How To Make Antibiotic Capsules
Antibiotics are one of our biggest medical needs for fighting infection and disease. There are a number of herbs that are effective antibiotics and have been used for centuries.
You Will Need: ¼ chopped onion, 2 hot jalapeño peppers, 2 tbsp. grated horseradish, ¼ cup grated ginger, 2 tbsp turmeric powder, ¼ cup chopped garlic, 1/4 cup Moringa leaves, 1/4 cup Echinacea, 700 ml apple cider vinegar and empty gelatin capsules (size 0 or 00 are fairly typical).
- Chop all the ingredients and put them in a blender, pouring the apple cider vinegar in the last.
- Blend ingredients on high until a smooth, consistent liquid, about the consistency of a smoothie.
- Pour liquid into jars and store in a cool, dark place for two weeks.
- Pour the liquid into a metal baking dish and put it in the oven at low heat, allowing the moisture to evaporate and the liquid to thicken. You want it to be thicker than cake batter so that you can spread it on parchment and it won’t run.
- Cover a cookie sheet with parchment and spread the thickened mixture out in an even layer.
- Return the mixture to the oven, again on low heat, and dry the mixture thoroughly, but don’t burn it. When dry, it will turn brown.
- Break up the now dry mixture and place it in a jar blender (or regular blender if you don’t have a jar blender). Chop it up at high speed into a fine powder.
- Using a spoon or scoop, fill the inner part of the gelatin capsules to the point where the powder is flush with the edge. Cap it with the outer part of the capsule.
Keep your finished antibiotic capsules in a sealed, moisture-proof jar. If you have a silica desiccant package available, put it in the jar to protect the capsules from moisture. The capsules last up to a year or even more if kept in the right condition. You should start with one capsule a day and increase your dosage depending on how you feel.
Note: If you are going to make capsules like this on a fairly regular basis, you might want to buy a capsule filling tray to make the job easier.
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How long does the antibiotic capsule contents last?
Hi Rodney,
Thank you so much for your comment. The antibiotic capsules can last up to one year if they are kept in a cool, dark place.
God bless!
My grandson is allergic to echinacea, it causes him hives. Can I just leave it out? Will it make a huge difference?
Where can you find/buy Moringa leaves
How much moringa and echinacea is used in this recipe? Is it a 1/4 cup of both of those?
Hi Victoria,
Thank you so much for your comment. Yes, you can put 1/4 cup of both Echinacea and Moringa.
God bless!
What do you recommend for usage? How many capsules, how many days?
Yes please Nicole, could you share the directions for taking this antibiotic? Thank you.
Hi Miranda,
Thank you so much for your comment. The dosage depends on age and person, but
you should start with one capsule per day. And increase your dosage depending on how you feel.
God bless!
Thanks Nicole for this recipe, could you please share when, and how many we should take? Thank you.
Hi Silvia,
Thank you so much for your comment. You should start to take one capsule per day. Depending on how you feel, you can increase the dosage. It is best to take them after you eat.
God bless!
I had all three of the questions posted already.
How much Moringa & echinacea ?
What their shelf life?
How to use them?
Hi Julianne,
Thank you so much for your comment.
The capsules can last up to one year if they are kept in a cool, dark place, stored in a sealed, moisture-proof jar.
You can put 1/4 cup of both Echinacea and Moringa leaves.
The dosage depends on age and person, but you should start with one capsule per day. And increase your dosage depending on how you feel.
God bless!
Yes please provide more specific info. I have all these questions too.
Hi Carol,
Thank you so much for your comment.
The natural antibiotics can last up to one year if they are kept in a cool, dark place, stored in a sealed, moisture-proof jar.
The dosage depends on age and person, but you should start with one capsule per day. And increase your dosage depending on how you feel.
God bless!
Same questions!
Hi Meagan,
Thank you so much for your comment.
The dosage depends on age and person, but you should start with one capsule per day. And increase your dosage depending on how you feel.
The natural antibiotics can last up to one year if they are kept in a cool, dark place, stored in a sealed, moisture-proof jar.
God bless!
following, to get Nicole’s recommended dosages. When I have a colon infection, I take 2-4 small pills every hours of something I’ve made in the past: dried and powdered rue, wormwood, garlic, st john’s wort, etc which i roll with honey into pills. i alternate that with charcoal each hour until I feel like i’ve beat it.
Hi Always,
Thank you so much for sharing this information. The dosage depends on age and person, but you should start with one capsule per day. And increase your dosage depending on how you feel.
God bless!
Yes. Ingredient amounts,, dosing directions. Shelf life of capsules
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much for your comment.
The capsules can last up to one year if they are kept in a cool, dark place, stored in a sealed, moisture-proof jar.
You can put 1/4 cup of both Echinacea and Moringa leaves.
The dosage depends on age and person, but you should start with one capsule per day. And increase your dosage depending on how you feel.
