Easy DIY Hair Growth Serum Recipe
Hair loss can be triggered by genetic, hormonal, stress-related, and emotional problems. Also, poor diets and vitamin deficiencies are contributing factors.
The type of baldness found in men, that manifests as receding hairlines and partial baldness, is known as Androgenic Alopecia. Alopecia of this kind comes from a genetic sensitivity within the hair follicles to the androgen hormone; it shrinks the hair folic preventing it from producing hair.
Estrogen is the hormone that produces female characteristics. Estrogen also helps the hair to grow and stay on the head. When estrogen levels fall, hair loss quickly ensues. Alopecia areata is often called spot baldness and is found in women; it manifests in small round patches of hair loss on the scalp. As women get older, they may find that they are not suffering from Alopecia, just that their hair is thin and fragile. Women find their hair is not as thick and plentiful as it was when they were younger. Some women lose their hair after childbirth.
The Ingredients:
I have used only essential oils blended with almond oil and dog rose flower essence in this recipe. I always use flower essences as my mood medicine. They help me to deal with underlying issues; emotional, psychological, and spiritual issues. They are an optional ingredient in this recipe. People who suffer from baldness can have problems like fear, tension, trying to control everything, and not trusting simply in the process of life.
Flower essences, combined with herbs and essential oils, can be a potent way to heal the unresolved issues we harbor inside ourselves plus the physical condition.
Lavender (Lavandula Augustifolia)
The universal mother of all herbs, going where she is needed, healing big and small issues throughout our mind, body, and soul. Lavender is non-toxic and is a non-irritant making it a safe choice every time. It is an active ingredient used to strengthen fragile, dry, and falling hair. Lavender can also help with dandruff which can be excessive due to hormonal imbalance. And it is suitable for headaches, stress-related issues, and an anti-depressant.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis)
Rosemary was used for protecting people against the plague and infectious diseases. It is a non-toxic and non-irritant oil that can be used in a dilution or neat. To be avoided if you are pregnant or are epileptic. Rosemary has a wide range of uses, including many hair-related problems. I have chosen it for this recipe because it is well known for promoting hair growth, stimulates the scalp, helps to relieve dandruff and greasy/oily hair. Combined with nettles makes an excellent shampoo to tackle dandruff.
Thyme (Thymus Vulgaris)
Thyme is a world-famous culinary herb. It was used by the Greeks to fight infectious illnesses. It is less known for its healing properties connected, with arresting hair loss, strengthening fragile hair, and helping those who suffer from oily/greasy hair. This oil should be avoided during pregnancy and use with caution if you have high blood pressure. Thyme oil can irritate mucous membranes and skin. I have added six drops to this recipe. If you have sensitive skin, consider adding fewer drops; start with one building up to three.
Clary Sage (Salvia Sclarea)
Clary sage is the preferred sage for making essential oil. It works primarily on the bodily hormonal system, balancing hormones and estrogen levels and helping with most female issues. Help with the relief of dandruff, oily hair, hair loss, and fragility. Not to be used by pregnant women. Not to be used on babies. Clary Sage is lower in toxicity levels than garden sage.
Cedarwood (Juniperus Virginiana)
Cedarwood essential oil has always been an active ingredient in my homemade hair treatments over the years and mainly used for dandruff and oily hair. It works well in combination with lavender and rosemary.
Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis)
Almond oil soothes and softens skin. Good base oil for aromatherapy and skincare products. The oil is made from almond seeds.
The Recipe
- Almond Oil 30ml
- Dark dropper bottles
Essential oils of:
- Clary Sage 6 drops
- Lavender 6 drops
- Rosemary 6 drops
- Thyme 6 drops
- Cedarwood 3 drops
- 7 drops of Dog Rose
- Flower Essence
Step 1
First, you will need a dropper bottle and your base oil. But you can mix the oils in a different recipient as well.
Step 2
Then the essential oils. Blending essential oils is quite an art. The sequence in which they are added to the base oil is important and affects the therapeutic benefits. Change the sequence, and it may affect the chemical properties.
Step 3
Pour 30 ml of almond oil into the dropper bottle. The oil reaches the bottle’s shoulder, so there is plenty of room to add essential oils and flower essences.
Step 4
The first oil in this sequence that I am adding to the base is Clary Sage which has a strong and long-lasting fragrance. Put six drops of clary sage into the almond oil.
