Homemade Deep Sleep Salve
I detest sleepless nights – those nights when you can’t help but toss and turn on your bed because sleep just evades you. I have had my fair share of difficulty sleeping for too many reasons. Sometimes, it’s because of thinking too much about something that has happened or will happen. Sometimes, it’s because of my arthritic pain attacking me. Sometimes, it’s because my body just doesn’t want to sleep even though it is tired.
There are many possible causes of insomnia that we cannot control. Regardless of what your reason is for those sleepless nights, I know one thing that we share: the tired and grumpy feeling the next day. Lack of sleep does not only affect our physical health but also mentally and emotionally as well.
The Answer to Sleepless Nights
Due to the fact that I do not want to take medically-prescribed pills, I chose to look at natural alternatives until I came across a recipe for a deep sleep salve made from natural ingredients. At first, I was adamant to try it because of my doubts. However, when I gave it a try for a few nights, I realized it made my sleeping pattern better. I can sleep quite well and easily now.
I will share that sleeping salve recipe with you. It’s very quick and easy!
What you need:
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 2 tbsp grapeseed oil
- 2 tbsp beeswax pastilles
- 10 drops tea tree essential oil
- 20 drops lavender essential oil
- 5 drops of Vitamin E oil
- Combine the coconut and grapeseed oil with the beeswax pastilles in a double boiler. If you do not have a double boiler, you can be imaginative and create a make-shift one like what I did. Simply get a saucepan, fill it with half water. Place a heat-proof container like a stainless bowl, a pyrex, or even a mason jar in the middle of the pan. Place all your ingredients on the heatproof container.
- Let the beeswax melt in medium-low heat. Make sure that you stir occasionally.
- Once the beeswax has been melted, remove from heat. Let it cool.
- Add the essential oils and vitamin e oil when the mixture has somewhat cooled down. It is important to note that essential oils lose their effectiveness if exposed to too much heat. Hence, this step is very crucial for your deep sleep salve to work.
- Transfer to a container/jar. This recipe creates approximately 20-30ml salve. Label the container/jar with the date.
Why These Ingredients
- Coconut oil – coconut oil is one of my miracle oils. I love how it moisturizes and restores damaged skin.
- Grapeseed oil – grapeseed is beneficial to the skin’s elasticity. It makes the skin softer and it also works well with vitamin E.
- Lavender essential oil – lavender essential oil is one of the most popular choices for sleeping. Its aroma proves to be useful for improving sleep quality and relaxation. Hence, it is a good choice for people who have insomnia, anxiety, and even depression.
- Tea tree essential oil – tea tree essential oil is used often, but seldom for sleeping purposes. The tea tree has a good relaxing effect on our body and mind. It relaxes us and provides a better sleep experience, as well as decreases anxiety and stress.
- Vitamin E oil – Vitamin E supports skin health, improves immune function, and is a very effective antioxidant that fights off free radicals. It also helps reduce the damage caused by UV to the skin.
How to Use and Store
To use this amazing deep sleep salve, you can rub it on your soles 30 minutes before sleeping. It works well if you cover it with socks too because absorption is way better with socks on. However, if you do not like to wear socks on hot summer nights, then you can simply rub the salve on your temples and pulse areas before sleeping. Inhaling the scent from the salve before you close your eyes may also make you feel more relaxed and calm. The relaxation and calmness brought about by the smells of lavender and tea tree will help you sleep.
This salve keeps for 6-8 months. However, I recommend using it all up on or before the 6-month period. Store the salve in a dark area at room temperature.
Now that you have this recipe, I hope you’ll get enough rest and better sleep at night. Relaxing nights with good sleep will surely make you feel more alive, more energetic, and more enthusiastic about the days to come!
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Is there anything that could be substituted for the lavender? I’m allergic to lavender and every natural remedy for sleep seems to have that in it😩
Hi Jill,
Lemon balm – is a herb with very similar relaxing and sleep-inducing properties to lavender. It’s relatively closely related to lavender, and so if you’re allergic to lavender you should make sure you’re not allergic to mints as well before you try it.
Also, California Poppy, Motherwort, and Wild Lettuce are very good substitutes for lavender.
God bless!
Jill, I use Frankincense essential oil and rub in on the bottom of my feet before bedtime and also before putting my socks on to go to work
Use essential oils of, or Make oil extracts of, any herb that might normally encourage sleep. – Passion flower, chamomile, etc. then use these in placed lavender
Does anyone have a recipe to make tallow/oilve oil moisturizer or a salve that contains magnesium? I read the following:
Magnesium chloride – for magnesium absorption, like Ancient Minerals Genuine Zehcstein
Magnesium hydroxide – this stops odor and is used in deodorants. It is not designed to get a lot of magnesium into you, although the little you get through the deodorant absorption is a plus!
Hi Printed,
Thank you for your comment.
You can make a Tallow Balm or Moisturizer using:
1 cup tallow (melted)
1/4 cup olive, sweet almond, or avocado oil
30 – 40 drops essential oil of choice
Melt the tallow gently over low heat, then pour into a large bowl and mix in the olive oil and essential oils. Allow cooling then whip with a hand mixer until it looks like frosting. Place in a clean jar and use as needed. Shelf life is about one year.
God bless!
What can you use In place of Coconut oil because I am allergic to coconut oil in the deep sleep salve?
Hi Shawn,
Thank you for your comment.
You can replace Coconut Oil with Jojoba Oil or Olive Oil.
God bless!
Can you substitute avocado oil for grape seed oil?
Hi Deborah,
Yes, Grapeseed Oil is a good substitute for Avocado Oil.
God bless!
I heard that if you use vitamin E that it is a preservative and will keep the oils good for up to a year? Do you know if that is true?
Hi Tina,
Vitamin E oil is actually and technically not a preservative but contains natural antioxidants which extend the life of your products.
Actual preservatives like parabens prevent microbial growth through antimicrobial effects, which is needed in many water-based products. Vitamin E instead prevents oxidation of oils, which is why its called an antioxidant!
God bless!
This is so fantastic. I teach person with concussion, and the feedback is REALLY good.
And thankyou for adding the note about lemonbalm if you are allergic to lavender.
You are SUCH a help to me with you recipies. Next is the painkiller creme with chilli. HOW STRONG must the chilli powder be ?
Hi Mette,
Thank you for your feedback and support.
Creams vary in the percentage of capsaicin that’s used. Most preparations contain anywhere from 0.025 percent to 0.1 percent. The strongest formulation available OTC is 0.1 percent.
Any percentage of Capsaicin in red chilies is known to reduce inflammation and act as a natural pain relief remedy. Depends on you how strong you want to make it.
God bless!
For your deep sleep salve can you use just olive oil and no other type of oil?
I also saw you could use a beef tallow. I presume lard would also work?
Can someone please tell me if beeswax pastilles and beeswax pellets are the same ?
I don’t have grape seed oil or Vit e oil. Is it ok if I don’t use them or are there substitutes.
Hi , what are the alternatives to castor oil to treat Eczema, specially for people with allergies (to nuts, seafood …)