God bless!
Following for all the previously stated questions.
Hi Debbie,
Thank you so much for your comment.
You should put 1/4 cup of both Echinacea and Moringa leaves.
The capsules can last up to one year if they are kept in a cool, dark place, stored in a sealed, moisture-proof jar.
The dosage depends on age and person, but you should start with one capsule per day. And increase your dosage depending on how you feel.
God bless!
I have a home freeze dryer. Would this be acceptable to dry the ingredients while keeping the integrity of the ingredients strong?
Hi Kathleen,
Thank you for your comment. In theory, freeze drying preserves all the flavor and necessary vitamins in the food item as there is no heat damage to final product, so it should be alright for you to do this, but I have never done it so I can never be 100% sure.
If you do it, please let us know how it went.
God bless!
Nicole, Thank you. How much Miranga leaves and echinacea should go here.
Hi Kevin,
Thank you for your comment. You should put 1/4 cup of both Echinacea and Moringa.
God bless!
God bless you!
Hi Nicole, is there a minimum age of the ingredients can be taken? I know not everybody can swallow pills, but I could open a capsule and put it into a yogurt or smoothie for a child? Also, does the same dosage goes for kids(one per day and see how it goes?)?
Hi Nicole,
Thank you so much for your interest in our work.
If you are willing to give antibiotic capsules to a child, you should give him half of the adult dosage.
God bless!
Where can you get Echinacea and Moringa leaves?
Thank you, Dr. Nicole, I have started using herbs and making medicine from nature and I feel so much healthier. I have more energy, less pain, better concentration, and overall feel pretty good. I’m currently working on a way to stop taking Rx acid reducer.
Hi Lisa,
Thank you so much for your comment.
We are so happy that your nature path is going well!
God bless!
Lisa I do NOT believe that Nicole is a doctor.
Hi Mary Jean,
Thank you so much for your comment.
Nicole completed her doctorate, focused in Cultural Anthropology within the field of Sustainability Education.
God bless!
What kind of infections are these pills helpful for, bacterial? Fungal? Thanks so much!
Hi Denise,
Thank you so much for your comment.
These natural antibiotics are effective for both fungal and bacterial infections.
God bless!
Can you take these antibiotics even if you’re not sick? To keep from getting sick?
Hi Lora,
You can take these All-Natural Antibiotics at the first sign of infection (eyes, ears, nose throat), cold, or flu.
You should start with one capsule a day and increase your dosage depending on how you feel.
They can also strengthen the immune system and Fight off infections before they take hold.
God bless!
Why do you want it to sit for 2 weeks in a fridge before you dry it?
I wish to know the same thing. Is it fermenting?
Will this antibiotic work for an E.coli infection?
Fresh or dried leaves?
hi nicole, love these articles! just starting in herbs etc. so with current situation way it is, what would you suggest the first things I do, to build my emergency “stash” of medicinals for SHTF? need to do now, but dont want to get overwhelmed, spend too much and not do it right. can you help please? thanks!
Hi Kat,
I think these articles might give you an idea:
Many blessings and good health!
Hello! I really appreciate you Nicole! I have a condition of the skin on my face called “pseudo-folliculitis”. If I shave, the skin heals closed over the hair follicles on my face causing severe inflammation. My dermatologist prescribed antibiotics to manage the inflammation which I stopped taking several years ago. Is this the most potent antibiotic? Thank you so much!
You need a different dermatologist. Antibiotics do nothing to stop inflammation unless it is caused by a bacterial infection.
Can children take this also?
Hi Yiny,
Side effects from natural remedies are rare but can occur. It is best to check with your children’s doctor before adding or changing any natural remedies or supplements to their diet.
Many blessings and good health!
I am wanting to make some of these, I do have a couple of questions. What size capsule should be used if there is a specific size? Can already ground ingredients be mixed together and used?
Hi Marletta,
Size 0 or 00 are fairly typical.
You should start with one capsule a day and increase your dosage depending on how you feel.
As with any natural remedy, always ask your doctor or another medical professional when taking herbs. Many herbs interact with prescription drugs and are not recommended for use by someone pregnant or nursing.
Are the moringa leaves and echinacea dried or fresh?
Thank you
Which size capsules should be used?
Oops, I see someone else asked the same question. Sorry.
Would using a freeze dryer instead of stove be ok?
Can you add cayenne pepper in place of Jalapeño peppers and still be as effective?
So, basically a dehydrated Fire Cider in pills. Good idea.
I’m going to use my Fire Cider recipe and just dehydrate or freeze dry it. Thanks for the idea!
I have moringa powder. Can you use that and if so how much? Also, garlic powder ,onion powder ect… Not sure what the ratio difference is from fresh to powdered. Thanks!!
I have some of the items already dried, is there a measurement formula to convert the quantities
Is it possible to use powered dried herbs, and is a measurement formula available?