Depending on the oils’ consistency, they can tend to fly out of the bottle fast or drop out of the bottle at a much slower rate.
Step 5
Next is the lavender essential oil. Put six drops of lavender into the dropper bottle. It enhances the properties of the other oils in the blend.
Step 6
Next in the sequence is Rosemary oil Put six drops of rosemary oil into the base oil.
Step 7
Next is organic thyme oil. Use with caution. Thymol is one of the constituents of thyme oil. It can irritate the skin.
Put six drops of organic thyme oil into the dropper bottle like lavender; it enhances the other oils’ properties in the blend.
Step 8
Next is cedarwood oil. Put three drops of cedarwood into the dropper bottle.
Step 9
Next is the flower essence Dog Rose, Bauera Rubioides. I love flower essences; they are made differently from essential oils and are taken orally or added to shampoo, conditioners, face and body lotions, creams, and oils. I put seven drops of dog rose into the hair growth serum.
I think that combining the essential oils and the flower essence harmoniously creates a synergy.
Lavender, rosemary, thyme, and clary sage are all from the Lamiaceae (Labiatae). Together, they have a mutually enhancing effect on each other as a whole. They are more powerful together for this recipe than if used individually.
Shelf life: 4 to 6 weeks
If you want even more help for your hair, you can also consider this DIY scalp scrub.
How to Apply the Hair Growth Serum
- Add a few drops of the serum to the area of the scalp where hair loss has occurred.
- Rub serum into the scalp.
- After rubbing serum into the scalp, there are several things that you can do to advance the treatment.
- Leave in for two hours and wash out with a herbal shampoo.
- Leave for several hours and wrap head with a warm towel. I would recommend putting a shower cap over your head first and then cover it with a towel.
If you have a heated hair cap, use it—heat cap for 2 to 3 minutes in the microwave. I would put a disposable plastic shower cap underneath to protect the cap and enhance the heat treatment. Shampoo hair.
Steam treatment – Those of you with a hair steamer can use that and then a shampoo after. I don’t wash the serum off my scalp because I feel I benefit more than if I wash my hair after applying the serum.
Organic Homemade Ultra-Moisturizing Cream For Face and Body
How to Grow Your Receding Gums (Video)
You don’t say whether to shake or stir the oil after each essential oil addition. Do you not then? and just drop each essential oil on top of the other?
Hi Irene,
Thank you for your comment.
Just shake the bottle before use.
God bless!
Any idea on how to help grow back eyebrow hair?
Is the dog rose essential for the hair growth. I have all the other oils but this one.
Hi Shane,
Dog Rose is a Flower Essence and not an essential oil. It is optional and it is used for smell only.
God bless!
Hi Tammy,
You can use the same oil. Just rub this serum on the affected area.
God bless!
Caster oil helped me grow eye brows and helped my lashes!!! I rubbed caster oil on my eye brows and across my lashes every night before I went to sleep and they started growing, and now there’s no need for me to use it because my brows and lashes are full. And I use to not have hardly any brows or lashes!!!
That is wonderful. I don’t think it would work for me because I’ve over plucked my eyebrows. I m in my late 60’s and age plays a big part in hair growth.
Castor oil can be applied to eyebrows and eyelashes to thicken them. Use a new, clean mascara brush and apply. I have done this and have had fairly good results. Also remember to use the good foods and herbs internally (that help grow hair). That is, eat for hair health too! So you are addressing the issue internally and externally! Blessing!
Is this also good for dry hair? Mine is dryer as I’ve aged.
Thank you
Hi Linda,
Yes, it works for dry hair as well.
If you don’t want to add the serum on all your hair, you can just use it every day on the part of your hair that needs strengthening. Or you can replace the almond oil with coconut oil or any other oil that will offer a better moisturizing for your hair.
God bless,
Where can Dog Rose be purchased? I cannot seem to find it.
search “Rosa canina” . Several places offer it online.
Where can I find the flower essences of dog rose purchase where? Thank you
I’ve never even heard of Dog Rose. What is it & where do I get it?
I’m confused … you said dog rose is a flower essence and used for smell only. As far as I know, flower essences are alcohol extracts for to use for their ability to ameliorate difficulties in emotional & spiritual patterning..(like Bach and FES brands)….is this actually a different kind altogether … like an essential oil or a natural perfume ? Where do you source it?
