45 Herbal Protocols for Common Ailments

I believe that there are no coincidences in life, and the fact that you’re watching this video is not one either. For every health problem you or a loved one are dealing with, there is still a solution waiting to be explored. I hope you’ll discover yours today.

About Nicole Apelian, Ph.D

Hi. I'm Dr. Nicole Apelian. I’m an herbalist, a mother, a survival skills instructor, and a biologist. I’ve studied natural remedies for well over 20 years.

I’ve lived, foraged, and made herbal remedies with one of the oldest cultures on planet Earth, the San Bushmen. The San still procure their medicines out of nature, and many of them live well to a ripe old age without ever taking pills or seeing the inside of a hospital.

When I was just 29 years old, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. MS is an incurable autoimmune condition that makes your own immune system attack the brain and spinal cord.

I was in constant agony, most of the times in a wheelchair. The pain was so bad that I couldn't even walk. It felt like pins and needles were stabbing every inch of my body. I couldn’t sleep on most nights; my life turned completely upside down.

Just imagine what your life would be like if you were in excruciating pain, without a moments’ rest, day and night, for years on end.

I tried every possible medicine—Western, Eastern, mainstream, and less mainstream—only to become sicker and sicker.

The Hidden Problem of Modern Medicine

When you accidentally cut your skin, taking a painkiller won’t do anything to help close the wound. If you’ve got the flu, fever reducers won’t make your condition go away any sooner.

And if you’re dealing with something like arthritis or type 2 diabetes, methotrexate and insulin won’t solve what is really causing your joints to become inflamed or your pancreas to break down.

Nobody ever reversed their type 2 diabetes with pills or insulin, Prozac doesn’t fix what might be causing stress in your life, painkillers don’t fix the cause of pain, and statins don’t treat the real reason why cholesterol is building up in your arteries. There are countless other examples.

Pills make you less sick but not healthy.

Unfortunately, many people today live in this state of perpetual illness, just managing their symptoms, but not addressing the root cause.

On the other hand, the holistic protocols - that I'm about to show you - are designed to tackle the root cause of health problems.

Why You Should Follow a Holistic Protocol

So, after 3 years of excruciating pain, illness and exhaustion, a feeling of deep hopelessness, and many, many failed treatments, I decided to give a more holistic approach a chance.

I began by taking an IGG test. This shows you how your body and immune system react to the foods you eat. There were certain foods I was eating at the time that made my MS flare up, just like other foods you eat now are probably hurting your body in other ways without you realizing it.

Every gut is different, and you need to find out what foods are doing you harm and which may help to restore balance.

You cannot reach an optimal healing state unless your mind is relaxed. By contrast, stress and negativity can trigger and perpetuate a lot of diseases because the brain holds an enormous influence over the rest of the body.

In my case, the connection with nature provided the ultimate stress relief, but for you, it might turn out to be something else.

I started to make my own remedies with Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Cordyceps, and Turkey Tail. I also make remedies with elderberry, usnea, and other medicinal plants that may be growing in your own backyard as well.

To this day, they’re all still a vital part of what I do to keep my MS at bay. And besides all that, I did a lot of other things too that are now found inside my MS protocol.

I detail everything someone needs to do, morning, afternoon, and evening, every day of the week, to follow in my footsteps. It also includes the recipes for my natural remedies.

Thank to this protocol I developed, instead of being bedridden, I was able to survive and actually thrive for 57 days straight on the History Channel’s TV show, Alone, defying the expectations of a lot of people, including my own doctors.

What Happened to Others After Following A Holistic Protocol

I’m not alone.

You’ve probably heard of or even know someone who manages his or her condition completely naturally. People like us are all over the place. We do exist, and we’re not crazy. A holistic protocol can change your life the same way it has for thousands of others.

John McCrone from New Zealand was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in his early 60s. Like many other people with diabetes, John was immediately put on medication. But Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disorder, and taking medications without specific lifestyle changes will do very little to reverse it. Holistic interventions, however, may succeed where other approaches have failed.

John was able to reverse his condition using a natural protocol he developed, similar to the one you’ll discover today.

Rachna Chhachhi woke up in a daze one morning after 13 Cortisone shots into her bones, knuckles, wrists, two fingers, one elbow, and one thumb. Cortisone is a steroid that, in the long run, ironically weakens those already weakened ligaments and bones. Rachna was fighting with rheumatoid arthritis… and the disease was winning.

That morning, she said NO MORE. She opened her laptop with swollen fingers as she looked for a way out of her personal health nightmare. Little by little, over the years, she overcame all the hurdles and developed her own protocol to fight rheumatoid arthritis. Now she is pain free and not bedridden or crippled, as her doctors had predicted. She is an inspiration to thousands affected by RA who followed in her footsteps.

