How To Prepare Medicinal Pickled Garlic
I learned how to prepare medicinal pickled garlic from my grandmother who was always ready to treat us with her self-made remedies. Garlic helps treating sore throats, colds, flu, poor digestion and is a potent antiseptic and antimicrobial agent effective against many types of infection. Above all, it really helps your immune system. Garlic contains allicin, an antibiotic and anti-fungal compound that protects it (the garlic) against pests.
In one of his books (The Honey, Garlic and Vinegar Miracle) Ray Collins expose the evidence that the mixture of honey, garlic, and vinegar not only ease the symptoms of colds but also can boost the libido and energy; it instantly treats common ailments like indigestion, heartburn, and headaches.
How To Prepare Medicinal Pickled Garlic With Honey
- a normal jar with garlic cloves
- apple cider vinegar (How to Make Raw Apple Cider Vinegar at Home)
- half a jar of honey
- one jar
Fill the garlic jar with apple cider vinegar and keep it wherever you want (room temperature) for 4 weeks. After this period strain off the apple cider vinegar and place ½ of the liquid in a saucepan and add half a jar of honey. Warm stirring until the honey and the vinegar mix together. Pour this back over the garlic and place the jar in a cool dark place for another 4 weeks. After that, you can use the garlic to cook food, as a side dish or just eat it like that because it’s very tasty. Keep in mind that this medicinal pickled garlic would last for almost a year.
Once you’ve learned how to prepare medicinal pickled garlic with honey you can improve the recipe by adding all sorts of spices to make it taste even better (like bay leaves, thyme or you can make it spicy).
Spicy Pickled Garlic With Peppercorns And Saffron Threads
- 1 pound of garlic
- peppercorns (12-40 peppercorns – depending on how spicy do you want to make it)
- saffron threads
- apple cider vinegar
- bay leaves (4-8)
- sugar (1/3 cup)
- 4 jars (of 4 ounces)
Using this recipe you will make four jars of spicy pickled garlic. First, sterilize the jars in a pot with boiled water (10-15 minutes) then peel the garlic. Place the saffron, sugar, and vinegar into a pan and boil them. Put the garlic cloves into the jars adding one or two bay leaves and peppercorns. Pour the hot mix over the garlic, and top with the lid and band. If the jar doesn’t seal within 2-4 hours, you can put the jars in a hot water bath for ten minutes, or store them in the refrigerator.
Once you’ve caned your first jars of garlic you can improve the recipe by adding all sorts of spices to make it better for your own taste.
Japanese Pickled Garlic – Ninniku Miso-Zuke
- fresh organic garlic (9 oz)
- miso (9 oz)
- 3-4 Tbsp traditional, organic Mirin (optional)
It takes more time to properly prepare the Japanese pickled garlic and 6 months to age it. It will reach its full flavor in 3 years. Miso fermented garlic should be eaten straight from the jar or sliced/smashed, topping off bowls of soups or stews, with or without a spoonful of the equally tasty garlic-infused miso. You can find the recipe and how to prepare Japanese pickled garlic here.
Unlike raw garlic, pickled garlic does not make your breath smell that bad, but if you don’t want to lose your friends and still benefit from garlic antibacterial properties you can make garlic tea. It’s very easy: boil a cup of water over 2-3 large chopped garlic cloves and allow them to infuse for a few minutes. Squeeze in the juice of ½ lemon, 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, and honey or sugar.
The Only Plant That Should Be in Your First Aid Kit
The 10 Medicinal Seeds You Should Plant for a Complete Backyard Pharmacy (Video)
You are so fabulous! ! My dear …. I may be believing we are of the same age , and am so excited you are on the planet !
Wonderful ! After looking at your Recipes from your tree website ( had to get through the selling bits )
You are the real thing !
Have been a self supportive illustrator, and love cooking , developed several non wheat recipes, studied French cooking….. you have so many nutritional ideas ___ You Go Girl !
Never knew about Nettles and love your interactions with nature ! Am sending you a virtiual superWomen Cape !
And am sending a website with work that I have humbling done while we were in this time space.
Hi Val,
Thank you so much for your comment and for your encouraging words.
I am so happy that our website inspires you and gives you more insight about herbs and natural remedies!
God bless!
I love garlic, and will certainly use these recipes for health use! I wonder, since we do not really enjoy sweet pickles as a condiment, could I make the second recipes, the one with herbs and peppercorns, leaving out the sugar and adding salt? Would that kill the antimicrobial effect of the garlic?
