Inside and Out Remedy for Toenail Fungus
Having to experience Toenail fungus is something none of us want to experience and it is actually fairly common. This type of fungus can cause aesthetic, structural and somatic challenges in more serious cases it may even become painful or also smell bad. It may infect anyone but is more common for elderly people.
Luckily, as usual, there are many herbs here to help us with every condition and imbalance we may face. In this case, you can turn to the powerful Oregano (Origanum vulgare) for its antifungal and healing properties which are well suited to treating this condition.
Or, you can choose a more powerful alternative, though harder to obtain: Usnea. But I’ll tell you later on about more herbal remedies against fungal infections.
In this article, you can learn more about the cause of this condition, why and how Oregano and Apple Cider Vinegar can be used as a herbal treatment for toenail fungus. You’ll also find a full recipe and instructions for making a medicine brew combining Oregano with another fantastic all-natural ingredient, ACV that also helps alleviate this condition.
Understanding Toenail Fungus
This infection is also known as Onychomycosis or tinea unguium. Toenail fungus is most commonly caused by Dermatophytes which are a group of fungi that have the ability to invade skin, hair and nails, Other filamentous fungi and yeasts such as candida (particularly C. Albicans) can also cause nail fungus but they are the rarer causes.
Toenail Fungus can develop as a result of various factors, those that are more susceptible to this condition are elders, athletes, immune-compromised individuals, or those with diabetes. Toenail fungus may also develop after injury to your nails or toes or excessive dampness . This is a condition that needs active treatment as it can spread and develop into other infections.
Oregano and its Antifungal Actions
Oregano is well known to offer potent antifungal activity. It contains both carvacrol and thymol which exhibit high levels of antifungal and antibacterial activity. It can be used in essential oil form externally or as a traditional or ascetic tincture both internally and externally.
Later in the article, the recommended DIY formula is an Ascetic Oregano Tincture using Apple Cider Vinegar Vinegar as the chosen menstrum as it is also very beneficial for treating toenail fungus.
Fungal infections can sneak into your life and quickly spiral out of control if left unchecked. From stubborn nail fungus and itchy athlete’s foot to more serious issues like Candida overgrowth, these infections don’t just go away on their own—they spread and thrive, often leaving you feeling frustrated and helpless.
Usnea and its Antifungal Actions
But there’s good news: usnea, a natural remedy often called “old man’s beard,” can help you take control. Packed with a powerful antifungal compound called usnic acid, usnea works by breaking down fungal cell walls, stopping their growth, and supporting your immune system to fight back. Whether it’s a topical skin issue or a systemic fungal infection, a usnea tincture is a must-have in your arsenal.
If you want to harvest usnea yourself, make sure to do it responsibly to protect this slow-growing lichen. Look for usnea on fallen branches after storms rather than pulling it from living trees to avoid harming the environment.
Always check for its stretchy white core to correctly identify it and avoid confusing it with similar lichens. Since usnea absorbs toxins from its surroundings, only gather it from clean, unpolluted areas to ensure it’s safe and effective.
Once you’ve collected your usnea, dry it thoroughly before using it. To make a tincture, use high-proof alcohol to extract its active compounds most effectively.
If you want to skip this long and time-consuming process and you’d rather get a ready-made spray, this is the only trusted source I recommend sourcing it from. After many unsatisfying attempts from multiple suppliers, I finally found the best apothecary here.
Why wait for the problem to worsen when you can tackle it head-on with a proven natural solution? Don’t let a simple infection turn into a bigger issue—usnea has your back.
Understanding the Benefits of ACV for Toenail Fungus
Vinegar will help to kill off the fungus as it is a weak acid. It has been used as a medicine for 1000s of years and Apple Cider Vinegar in particular is noted to have good antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties which can assist with alleviating toenail fungus. Studies have shown that it is particularly beneficial for dealing with Candida, including C. Albicans.
ACV is sometimes used alone in warm water as an extended soak for the affected nails. Today, you will learn the preparation and other ways to work with Apple Cider Vinegar combined with the potent antifungal herb Oregano to heal toenail fungus.
After using a remedy to fight a fungal infection, your skin may feel dry, irritated, or sensitive as it is regenerating actively. This salve is essential for restoring balance and soothing the damage.
The infused herbs—like calendula and plantain—moisturize, reduce inflammation, and promote healing, while beeswax locks in hydration to prevent cracking and reinfection. With its calming lavender oil and skin-nourishing vitamin E, this salve ensures your skin recovers smoothly, leaving it healthy and protected.
DIY Oregano Ascetic Tincture
When vinegar is used properly as menstrum to extract the medicine of a herb you can refer to this as an ascetic tincture. This Oregano Ascetic Tincture can be used both internally and externally and it harnesses the activity of Oregano, Apple Cider Vinegar and both of these combined as a formula and preparation to treat toenail fungus.
