can easily avoid indigestion or stomach discomfort that might interfere with your sleep.

2. Alcohol

This beverage is a central nervous depressant, meaning it slows down your brain. Some people like alcohol because it makes them feel drowsy and helps them fall asleep, but it actively interferes with your sleep cycle.

alcoholism, alcohol addiction and people concept - male alcoholic drinking beer from glass at night

It has a direct effect on the brain’s REM sleep centers. During REM sleep, your eyes move a lot, and you have intense dreams – your brain is overall very active. This sleep stage is essential for your emotional regulation, memory regulation and your overall well-being. If you drink alcohol before you go to sleep, you’ll be making it very difficult for your brain to enter and maintain REM sleep.

An even scarier effect is that it can worsen sleep apnea in people who suffer from it, meaning that it can relax the muscles in the back of your throat, making it likely for the airway to collapse during sleep.

3. Excessive caffeine

If you can’t go a day without coffee, make sure your last cup is 6-8 hours before bedtime. Caffeine is a stimulant a lot of people love, but it can stay in your body for several hours. Avoid drinking any stimulants like coffee, energizing teas or soda before sleep.

Fortunately, a couple of drops from this tincture into your tea or water can disperse the effects coffee has on your brain and ease you to sleep quicker.

4. You’re not drinking enough water

Dehydration directly interferes with your sleep. This is why so many people wake up in the middle of the night, parched, guzzling a glass of water just so they can go back to sleep. Don’t think that if you don’t drink enough water during the day, you can just down a couple of glasses before bedtime – the frequent bathroom trips are only going to disturb your sleep even more.

5. Bad lighting

Ever wondered why you get random headaches at the office? Prolonged exposure to the cold, overhead lighting from work can really affect your sleep and overall well-being. If you’re going to use the overhead lighting at home too, right before you go to sleep, you’re going to have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Use a lamp or dim the lights in the room where you’re preparing for bedtime.

The environment you sleep in matters too. You have to make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and cool.

Ensure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and cool.

6. Having stimulating conversations

Ever wondered why you couldn’t get yourself to sleep after an argument, or working on a stressful project, or after watching adrenaline-pumping content? When you feel excited or worried about these things, it’s difficult for your brain to shut off, relax, and fall asleep. Try calming activities like reading or listening to soothing sounds or music that signal your brain and body it’s time to unwind.

Consider taking herbs like Ashwagandha, Lemon Balm and mushrooms Lion’s Mane Mushroom and Reishi Mushroom. A tincture made from all of these taken during the day can help calm your nervous system and relieve anxiety, depression, and stress-related insomnia.

Here’s what people are saying about it:

Review AST

Review AST

Review AST

7. Being on your phone, tablet, or laptop even at night

In the evening, when exposed to blue light, your brain will understand it as a signal that it’s daytime.

Woman browsing internet in front of laptop screen at night

This happens because the blue light coming from electronic devices can severely suppress the hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles, called melatonin. This will make it difficult for you to fall asleep and stay asleep. Read a book, listen to an audiobook or some soft music instead.

8. Medications

Are you on any heart, depression or anxiety medications? Certain medications can really impact the way you sleep. If you’re experiencing serious sleep problems, talk to your doctor about it.

9. Irregular sleep schedule

Do you still have sleep problems even if you get eight hours or more daily? That might be because you don’t go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.

Another thing that’s crucial for your sleep quality is maintaining a consistent sleep schedule – even on weekends.

Herbs like Valerian Root, Hops, German Chamomile, and Passionflower can regulate your sleep schedule naturally. Together, they boost the production of the calming brain chemical that promotes sleep. This Sleep Blend Tincture is formulated with these 4 herbs that are either wild-harvested or organically grown. It is non-GMO and vegan.

10. Lying awake in bed

Sleepless and desperate beautiful caucasian woman awake at night not able to sleep, feeling frustrated and worried looking at clock suffering from insomnia in sleep disorder concept.Because there’s no other way you can actually get to sleep, right? Wrong! That’s the last thing you need to do. If this happens on a regular basis, like with insomnia, you’re probably going to make a connection between the anxiety of not sleeping and your own bed. Try a relaxing activity or having a Valerian or Chamomile tea or take a few drops of the Sleep Blend Tincture – sometimes, the calming effect is immediate!

Sleep affects every aspect of our bodies, from our mental and emotional states to our physical functions.

Here are some remedies I made that have helped me with that:

  • The ”Cell Repair” Tincture
  • DIY Liquid Prozac
  • Herbal Capsules for Hormone Regulation
  • The ”Redbull” of the Woods
  • Natural Brain Booster
  • The Stress-Reducing Pills you can find in the wild
  • Herbal Pillow with Nature’s Valium
  • The ”Better Memory” Plant students smoke

You can find these and many other remedies that have been tailored to your needs in Dr. Nicole Apelian’s newest book, The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies II. You can find detailed step-by-step instructions with large, color pictures of each part of the remedy-making process. Most of the remedies I mentioned above are made from plants I found randomly growing in my backyard or near my house.

It was crazy to discover just how many plants I’m now using as medicines I had been spraying or stepping on!

If you too want to learn how to heal yourself naturally, you can watch here the presentation Dr. Nicole has put together for you.

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I have your book! Love it! It’s an excellent resource.

Well I see I have been doing most things wrong before bedtime. Time for a change but bad habits are hard to break.

Continue doing everything you’re doing and at the same time with one exception… go to sleep at 9AM instead of 9PM. LOL. That should fix it. If you insist on sleeping during nighttime hours, move 180° around to the other side of the planet. All problems are solved with a little determination and creative thinking.

When I take valerian or ashawagna , they do not help with sleep but rather the reverse , keep me awake . Not sure why or what else to try

Any chance you can make the Sleep tincture without the Valerian? I have night terrors for multiple nights following taking anything with Valerian in it.

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