Homemade Fermented Honey Garlic
Healthy living requires us to eat the right kinds of food. Honey and garlic are two of the most recommended food additions that produce many health benefits. That is why I truly appreciate this homemade fermented honey garlic recipe! Why use one when you can combine and use both in one setting, right?
This homemade fermented honey garlic is also very easy to make. To be honest, you might need some patience in peeling the garlic. But other than that, this recipe is one of the easiest fermented recipes you’ll ever know.
Little Details About Honey and Garlic
Over the years, the use of honey has proven to be beneficial to achieve optimal health. However, some people often get confused as to what type of honey to use.
I always prefer to use raw honey in a lot of my recipes. I personally believe that raw honey is honey’s healthiest form because it does not undergo all the process of pasteurization and filtration that may remove honey’s beneficial components.
Raw honey contains many antioxidants, vitamins, and enzymes that promote wellness and good health. Bee pollen is also found in raw honey.
Pollens are surprisingly nutritious with more than 250 substances ranging from vitamins to amino acids. It also has the essential fatty acids and other micronutrients that our body needs.
Garlic, on the other hand, is also one of the best remedies for many things. While most people don’t like eating garlic due to its pungent taste, garlic has the components required to fight off certain health problems such as reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Another thing that I like about garlic is its low-calorie content. There are only 4 calories per garlic clove! Of course, it does change as it ferments with honey. But it is still a great deal for all weight-watchers out there.
Benefits of Homemade Fermented Honey Garlic
- Immune System Booster: Combining the immune-boosting effect of both honey and garlic will give you an amazing immune system booster. The unique properties of honey and garlic will help your immune system develop the strength needed to fight off illnesses such as common colds and flu, especially during the winter season.
- Easy to Make: Some people find fermenting difficult, but this homemade fermented honey garlic is very easy to do. Even if you don’t have any idea how to ferment, you can still ace this simple recipe.
- Tastes Really Nice: Some hated eating garlic raw, and yet they also don’t want processed garlic since it defeats all the healthy components. The fermented honey garlic is the answer to your problem. Though you may still taste the garlicky flavor, it is made better with the sweetness from the honey. Some even said they can eat a garlic clove easily after it has been fermented because it tastes really nice.
- Provides Many Health Benefits: Aside from the immune-boosting effect, fermented honey garlic offers the same benefits as what you can get from honey and garlic individually. Their individual properties combined make a powerful health tonic that you can enjoy taste-wise and health-wise.
How to Make Homemade Fermented Honey Garlic?
Ingredients and Materials:
- 1 cup garlic cloves, peeled
- 1 to 1 ½ cup raw honey
- Jar with lid
1. Prepare the garlic and put it inside the jar. Whack it with the palm of your hand for easy peeling. Make sure that you don’t crush the garlic.
You only need to bruise it a little so that you can extract the juice a bit to help with the fermentation process. Whatever size of jar you use, fill it with only ½ to ¾ of peeled garlic cloves.
2. Add the honey. Pour honey on the garlic. You may need to adjust the amount of honey.
Add enough honey to cover it, but do not add too much. Fermentation requires around 18-20% moisture content, and too much honey may deter the process. Also, make sure that you leave enough headspace around 2 inches or so to allow for expansion during the fermentation procedure.
3. Cover the jar with a lid. Cover and flip the jar over to ensure that all garlic cloves have honey covering.
4. Leave in a dark place to ferment and check regularly. Place the jar in a cool and dark place, usually the pantry.
Turn the jar upside down daily or every other day to ensure that all garlic is equally coated with honey.
5. Bubbles will start to appear after 2 days or so. It indicates that the fermentation process has begun. Open the jar to release carbon dioxide every day.
If you don’t see any bubbles, it means that there is not enough moisture. So add a spoon of water, and repeat from Step 3.
After the bubbles subside in a few weeks, there’s no need for you to open it daily anymore.
6. Let it ferment for a month or more. Fermentation will be done after a month or so. But you can still keep it going so that it ages more.
The fermentation will make the honey runny and darken the garlic. But this isn’t a cause for concern as it is bound to happen.