At the age of 60, Paul from New York was diagnosed with a blocked artery. His cardiologist said that he was at extreme risk of a heart attack, that surgical intervention was imminent, and that there were no alternatives. Paul decided to stay off the operating table and followed a strict heart protocol instead. A year later, a follow-up CT angiogram determined that his blockage had been reduced by 40 percent.

Fourteen months later, an MRI profusion test revealed that his artery was clear. At the time of his diagnosis, Paul could barely manage to walk up a flight of stairs without feeling pressure in his chest and getting out of breath. Now he is able to jog and has even completed half marathons. He reversed his heart disease, stunning his cardiologist, who believed surgery was the only option. Paul proved him wrong.

The Holistic Guide to Wellness:

Herbal Protocols for Common Ailments

I wanted to gather as many holistic protocols as possible and study them to better understand how they work. Then I did something that no one has done before: I collected these holistic protocols and made them available to people who really need them. I also developed them further with the help of other herbalists and naturopathic doctors.

I’m talking about a complete set of instructions that will tell you exactly what to do each day of the week, morning till evening.

The best time to start following your own life-changing protocol is TODAY.

Each natural protocol I’ve researched and improved over the years is now ready for you inside this book.

It’s called The Holistic Guide to Wellness: Herbal Protocols for Common Ailments.

For each issue, you’ll find specific foods, physical and mental exercises, stress-relief techniques, vitamins, minerals, herbs, massages, stretches, detoxes, natural remedies, and a whole range of other holistic practices.

If you’ve been looking for a more natural way to manage your health, then this is one book you should have on hand.

Each protocol has a pyramid like this at the very beginning. The pyramid is divided into sections, with the bottom sections containing the things with the biggest impact for that specific problem.

The protocols then go into detail in each section, showing you exactly what to do and when to do it. At the end of every protocol, you’ll find a table like this one. It’s a holistic recovery plan. This summarizes which ACTIONS and REMEDIES you can take every day of the week so you’ll never be left guessing what to do next. It doesn’t get any simpler than this.

The 45 Protocols You'll Find Inside:

  • Autoimmunity
  • Pain Management
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Psoriasis and Eczema
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Allergies
  • Food Poisoning
  • GERD and Acid Reflux
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (UC)
  • Leaky Gut, Gastritis, and IBS
  • Liver Health
  • Ulcer
  • Adrenal Fatigue - The Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal (HPA) Axis
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Thyroid
  • Bacterial Infection
  • Flu, Viral, and Immune System
  • Fungal Infections
  • Candida
  • Asthma
  • Sinusitis
  • Lyme Disease
  • Parasites
  • Alzheimer’s and Dementia
  • Heart Health
  • Brain and Nerve
  • Depression
  • Parkinson’s
  • Vertigo and Tinnitus
  • Menopause
  • Men’s Sexual Health
  • Prostate
  • Fertility, PCOS, Endometriosis, and Uterine Fibroid
  • Osteoporosis
  • Lupus
  • Acne
  • Kidney
  • Anti-Aging
  • Energy
  • Hair Loss
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Lungs and COPD
  • Sleep
  • Weight Loss

Good health is always a temporary condition.

Even if you don’t suffer from one of these increasingly common ailments right now, this is still a book you should keep close by as one day you or a loved one may need it urgently.

If you want to follow an integrated, holistic, natural approach, this is the book you want on your bookshelf.

With The Holistic Guide to Wellness: Herbal Protocols for Common Ailments by your side, you’ll have a complete roadmap to take care of your health at home naturally.

  • Autoimmunity
  • Pain Management
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Psoriasis and Eczema
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Allergies
  • Food Poisoning
  • GERD and Acid Reflux
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (UC)
  • Leaky Gut, Gastritis, and IBS
  • Liver Health
  • Adrenal Fatigue - The Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal (HPA) Axis
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Thyroid
  • Bacterial Infection
  • Flu, Viral, and Immune System
  • Fungal Infections
  • Candida
  • Asthma
  • Sinusitis
  • Lyme Disease
  • Parasites
  • Alzheimer’s and Dementia
  • Heart Health
  • Brain and Nerve
  • Depression
  • Vertigo and Tinnitus
  • Menopause
  • Ulcer
  • Men’s Sexual Health
  • Prostate
  • Fertility, PCOS, Endometriosis, and Uterine Fibroid
  • Osteoporosis
  • Lupus
  • Acne
  • Kidney
  • Anti-Aging
  • Energy
  • Hair Loss
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Lungs and COPD
  • Sleep
  • Weight Loss
  • Parkinson’s

Good health is always a temporary condition.

