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Nature’s Amoxicillin

Before penicillin was discovered and amoxicillin became available, our forefathers had herbs. Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin that can treat a broad range of infections. It is mostly used for dental abscesses, pneumonia, and other bacterial infections. The history of herbal medicine has a long list of amoxicillin alternatives. These are the herbs that curb the growth of bacteria and can be used internally or externally. In this article, I’ll share with you my homemade herbal amoxicillin recipe.

Synthetic vs Herbal Amoxicillin

Amoxicillin is a powerful drug against bacterial infection, and fast-acting too. The problem with conventional medicines is that their actions are very specific. That said, amoxicillin targets all types of bacteria – bad or good.

If you have ever been on amoxicillin, you have likely experienced side effects like upset stomach and diarrhea as it messed up with gut flora.

Herbal antibacterial remedies are milder, but they come with a wider range of benefits. Garlic, for example, is not only a whole-body antibiotic. It is also an immunity booster, digestive tonic, detoxifier and liver tonic. Getting rid of the bacteria is just one phase of the process. You also need to boost your immune shield and support the good gut bacteria.

The Herbs in My Natural Amoxicillin Recipe

These are but a few from the list of effective herbal antibiotics. These are a good start since most of them are readily available in any kitchen. Some of them are also easy to grow in your herbal garden whenever you need them.

Garlic (Allium sativum) is always on the top of the list, with its potent antibacterial properties. Crushing garlic releases its antibacterial compound allicin. Allicin kills bacteria inside the body and reduces the stress that sickness causes. It can also treat respiratory illnesses and is a good antibiotic against cholera.

Onion (Allium cepa) is used as a preventative medicine for flu during an outbreak. Onion attracts bacteria and draws it out of a sick person. That explains why some people put onions in their socks whenever they are sick.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an excellent antiviral and antibacterial rhizome that helps in clearing infections. Ginger is also gut-supportive which helps improve the gut microbiota. The gingerol in ginger is effective in reducing bad bacteria and preventing them from growing.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is excellent in fast wound and abscess healing. It contains curcumin that acts as a whole-body antibiotic and treats a wide range of infections. Turmeric is also valued for its immune-boosting properties that speed up the healing process from various diseases and infections. Turmeric is often used with a pinch of black pepper which improves its absorbability in the body.

Citrus fruit peel is found to have bioactive compounds that make up its antibiotic properties. It is best to choose organic options. Lemon, lime, grapefruits and other citrus fruits reduce the spread of germs both locally and internally.

Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) is a hot spice with an analgesic effect. It also possesses an antibiotic property that is potent against group A streptococci which causes strep throat. It also heals related skin and soft tissue infections from the same bacteria group such as impetigo and cellulitis.

Pineapple (Ananus comosus) contains Bromelain which is an antibacterial compound. It was found to display an excellent inhibitory effect against periodontal bacteria that cause tooth and gum diseases. Concentrated pineapple extract also works against pathogens that cause respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia.

Black pepper displays an excellent antimicrobial action with its piperine, terpene and flavone chemical compounds. Preliminary research found the inhibitory effect of black pepper in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Black pepper also inhibits the growth of E. coli and A. aureus.

Honey possesses potent therapeutic properties. Often, it is used as a sweetener in foods and beverages. But honey, in fact, does more than that. Scientists discovered its excellent antibacterial property that curbs the growth of bacteria. Studies suggest that it may be due to the sugar content of honey that shrinks and dehydrates bacteria.

Apple cider vinegar has been used for many years in treating many health problems. ACV is popular in diets that promote weight loss and sugar control and also provides other medicinal benefits. ACV can inhibit bacterial growth in food, inhibit staph infection and kill the bad bacteria in the gut.

Find out more in The Holistic Guide to Wellness, where you can read about the best natural remedies to take for a variety of ailments.

Making Nature’s Amoxicillin at Home

It is possible to concoct your own antibiotic using most of these potent ingredients. Keep a jar of this tonic handy and use it to treat infection during a disease outbreak.

The most popular winter drink that is packed with antibacterial and antiviral properties is Fire Cider. It is made up of powerful herbs and spices steeped in apple cider vinegar and honey.

Fire cider is versatile and you can use any herbs, fruits and rhizomes. For this recipe, we use all the potent natural antibiotics to make a delicious fruit punch. Unlike fire cider tonic which needs a couple of weeks to ferment, this fire cider punch can be used immediately.

You may also store it in the fridge, for a handy natural antibiotic whenever you need one.

What you will need:
  • 2/3 cup apple cider vinegar

  • ½ cup fresh pineapple, washed and cut into half-inch cubes
  • 2-inch ginger, peeled
  • 1-inch turmeric root, peeled (or ½ to ¾ tsp turmeric powder)
  • 2 to 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • ¼ organic lime or lemon with peel, chopped
  • 1 ½ tbsp honey
  • 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
  • a pinch of black pepper
  • Blender
  • Strainer
  • Glass jar
  1. Put all the ingredients in a blender (pineapple, garlic, ginger, onion, lime, turmeric, apple cider vinegar and honey).Natures Amoxicillin - add ingredients to blender
  2. Blend until smooth and consume. If you don’t like the texture of this fire cider punch, you may pass it in a fine mesh strainer to extract just the liquid. But, eating the pulp will get you the most benefit out of this delicious and spicy blend.
  3. Natures Amoxicillin - blendTransfer the juice to a glass mason jar and store it in the fridge. The fire cider shot can last for 2 weeks.Natures Amoxicillin - finished mix

How to Use

Take a shot glass of the fire cider punch before a meal. You may also use it as an ingredient in salad dressings or marinades. This fire cider shot makes an excellent cocktail, just add some sparkling water for a hot, pungent and health-supportive shot.