Making this formula is very simple but it does require some patience and time before it is ready for use.
- 11g (0.4 ounces) High quality dry Oregano
- 300ml (10.14 fluid ounce) Raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar Vinegar
Phase 1:
- Blender/ Grinder
- Jar
- Bowl
- Fabric
- Stir stick
- A piece of thin plastic
- Sticker or masking tape and a pen write an infomation label
Phase 2:
- Jar or vessel
- Funnel
- Straining cloth
- Amber or cobolt storage bottle
Step by Step
- Measure 300ml (10.14 fluid ounce) of raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar Vinegar.
- Weigh out 11g (0.4 ounces) of Oregano.
- Grind the Oregano to increase surface area for optimal extraction.
- Transfer the ground Oregano into a clean glass jar and have your ACV at the ready.
- Add the ACV to your ground Oregano.
- Place a piece of plastic over the opening of your jar (this is to protect the lid from rusting in the presence of vinegar as the extraction stands for a while). You can also use a jar with a plastic lid instead of this.
Seal the jar well.
- Label the extraction. let this jar stand for at least 2 weeks or preferably longer in room temperature to warm space for a nicely potent extraction. For best practice, shake up the contents daily.
- Gather your equipment for Stage 2. Once two weeks or more have passed you will observe changes to color ,scent, and flavor of the ACV.
- Strain your Oregano Ascetic Tincture.
- Make sure to squeeze the herbs very well, you should be left with herbs with little moisture which you can compost.
Bottle up your finished Oregano Ascetic Tincture ready for use or storage.
Suggested Use and Dosage
This formula is for both Internal and external use:
- To take it internally an adult dose is 1-2 teaspoons per day in half a glass of water.
- To apply it externally you can soak a soft cloth or cotton wool pads soaked in Oregano Ascetic Tincture and wrap it around your nails for 15 minutes.
- You may also add this formula to a foot soak of warm water.
Continue treatment with this formula for a little while after your toenail infection has cleared. Be sure to read through the next section on possible contradictions.
Apart from being used as a formula for toenail fungus, it can be used for other conditions and to access the other herbal actions and benefits of Oregano.
Use of Oregano as a medicinal herb may not suit you if you are allergic to plants in the Lamiaceae family. It may be taken in very small food doses or only externally for the purpose of toenail fungus during pregnancy. Oregano is generally not advised as a medicine during pregnancy or for babies. It can be used externally or in very dilute doses for kids.
If making remedies at home isn’t an option for you, don’t worry—you can still enjoy the benefits of usnea with a convenient usnea tincture spray.
This ready-made spray is perfect for topical use, especially on fungal infections, where it works to disinfect and soothe the skin with its natural antimicrobial properties. Beyond that, usnea spray is a fantastic, natural alternative to store-bought disinfectants that often contain harsh chemicals harmful to your skin.
Whether you’re dealing with minor cuts, scrapes, or even as a gentle hand sanitizer, this spray is a safer, skin-friendly solution you’ll feel good about using.
Very good things to know, Thank You!
So drinking the tincture helps clear up toenail fungus? Which works better, putting it on the toenail or drinking it?
ACV stains your toenails brown.
really? Have you tried this?
We tried everything we could afford to buy to cure my wife’s toe fungus. Lotions, salves, ointments and even pills that did nothing but waste a lot of time and effort and make us poorer. I grew up in the 40’s and 50’s when going to the doctor only happened when something needed to be sewn up, bones set or unconscious. I remembered one of the main stays of go to products that was very effective on most anything having to do with infection. Ears, cuts, toothaches and gum problems. And that product is Peroxide. Soak your feet three times a week in the hottest water you can stand with a pint (16oz) of peroxide in it. Soak for at least 30 minutes. Use a towel to firmly rub all around and under the affected toes to remove as much of the dead skin as possible. After several soakings, you will find that a dull instrument comes in handy to get as much of the fungus out from the nails as possible. Just be careful. My wife is disabled and unable to do this herself. If this is your case, try to find someone who is willing to glove up and help.
My wife’s doctor was astounded by the improvement over only a few months. Her feet are “fungus Free”. Don’t forget that the shoes you have been wearing are probably contaminated with the fungus as well. If possible wash them often with strong soap and disinfectant. What works for one, will work for another.
Good luck
Do you reheat the water and Peroxide and use again?
I’m thinking 16 oz , that’s a lot of peroxide 3 times a day?
Another herb you might look into for preparations for Toenail fungus is Chaparral. Just sayin’. Also, extracts of Red Cedar ‘Leaves’. Happy experimenting!