Love this – would like to print – is there a shortened version without all the pictures/ Thanks
Hi Cheryl,
Thank you so much for your interest in our work.
There is a “Print” Button just before the “Comments” section. That will allow you to delete the pictures and keep only the text.
God bless!
Can you explain, please. I tried printing from the button and it started to print all the pictures as well.
Hello Nicol
Any idea how I can order the package for hair froth please . Thank you
Nicole, thank you for sharing your recipe. I have experienced hair loss issue for the last 35 years, so always looking for a cure! I would love to be able to purchase a package that had all the ingredients for the this recipe.
How often should I use the formula everyday or once a week?
Hi Latonya,
It really depends on your hair type and how the oil absorbs into the scalp and how it affects your hair strands. It is best to experiment because every skin type is different.
The author uses it every day on the part of your hair that needs strengthening.
God bless!
I live in a rural area. I’m pretty limited as to where I can conveniently shop. Where can I find the different oils?
Hi Eileen,
Mountain Rose Herbs offers a great variety of essential oils:
God bless!
I am allergic to all nuts; however, I understand I won’t be eating the almond oil. Is there another base oil that can be used instead of almond oil? If not, I will use the almond oil
Hi Karen,
You can try any of these oils:
Argan Oil: is rich in fatty acids, antioxidants, and Vitamin E, argan oil not only makes your hair look wonderful but also has many protective qualities.
Jojoba oil: is ideal for use in the hair, since it shares many characteristics with sebum, the oil our scalps naturally produce.
Olive oil is another extremely versatile oil, derived from pressing olives. It has protective and moisturizing properties. Since it coats the hair shaft and shields keratin, olive oil has protective qualities.
Grapeseed Oil: While it possesses the same moisturizing qualities as many other natural oils, grapeseed oil is superior in its ability to treat brittle and weak hair and hair loss.
God bless!
Does the Dog Rose essence smell like rosewater? If so, is there an alternative? I can’t stand the smell of roses.
Hi Heather,
Dog Rose is a Flower Essence smelling like a rose. It is optional and it is used for smell only. Sometimes combining the essential oils and the flower essence harmoniously creates a synergy.
You can either replace it with a flower essence that you like or simply remove it from this recipe and use the essential oils only.
God bless!
Do you need to mix before applying?
I do not shampoo often,
can I leave the oils in my hair for a couple of days??
Thank you, for all your information , Diane
Hi Diane,
Thank you for your comment.
Shake bottle before use.
And yes, you can leave the oils in your hair for longer 🙂
God bless!
juniperus virginiana–berry or leaf oil? please clarify. Thanks!
Hi Dianna,
It si juniper berry oil.
God bless!
Hi Renate,
Thank you for your comment.
Yes, Almond Oil is a good substitute as well.
God bless!
How long does it take to see any effect?
Is this ok for toddlers? The diy bug repellent has thyme and there was a warning for kids. Love your stuff, thank you!
Here says CEdarwood(juniperus virginiana) I have a Cedarwood(cedrus atlantica) Is it the same?
Also Sage and Clary Sage, can either or be used in this recipe?
First: if you are shaking the serum before each use, the order of the oils is moot. You can add them in any order.
Second: you need to find out first WHY your hair is thinning. You only mention alopecia….there is stress induced loss, hormonal loss, hereditary loss, etc. My loss is stress induced, so these may not work for that.
Third, I would use either castor, alma or bhringraj oils (the alma and bhringraj oils are what the women of India use. And have you EVER seen an Indian woman with thinning hair? I haven’t…their hair is always glossy and thick and full. Always.)
And last, I would add Peppermint essential oil to the mix: peppermint (as well as Rosemary) brings up blood to the scalp making it great for most types of hair loss.
Other great add-ins would be glycerin and the inner leaf of the Aloe Vera plant, both of which are healthy and great for hair.
Trust me, I have been trying similar hair serums for quite awhile, (years, actually) and most don’t do much for stress related hair loss. Ones with rosemary and peppermint have helped, but you will need to remove or reduce the stress or nothing will work.
Hi. How much of these would you add? Thanks.
Can I substitute the juniper essential oil for cedarwood oil?
Can I buy the gaur serum already prepared?
Hi would you be able to provide a link to where to get essential oils from that are wholesome and trustworthy? Thanks
I see a lot of people asking about the Dog Rose flower essence. What I’ve found by searching Rosa canina is that it is actually (Wild Rose).