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Homemade Mouthwash for Sore Gums

Nothing can take your smile away – or appetite – more than an aching and swelling gum. If you have newly fitted retainers or ill-fitted dentures, you know how incomprehensible the pain could be. Mind you, most gum pain can stretch on for days.

So, although swollen gums usually heal on their own, it’s still an annoying problem. This is why you should try this homemade herbal mouthwash right now!

Home Remedies for Sore Gums

Sore gums happen for many different reasons. One of the most common is mishaps during brushing or flossing. Women may also experience it while undergoing hormonal changes, and sometimes because of the excruciating canker sores. Gingivitis, infections and other oral issues are also possible culprits.

Whatever the cause of the sore gums may be, what you need is quick relief. Here are some of the home remedies you can make to tame your sensitive gums at home. But remember, if the pain is severe and persistent, you need to see a dentist.

While waiting for your dental appointment, here’s what you can do at home.

Cold Compress: Hot and cold compresses are often used whenever there is body pain and inflammation. But for dental and gum pain, a cold compress may be more useful. The cold temperature constricts the blood vessels to slow down the blood flow and numb the pain. Heat may only draw the inflammation and make matters worse.

Saltwater Gargle: Saltwater is a proven effective home remedy for sore gums. It flushes out the harmful bacteria that may be causing the pain and prevents them from multiplying. You can do this by mixing one teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Swirl it around the mouth for about 15 to 30 seconds before spitting it out.

Oral Gels: Oral gels or benzocaine are used as a numbing agent, especially in pains associated with a dental procedure. You can also use it as a temporary relief for other minor oral problems like sore gums and canker sores. Just apply the gel to the affected area according to the package direction. However, you should not use it for more than 4 consecutive days.

Essential Oils: Essential oils are the go-to remedies for any type of mouth problem. Herbal essential oils soothe and numb the pain for immediate relief. But remember that in using essential oils, they need to be diluted in carrier oil or water first. Direct application can burn the area and worsen the pain.

To make an herbal essential oil mouthwash or mouth spray, dilute 4 to 5 drops of the essential oil in an ounce of water. You may also replace water with coconut oil and swish it around the mouth. This process is known as oil pulling.

The most common essential oils for sore gums are: clove, peppermint, oregano, tea tree, sage and myrrh oil.

Herbal mouthwash: A DIY mouthwash made from fresh herbs is the most convenient and perhaps the most inexpensive home remedy for tender gums. These are some of the herbs you can include:

  • Cloves: They contain eugenol. This active ingredient acts as a natural anesthetic that helps in alleviating pain caused by sore gums and toothache.

What Happens If You Take 2 Cloves Every Day? (Video)

  • Rosemary: It’s a natural remedy for swollen gums that helps reduce inflammation. This aromatic herb soothes the gums and inhibits the bad bacteria in the mouth.
  • Mint: Fresh peppermint and spearmint leaves are also a good option for many dental problems. They are used in oral hygiene products for their refreshing flavor and ability to prevent gum and teeth deterioration.

Other notable mentions of herbal remedies meant for sore gums are turmeric, black pepper and guava leaves. Each of these can be used alone for effective pain relief due to the unique components and properties they contain.

DIY Mouthwash for Sore Gums

What you will need:Homemade Mouthwash for Sore Gums- ingredients
  • Pint-size mason jar
  • Amber bottle with dropper
  • 1 tsp whole cloves
  • 2 tbsp dried and shredded peppermint leaves
  • 1 tsp rosemary leaves (you can use fresh or dried)
  • 8 oz 80-proof vodka
  • 15 drops peppermint oil
  1. Place the cloves, peppermint and rosemary leaves in a mason jar.Homemade Mouthwash for Sore Gums- place herbs in a jar
  2. Pour the vodka over the herbs to cover them completely.Homemade Mouthwash for Sore Gums- pour vodka
  3. Cover the jar and let it infuse in a cool and dark place for 2 to 3 weeks.Homemade Mouthwash for Sore Gums- cover the jar
  4. After at least 2 weeks, take out the jar and strain the mixture.
  5. Add the peppermint oil and mix well.
  6. You may transfer it in small bottles with a dropper for easy dispensing.
How To Use

Take 40 drops (or 2 mL) of the homemade mouthwash and mix it into 3 tablespoons of water. Gargle for about 30 seconds, spit out and rinse.

This homemade mouthwash can last for about 3 months. Make sure to keep it in a dark place in the huse to prevent light from degrading the solution.

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Before placing the cloves in the mason jar, shouldn’t you chop/crush them?

WOuld this work without peppermint? I am allergic to that.

what can I use besides vodka (alcohol)?

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