Even if you don’t suffer from one of these increasingly common ailments right now, this is still a book you should keep close by as one day you or a loved one may need it urgently.

If you want to follow an integrated, holistic, natural approach, this is the book you want on your bookshelf.

With The Holistic Guide to Wellness: Herbal Protocols for Common Ailments by your side, you’ll have a complete roadmap to take care of your health at home naturally.

+ 2 Bonuses Included for FREE and

24/7 One-on-One Support

Complete Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plans: Easy Recipes to Heal the Immune System.

Inside you will discover the most delicious anti-inflammatory foods that decrease your body’s inflammatory response.

You’ll also find out about the many foods that promote inflammation making symptoms worse.

In fact, one of the most common vegetables, which you probably have in your fridge right now, is a disguised trigger for conditions such as MS, Crohn’s, Celiac Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and many others.

How to Make An Herbal Apothecary At Home

In it, you’ll discover complete instructions on how to make over 56 proven remedies, exact dosages and information on how to store them for when you really need them.

This comprehensive guide contains remedies for colds, flus, headaches, anxiety, arthritic pain, elevated blood sugar levels, cholesterol, back-pain, migraines, infections, cuts, stomach ailments, fibromyalgia pain, heart problems, and many more. With this book on your shelf, it’s like having a fully stocked apothecary on hand. And is definitely the guide to follow to get started on this road.

The Holistic Guide to Wellness Package

Health insurance, co-pays, over-the-counter medicines, and prescription drugs can cost you a fortune. Medicines aren’t cheap at all, and they’re not getting any cheaper. In fact, prices have only gone up. Think about how much you spent last time you visited a pharmacy with a health issue!

And that is just for alleviating the symptoms, not curing the health problem. By contrast, a natural approach often costs next to nothing.

I want this book to empower regular people to take their health into their own hands and save some of that money, effort, and pain… at an affordable price.

So, if you choose to place The Holistic Guide to Wellness: Herbal Protocols for Common Ailments on your bookshelf today, you’ll also get the two exclusive bonuses that are worth at least $29 each... for FREE, along with unlimited access to my members area and 24/7 support, for a one-time payment of only $37.

Keep-The-Book Money-Back Guarantee

You will also be covered by my KEEP-THE-BOOK MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE!

After you receive your book, you will have a full 60 days to put it to good use and start managing your health naturally. If at any time during those 60 days you are not COMPLETELY satisfied with your purchase, send us an email or message and we will refund you the price of the book. It’s as simple as that!

You can choose to keep the physical book, even if we refund you the $37.

Reserve Your Copy While They're Still Available

Printed in Limited Edition

I've just printed 250 copies of what is probably my most helpful book yet, so you'd better hurry if you would like to get your hands on this sought-after resource. Only the best protocols made it into the book - the things that worked for me and for others, and that could work for you and your family as well.

A Book to Use When Help Is Not on the Way

If a crisis does hit, as it has a few times in history, and our modern medical system goes off-line, this book can help you take care of your own health at home when doctors and medicines may not be available anymore.

Save Money You Pay on Medicine with This Book

A protocol like this can even save you a lot of money over the years. It can provide relief even if you can’t afford medical insurance or the high costs associated with medical appointments, prescription drugs, and hospital stays.

The Best Gift You Can Offer Someone You Care About

And if you know someone who is suffering from any of the conditions that these 45 holistic protocols tackle, there is no more perfect gift you could offer them than something that can help them restore their health and get their old life back.

A Book for You and Your Family

This is a book that may help you and your entire family: mother, father, daughter, son, aunt, grandpa, or grandma.

I just wish I had something like this 20 years ago when my autoimmune disease was in full swing. 

You can’t put a price on good health and well-being. It’s worth everything.

The Best Resource to Have on Hand

The day The Holistic Guide to Wellness: Herbal Protocols for Common Ailments arrives on your doorstep is the day you can start changing your whole life for the better. All my life I’ve studied and researched trying to improve myself as a person. I think we should never stop learning and trying to become better than we were yesterday. What better way to do that than by reading, absorbing, and putting to good use the knowledge found in a practical book like this?

Help Your Body Restore Itself

Our bodies have an incredible ability to repair damage and restore themselves when they’re put in a healing state. Don’t underestimate this power.

Your body’s healing mechanism can prove more effective than any drug if you’ll just give it a chance and help it along the way by using these protocols.

Don’t wait for things to go from bad to worse, as I did, before you give these protocols a chance.

Our health is our single most important asset.

That’s why we shouldn’t put off taking care of it. The best time to start is RIGHT NOW.

So my question is:

Are you ready to open a wonderful new chapter in your life and step into my world of holistic remedies?

Click on the button below and order your own copy of this life-changing book today.

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