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How to Get Rid of Spiders Naturally

Spiders have a lot of benefits. They can eat annoying pests like mosquitos and insects and are good for the ecosystem.  However, certain varieties are venomous or painful if they bite you or your child.

Instead of killing them, look for a solution to keep them away. There are a variety of ways to do it naturally using things you may already have around your home.

Plants That Repel Spiders

There are several plants that naturally repel spiders. These can be grown in your home, or places around the foundation and edge of your home to stop them from getting in.

Planting them in your garden can reduce the number of spiders while you are working with your other plants, but if you want to keep them away from your home, creating a border with a variety of these plants is best.

Additionally, you can surround a children’s area with some of them to help prevent any from bothering your children while they are playing outside.

Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemums)
How to Get Rid of Spiders Naturally - Chrysanthemums

Also known as “mums”, chrysanthemums are naturally insect and spider-repellent. Again, these are often used in gardens, interspersed with fruits and vegetables, to reduce harmful insects while allowing for beneficial ones still.

These plants are a little finicky, needing a lot of sun, but not too much or they won’t flower. It is the flowers that actively keep away spiders, so keeping the flowers alive and blooming is important.

These plants are subtle and beautiful, and can be planted almost anywhere in your yard.

Lavender (Lavendula)

Lavender has a strong smell, which helps to keep away spiders. Though it can be hard to grow thanks to its need for regular pruning and plenty of sunlight, it is a pretty plant.

It also has a lot of functions. In addition to keeping away spiders and filling the air with a pleasant smell, it also has a lot of medicinal benefits, so you can harvest it and use it in your home as well.

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
How to Get Rid of Spiders Naturally - Lavender

Basil is another plant with strong smells to keep away spiders. It also is a great herb to use in your food, so you can use this plant for multiple purposes around your home.

Additionally, if you want to have a spray all the time using basil, there is a simple trick. All you have to do is get a cheap bottle of vodka and soak a few dozen fresh basil leaves in it for a few weeks before transferring it to a spray bottle.

Focus on the windows and corners of your home and reapply every few days. It’s a cheap insect repellent and doesn’t have much of a smell besides basil.

Mint (Mentha)

Mint is considered invasive in some areas, so do your research before just growing it in your yard. However, you can grow it indoors without a problem.

There is no specific type of mint you have to use either. All kinds of mint can keep away spiders with their strong smell, including spearmint and peppermint.

You can grow this plant around your doors and windows, or you can just take some of the dried leaves and sprinkle them around your home, focusing near windows and corners.

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus)
How to Get Rid of Spiders Naturally - eucalyptus

Eucalyptus has a strong smell. It keeps away more than just spiders and annoys quite a few insects as well.

Unfortunately, Eucalyptus is a full tree, so growing one near your home isn’t always reasonable. You can try looking at dwarf varieties, or looking at getting essential oil from these plants as well.

Onions (Allium cepa)

If you already have a vegetable garden, look at growing onions around your home. Pretty much any variety of onion is great at keeping spider mites and spiders away from your home and your garden.

When they are fully grown, you will even have an important part of almost any meal ready to be cut up and cooked.

Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus)

Citronella is a huge spider deterrent. While citronella oil is the most common, you can also grow the plant in your yard to keep them away. Citronella is a type of grass and has a unique smell caused by the acids in the grass.

This plant is better for warmer locations, as they don’t do well in colder winters. Otherwise, you’ll have to keep them in pots and move them inside when it starts to get cold.

Learn how to make a mosquito trap.

Essential Oils

In addition to oils from any of the plants listed above, you can also look at getting oil from a few other plants as well to keep away spiders.


While all mint works well for growing outside to keep away spiders, peppermint in oil form is very good at this task. Simply place a few drops on a cotton swab and set it in corners. Or you can make a house cleaning spray using peppermint oil so it gets everywhere.

However, if you have pets, especially dogs, you may want to avoid this option, as peppermint oil can be dangerous for them.

Tea Tree

Tea tree oil is also a very effective method to keep away spiders. Again, you can simply drop a couple of drops onto a cotton swab, or just make a spray that is multipurpose to clean your home, freshen the air, and keep away spiders.

It also keeps away the majority of bugs, especially the biting ones, so having a spray around is always a good idea when you are worried about pests.

Spider Repellent Spray

To make a spray that is specifically to remove spiders, you will want water, some citrus or vinegar, and some sort of oil. The most common method is equal parts of water and vinegar and up to seven drops of the essential oil of your choice.

The essential oil isn’t necessary, as the vinegar should be strong enough to keep away spiders, but you can use a spider-resistant smelling oil to increase the effect, or just to hide the smell of vinegar if you don’t enjoy it that much.

Alternatively, make a mixture of water and liquid dish soap. Dish soap disturbs the egg cycle of spiders, and the insects strongly dislike citrus scents—lemon, lime, or orange-scented soap will do the trick.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth works at eliminating spiders and other insects in much the same way. The small particles attach to the exoskeleton of the spider and absorb the oils and fats. Eventually, it is sharp and will cause injury to the spider.

This is a common method for insects and is often used around gardens. Sprinkle some around the edges of your home on the inside or outside and see fewer spiders come in.


Vacuum, dust and clean your home as often as possible. Spiders and lots of insects like to hang out in your home where they find dust and food crumbs.

Spiders are beneficial for the ecosystem, however, if you don’t want them in your home or garden, there are natural ways to keep them away. You can use the plants mentioned in this article that naturally repel spiders. Chrysanthemums are often used in gardens to reduce harmful insects while allowing for beneficial ones still. Also, essential oils have a strong smell which helps to keep away spiders.

Grow Your Own Medicinal Garden

Grow Your Own Medicinal Garden

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Cheap cinnamon for ant repellant.
Works well.

Hi Chip,

Thank you for sharing!

Many blessings and good health!

very informative article,thank you. It should be mentioned that tea tree oil is highly toxic to dogs even when diffused.

That’s just one of many. Also several mint oils, cinnamon, citrus, pine and sweet birch to name a few.

We have mint all over one side of our house, and every single year there are spiders that make webs in it, and above it. Mint does not repel spiders at all.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jeff S

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for sharing! We’re sorry to hear that.

Many blessings and good health!

What about essential oils (peppermint and tea tree oil) for cats if you spray it around?

Hi Tamara,

These essential oils are highly poisonous for pets if they inhale or ingest them. Use them with caution around your cats.

Many blessings and good health!

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