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Homemade Healing Broth from Vegetable Scraps - template cover

Homemade Healing Broth from Vegetable Scraps

Making your own homemade healing broth from vegetable scraps is great for your body as well as the environment. Instead of throwing away common scraps, you can save them and put them in a freezer bag until you have enough to make a broth. You can use just about any vegetable scraps as long as you make sure they’re clean and dirt free.

Today, I will use specific vegetables and herbs with strong healing properties. This is a great broth to drink when you’re feeling sick, low in energy, or just to improve your general well-being. You can also use it in other recipes to add flavor and a little health kick (e.g. rice, soup, casserole, sauces). Let’s look at how the ingredients in this broth are healing, then I’ll show you how to make it.

What Are the Healing Benefits of This Broth?

The ingredients in this broth are bay leaves, garlic, onions, sweet potato, red bell peppers, ginger, parsley, rosemary, and zucchinis/courgettes. Here’s how they benefit your health.

Healing Benefits of Bay Leaves

Bay leaves can benefit people with type 2 Diabetes by helping the body produce insulin effectively. They also boost our heart health, which can protect again strokes and normalize blood pressure. Another healing quality of bay leaves is they can help to heal ulcers.

Healing Benefits of Garlic

Taking garlic can help you get over a cold or flu faster and reduce the severity, making you feel better. Having garlic daily has also been proven to lower blood pressure and can therefore help prevent hypertension.

Healing Benefits of Onions

The outer skins of onions are rich in vitamins A, C, E, and antioxidants. The antioxidants can help heal inflammation, which can protect against a number of medical issues. Onions are also beneficial for our bones and can improve bone density and decrease the risk of hip fracture.

Healing Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes reduce oxidative damage, which has been linked to cancer. They can also improve symptoms for people with type 2 diabetes.

Healing Benefits of Red Bell Peppers

The lycopene in red bell peppers helps prevent different types of cancers (including lung cancer). Certain properties can also help people with Alzheimer’s by preventing memory loss.

Healing Benefits of Ginger

Ginger helps relieve joint pain and stiffness for people with osteoarthritis. It also has anti-diabetic properties and can improve heart health. It’s also commonly used to treat indigestion because it speeds up the process of emptying the stomach.

Healing Benefits of Parsley

Parsley is very high in vitamin K, which the body needs to keep bones strong and reduce the risk of fractures. It’s also rich in vitamin C and flavonoid antioxidants, which reduce oxidative stress and lower the risk of developing cancer.

Healing Benefits of Rosemary

Rosemary is known to be healing for the brain. It prevents the death of brain cells and can help heal the brain after certain conditions like a stroke. The rosmarinic and carnosic acid found in rosemary are believed to slow the growth of certain cancer cells too.

Healing Benefits of Zucchinis/Courgettes

Zucchinis are rich in many vitamins and minerals that help to improve digestion, reduce blood sugar levels, and improve your heart health.

Now that you know the healing benefits that these ingredients can deliver, let’s look at how you cook this broth.

Don’t Throw Away Your Peels, Do This Instead! (Video)

How to Make This Healing Broth From Vegetable Scraps

Since you’ll (usually) have your scraps already cut up, this recipe will take around 1 hour and 15 minutes to make. Each serving will have around 15 calories. I get around five servings of 15 fl.oz./450ml for the quantities below. Feel free to add any other vegetable scraps you have too, as they all have something to offer, just make sure they’re clean and dirt free.


  • Mason or glass jars with screw lid
  • Large pot with lid
  • Strainer
  • Large bowl
  • Chopping board
  • Sharp knife
  • 4 Bay leaves (fresh or dried)
  • 2 Cloves of garlicHomemade Healing Broth from Vegetable Scraps - ingredients
  • Onion skins from 2 onions (brown/yellow, red, or white)
  • The peels and ends from 1 sweet potato
  • The ends of 3 red bell peppers
  • 1 small knob of fresh ginger
  • A handful of parsley
  • 2 Sprigs of rosemary
  • The ends of 2 zucchinis/ courgettes
  • A pinch of salt

Take your vegetable scraps out of the freezer (there’s no need to defrost first). If you cook or eat a lot of vegetables you may keep these in the fridge, just don’t use any that are too old. A good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t have eaten the rest of the vegetables that day, don’t use the scraps either.

  1. Put 4 bay leaves and the vegetable scraps into your pot.
  2. Roughly chop 2 cloves of garlic and a small knob of ginger (if it’s organic, you don’t need to remove the skin) and add all of this in.
  3. Add a handful of parsley and a couple of sprigs of rosemary and cover with water.
  4. Homemade Healing Broth from Vegetable Scraps -putting vegetables in waterPut the lid on and turn the heat to high.
  5. Once it’s boiling you can turn the heat down so that it stays at a low boil/roaring simmer for 1 hour. Homemade Healing Broth from Vegetable Scraps - boiling vegetables in water
  6. After 1 hour, turn the heat off and take the lid off your pot so that your mixture cools.
  7. Homemade Healing Broth from Vegetable Scraps -waiting mixture to coolOnce it’s cool enough (wait at least 15 minutes) strain it so that you keep just the liquid. You can discard your scraps now. Homemade Healing Broth from Vegetable Scraps -straining the scraps
  8. You can enjoy a mug straight away if you like and store the rest in mason or glass jars in the fridge. Homemade Healing Broth from Vegetable Scraps -finished broth

It will store for up to five days in the fridge. You can drink this whenever you like during the day since it’s low in fat, sugar, salt, and calories.

One serving should be around 15 fl. oz. /450ml. You can also use this healing broth in other recipes to add flavor and nutrition. If you want to do this, you can freeze the broth in small batches in the freezer for up to one month, so it’s there when you need it. The best way to do this is in large silicon ice cube trays or freezer bags.

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Can you emaol all this to me

You can email it to yourself.

Are the proportions an exact balance for potency or is it a suggested measurement? Ie would your recommend against adding more garlic? Full onion? Thank you:)

Hello Katia,

Thank you for your question.
The veggies and measurements used for this broth are just a suggestion. You can adjust them to suit your needs and taste.

Many blessings and good health!

Thank you! Peace&kindness:)

I appreciate all of your natural remedies and content! Thank you for willingly sharing. I also, enjoy your book!!!

Hello Jenn,

Thank you so much for your kind words! It’s nice to hear that our articles and books provide our readers with valuable information about herbal remedies.

Many blessings and good health!

I think it would be better not to boil the veggies, and herbs especially, for one hour. Boiling for such a long time brakes vitamins, rendering the broth useless for health benefits.
Instead, simmer on very low for 30 min after water boils. Let it stand with all the scraps and herbs until it cools.
Then strain.

Hello Natalia,

Boiling vegetables can reduce the amount of water-soluble vitamins by up to 50%-60%. Cooking also destroys some minerals and vitamin A, albeit to a lesser extent. Cooking has little effect on fat-soluble vitamins D, E, and K.

However, vegetable broth has been shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and improve heart health. Consuming 1 to 2 cups per day has been shown in studies to help prevent cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, stroke, atherosclerosis, and coronary artery disease.

Many blessings and good health!

Could this also be canned for future use?Or is freezing better?

Like this question. Can it be pressure canned and still hold nutrients?

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