Things to Remember
Store the homemade fermented honey garlic in a cool, dry place. A pantry is a good pick. But if it gets too hot in the summer, you can move it to the fridge.
Dosage and Shelf-Life
For cold and flu-like symptoms, you can mince a garlic clove and swallow it with the honey from the fermented product. You may also use it as a tea by simply mixing the honey-garlic ferment in hot water, with or without the cloves.
Fermented products usually have a long shelf-life. When fermented properly and placed in the right container, fermented honey garlic can last for more than a year.
Concerns for botulism have always been around. But for fermented honey garlic, this is seldom a concern. Though honey and garlic have botulinum spores, the fermented product is an acidic food and has high sugar content with low moisture. Hence, the toxin cannot thrive. If you are still concerned though, you can use a pH strip to check for your fermented honey garlic output. Foods with a pH level of less than 4.6 are safe, and honey usually has less pH than that.
Another warning to note, do not give fermented honey garlic to a child who is less than 1-year old. People with garlic or honey allergies should refrain from this as well.
Homemade fermented honey garlic is easy to do, and healthy too! Grab the ingredients and ferment your very own homemade honey garlic now!
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I have vestibular migraine and one of the food triggers is fermented foods. These in my mind would be sauerkraut, kombucha and the like. Would the fermented honey fall into the same category?
Thank you for this article about fermented garlic honey. I am going to start a jar of this mix. Is it possible to include ginger and or cinnamon and maybe powdered cocoa. Maybe even tuermeric.
I think everything you mentioned would work, black pepper too, all EXCEPT the powered cocoa.
not a good idea it would trigger your migraines
Good morning I want to thank you and every herbalist every neuropathic doctors naturalist, this knowledge, wisdom understand of the healing of the herbs the creator in Christ has put in this world, is a pot of gold. I will like to be a herbalist what are the best school here in US. Please i need guidance.
Heidi Villagas of Healing Harvest Homestead is a great teacher of herbs. I have been following her for a couple years. You can find a lot of information on herbs at her website…..https://www.healingharvesthomestead.com/. We also have a group where you can find a lot of information too as well as asking questions. https://healingharvesthomesteadgroups.mn.co/feed
I usually make this with pickled garlic, but will soon not have a supply of the brand i prefer… I drain the marinade from the jar then fill about 5/8 with honey… Then I top with apple cider vinegar… let it sit for a week then take a teaspoon with one clove & juice twice per day….
Are you supposed to eat the garlic or the honey?
it says under dosage and shelf life to consume both
I eat a clove every week or so – tasty! I’m going to try honey and garlic dripped over chicken to bake and think it will be wonderful. Probably would be good over crispy fried chicken, also.
That really sounds good!
Sounds great!
Enjoying the fire cider
The wire pickling jars (for example Fido brand found at TJ Maxx) allow for fermentation out-gassing without having to open the jar lid daily. I do not use jars made in China, where lead is used in the manufacturing process.
How do you know the jars are made in China?
I was commercially selling Garlic and honey with a burp top and the state of California removed them and threated to sue me if I tried to sell Garlic Honey
Why what was the issue?
Hello Theodore,
May I ask why you were forbidden to sell the fermented honey/garlic?
Figures! We are trying our best to get out of California. Unfortunately, our dumb governor has put a 3 times the capital gains tax on any properties sold and not reinvested in California. Illegal? You bet! Do they get away with it? Yup! So instead of selling, we’re just going to rent our home under a management company and have a little income on the side. Sorry about California putting the kabosh on your little side business. It’s really a shame.
Nobody at The Lost Herbs is suggesting that anybody sell it. This recipe is for our personal use. And I intend to do so.
For the preppers: survival is easy if you ONLY have three foods: Honey, Milk, Eggs.
All those stem cells, life forces, beginnings of growth of life contain everything one needs to survive for months!
Just curious… have you ever added kefir whey to the honey to augment the fermentation process?
Is eating a clove a day with some of the Honey as a supplement suggested. Currently eating Garlic every day.
Could you provide more information regarding the instructions not to crush the garlic? I have been making this with crushed garlic for several months so I am curious about the reasons for leaving them whole. Thank you!