Adjust the taste and potency of the fire cider by adding more or taking less of some of the ingredients, your call. If you don’t like pineapple, you can use mango or apple instead. Just make sure to remove the seeds before adding them to the blend.

You can also use fresh cayenne pepper instead of powder for a spicier cider. However, I opted for powdered cayenne in the recipe to make it manageable for children as well.

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This recipe looks interesting but when do you suggest using it? In case of a bacterial infection or regularly as an immune booster?

I had tooth removed last Wednesday morning and have been on amoxicillin since. And I should be finishing the bottle, but was thinking of stopping and just drinking the shot? Advice?

Don’t ever stop antibiotics once you start them however when you get sick next time if you’d like to try this out vs antibiotics, feel free to.

Catherine, if it were me, I’d go ahead and finish the amoxicillin, because you’re halfway through, and you do NOT want to mess around with tooth infections! I’d just power through and clean up my body later. When you’re through with your prescription, start eating raw fermented foods to restore your gut flora. Raw fermented foods are better for restoring your gut flora than OTC pro-biotic pills, or even foods like yogurt. You can find lots of recipes/instructions online for making your own, such as fermented carrots, raw sauerkraut, kimchi, etc. (You can’t just buy a can of heat-processed sauerkraut, it has to be RAW to contain the pro-biotics.) Eat about a Tablespoon a day. One good place to start is by viewing some “Off Grid with Doug and Stacy” YouTube videos on how to ferment foods. I had great success with Stacy’s fermented zucchini relish, which was my first stab at fermenting veggies, and it was delicious!

I am not in favor of antibiotics. But sometimes there is a time and place for them, such as being halfway through your prescription.

Hi Maria,

Thank you for your interest in this article!
You can use this blend both to boost your immunity and prevent illness, and to fight bacteria and viruses. It’s also a very good anti-inflammatory.

Many blessings and good health!

Fire cider got me through covid, just a couple of doses. Made a new batch a couple of months ago and thought I was getting a jalapeno out of the freezer to put in with the other stuff. Turned out to be an atomic pepper, way hotter, so I had to add more vinegar to thin it down. My dad would say this stuff would put hair on your chest.

Hi Beth,

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us!

Many blessings and good health!

Question: for these types of syrups, including the fire cider – is there a need to put them in a pressure cooker/boiling pot of water to prevent the types of problems one can have with canning/preserving jams, jellies, etc.? I’m new to all of this but I want to begin preparing these great types of herb remedies, and I don’t want to send a case of botulism as part of a Christmas gift. 🙁

No, if you use vodka it preserves it outside the fridge. Just shake once in awhile. If you use apple cider vinegar instead of vodka I would refrig it.

Keep up the good work. You are the best.

Hi Anthony,

Thank you for your appreciation! We’re happy to hear you enjoy our articles!

Many blessings and good health!

Instruction say to take with/before a meal. Does that mean before every meal? So 3 times a day?

You can take as little or as much as you want. It is just basically food. If you take too much, like drink it all day long the cayenne could cause stomach problems possibly or if you already have stomach issues go easy

Hi Kris,

Thank you for your question! It’s best to start with a small dose, once a day before or with a more copious meal. You can increase the dosage as needed and if your body responds well to this remedy.

Many blessings and good health!

Can you pour this into ice cube trays and store frozen? How long would it store for then?

Hi Barb,

You can freeze your fire cider juice if you wish, however, it’s best to vacuum seal it (this way it can keep for longer).

Many blessings and good health!

Two questions:

  1. I’m intolerant to everything in the allium family. Is the recipe still good if I drop the onion & garlic? Perhaps boost the ginger & tumeric?
  2. Would freezing (in ice cube dose sizes) destroy it’s useful qualities?

Hi Katherine,

Thank you for your interest in this recipe!
If you leave out the onion and garlic you will still reap amazing health benefits from this remedy. Yes you can add more ginger and turmeric if you wish, or other ingredients that are beneficial to you.
You can freeze your fire cider juice if you wish, however, it’s best to vacuum seal it (this way it can keep for longer).

Many blessings and good health!

how long can this be kept in the fridge?

The recipe says 2 weeks in fridge.

I prefer ingriendents which can be sourced locally. What would be good substitutes for pineapple here if we dont live in the tropics.

Hi Sertac,

Thank you for your interest in this article!
You can replace it with any fruit you can source in your area and has plenty of vitamin C.

Many blessings and good health!

I’m curious I’m allergic to Rx amoxicillin but since these are all foods/etc I’m not allergic too I’m assuming I wouldn’t be allergic to the homemade amoxicillin correct?

That is correct because these are foods, not anything in the penicillin family (penicillin, amoxicillin, etc) 😊

Hi Kristen,

Thank you for your interest in this recipe!
Unless you are allergic to herbs in the Allium family, such as the onion and garlic in this recipe, you shouldn’t have any issues with this blend.
It’s best to start with a small dosage and see if your body responds well. Afterwards, you can increase the dosage to suit your needs.

Many blessings and good health!

Can fire cider be canned

Is there a more children friendly version of this. I have a 4y/o and I’m trying keep him from getting sick because he’s a very picky eater. He doesn’t really eat Fruit & veggies so I need some sort of prevention.

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