How to Make Cabbage Bandages to Treat Inflammation and Joint Pain
When I was a child, I didn’t stay indoors much. I used to play with other kids in my neighborhood all day long. Of course, this meant injuries were an almost daily occurrence.
But I didn’t care. I was just a kid doing things that every other kid did back then. Whenever I’d come back home, my mother would look at me and sigh, “Chris, not again…”
She would then prepare some cabbage leaves and wrap them around my wounds, using bandages to keep them in place. After a time the swelling would go away, the bruises would be significantly reduced, and cuts would be almost completely healed. And that happened much faster than normal.
We weren’t a wealthy family, so we couldn’t afford to go to the doctor for every minor thing. However, my parents were very knowledgeable about the natural remedies passed on by my grandfather.
For centuries, people all over the world have used cabbage leaves to successfully reduce swelling, pain, and strains. It is high in vitamins and phytonutrients as well as anthocyanins and glutamine, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties.
Furthermore, modern science shows that cabbage contains 2.6% to 5.7% sugars, 1.1% to 2.3% proteins, fixed oil, and mineral salts, including sulfur and phosphorus. The plant also contains vitamin C and S-Methylmethionine, also known as vitamin U, which is antiulcer.
This makes it a very powerful and convenient tool against joint pain, arthritis, and most injuries.
What You’ll Need
- A cabbage (obviously)
- Bandages
- Cellophane
- A cup, hammer or rolling pin (basically anything that gets the job done)
- A cutting board
How to Make Cabbage Bandages
#1. Place cabbage leaves (green or red) on a cutting board, and cut out the hard stem.
#2. Hammer the leaves with any kitchen utensil to gently bruise the leaves in order to release some of the cabbage juices.
#3. Layer the cabbage leaves around the knee or ankle joint until it is completely encased with the leaves.#4. Hold the leaves in place by wrapping them with bandages.
#5. Wrap all of this up with cellophane in order to hold the warmth and cabbage juice around the skin.
#6. Leave the cabbage leaves wrapped around the joint for at least one hour. If no skin sensitivity is noted, the leaves can be left on overnight.
#7. Unwrap the cabbage leaves when cool and discard.
Here are some of the things cabbage bandages can help you out with:
Use cabbage leaf bandages for about one hour.
Apply four cabbage leaf bandages on the chest or shoulders for at least four hours.
Pound the cabbage leaves with any kitchen utensil you have on hand (even a simple cup), and apply it directly to the affected area. Wrap it up in a bandage and cellophane to make sure it stays tight so that the skin absorbs the vital nutrients. Leave it on for several hours, and repeat this process until you see a huge improvement.
With all of these benefits, how can you not love cabbage? God has indeed blessed us, and we can gain so much simply by studying his creation.
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Hi! Thank you for this valuable treatment with the cabbage leaves. Would you mind sharing where you purchased the “bandage” that you use? It looks like a longer roll of thin, almost gauze-like material but it looks like a tighter mesh. I appreciate the help!
Hi Christine,
Thank you so much for your kind words. I bought this one from CVS but you can search Gauze Medical Bandage on Amazon and you will find multiple options.
God bless!
The notes said cellophane wrap…so Saran wrap or the same kinda stuff like Press and Seal
Could you not just process the cabbage into juice with a food processor, combine it with aloe vera or just use it on its own or make a salve? I would think it would be much more concentrated that way? Thanks for the tip!
Hi Debra,
Thank you so much for your comment! This sounds like a great idea. We will look into it and maybe we can do a future article about this.
God bless!
Yes, such a great treatment!
I love all the valuable sharing that is done!
I also would like to know about that bandage.
It looks like a roll of standard gauge to me. Available at drug stores or dollar stores.
Hi Vivian,
Thank you so much for your comment. You, are absolutely right. Thank you for clarifying it.
God bless!
Hi Didi,
Thank you for your comment. Yes it’s a standard gauge. You can find it at CVS or online at Amazon or another online store.
God bless!
Thank you for this valuable information, I will try cabbage for my arthritis.
You say to remove the cabbage leaves after they cool, but you don’t mention anything about warming them. How do they get warm?
Reading through it again, it looks like she means after they cool after removing them from being wrapped on your body. Warm from the natural body heat … ?
Cabbage leaves are very effective to relieve engorged breasts as well. However, Use with caution because they will also diminish milk supply. Encourage fluids and nurse often!
I did this and what a relief!
How does cabbage help with inflammation? Read all the other stuff it does but nothing really on inflammation. I suffer from inflammation of the legs and was looking for something natural for relief.
Yes, cabbage leaves work well for ” Fingers ” that don’t fully open and close. I use one soft outer green leaf (Not the white part) cut it in long strips and wrap my achy fingers with saran wrap. (I didn’t know about bandages). I go to bed & when I wake-up my fingers can open & close freely. No stuck fingers! Thank-You!
The other day I was making corned beef and cabbage for St. Patty’s day. I had torn off the outer leaves so I could chop the inside. I was looking at those leaves… I knew they would reduce swelling of the breasts, and I had a bad headache. I thought, let me press these 2 leaves to my temples. I held them there for about 5 minutes, and lo and behold, as soon as I took them off my headache had gone down like 80%! I was amazed. I still am. I love learning what God’s food does for us!!