I agree with these other readers I love garlic and will truly make this. I happen to have all that I need at home for this even a jar.
I absolutely love these wonderful remedies and survival information.
I just started the Forst stage of making medicinal garlic. I sterilized the jar, used bulbs of organic garlic that I pealed, and used Braggs ACV. My concern is that some of the garlic turned a Bluish/ greenish color. Any ideas? Or is this normal. I created it about 2 days ago.
Hi Harold,
Thank you for your comment.
When pickling or cooking garlic, sometimes it turns a turquoise or bluish-green color. This is perfectly normal and doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with the garlic or the recipe and it’s safe to eat.
If you want to avoid in the future the blue or green color when pickling garlic, try the following solutions(Keep in mind that some garlic is more prone to coming out colorful, due to soil and irrigation conditions, and possibly the age of the garlic):
– Use distilled water for pickling;
– Use iodine-free salt; most kosher salt and sea salt does not have iodine.
– Use stainless steel or enameled cookware and utensils; avoid copper, aluminum, cast iron, and tin.
– Store fresh and pickled garlic away from sunlight.
God bless!
Thank you for the quick response!
I ordered your books several weeks ago and have not received any of them. Please send them as soon as possible or please refund my money for them. There were about ten books. The e-info is not as convenient for me as hard copies. Please contact me soon.
Hi Mary,
Thank you for your comment.
Please check your personal email. I have sent an email with your order details.
God bless!
I am wondering what size of jar or amount of honey I would use for the medicinal pickled garlic? Honey comes in so many different sizes of jars so I can’t just determine it that way. Thank you!
if I order the seed kit could you send it as a gift because I dont know if I can get it in korea … can you ship it to korea or will it be blocked in immergaration? Thanks for letting me know
Hi Rose,
Thank you so much for your interest in our work.
I’m sorry about this, however, Kores is beyond our shipping coverage for this item.
Unfortunately, there are some limitations that prevent us from shipping the Medicinal Backyard Kit internationally.
Many blessings and good health!
Dr Nicole, thank you for sharing your knowledge! I’m making the pickled garlic now with ACV. I the step above, it says to drain off the ACV and put 1/2 of the liquid in a pan and pour 1/2 a jar of honey in.
What do you do with the remaining 1/2 of the ACV you drained off? I hate to waste it – can you store it in a pint jar and use it for colds/flu prevention? Or some other use?
Thank you kindly for your reply, God bless you!
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for such an important reminder – The Food Waste.
We appreciate your efforts in the fight against food waste.
The National Center for Home Food Preservation recommends the garlic and vinegar mixture can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 4 months. It’s safe to use the flavored liquid for other recipes as well like you would use normal apple cider vinegar. (salad dressings, broth, fire cider, etc.)
**Discard if you see any signs of mold or yeast growth.
Many blessings and good health!
OK, it looks like you are using an air lock: please explain: are you FERMENTING this garlic in all 3 recipes?
Your recipes lack detailed instructions re: ingredient amounts and method. TOO VAGUE!
Are you canning these recipes? That also needs explanation.
Honey coated garlic is NOT SHELF stable and will cause health issues if not refrigerated.
There are several varieties of miso: dark or red, light or white, with over 1000 variations of these two. So, please specify WHICH miso you are referring to. Each variety has a different flavor.
Incomplete instruction or ingredients can lead to severe health issues. Please, in future make certain that the ingredients are listed specifically, with correct amounts, and names of ingredients, with complete instructions on how to make the recipes listed.
Hoping that you will correct these issues here in this post ASAP.
Scrolled down myself to say basically what you said. These are very vague recipes. It would be really nice if they came back and update a little. Clarification would make me a lot more confident in following the advice doled out here.
Can you post the links to the actual recipes? I would live to try making the fermented miso garlic!
Thank you!
What size jar is your Honey in?
Recipes this vague don’t inspire confidence when they are being suggested as “Medicinal”. Half a jar of honey…what sized jar? I was very excited to follow link to get me here, but good recipes include measurements.
[…] How To Prepare Medicinal Pickled Garlic […]
Hi a few months ago you sent me information on how to make Wormwood tincture some how it was lost could you send it again.
Hi Renee,
Thank you for your interest in our articles!
You can find the articles about Wormwood below:
Many blessings and good health!