DIY Kidney Stone Breaker Tincture
Kidney stones are one of man’s oldest and most widespread diseases. For ages, many studies have been conducted on their etiology and cure, and now, the DIY Kidney Stone Breaker Tincture has been released!
From these countless studies, experts also deduced that kidney stones (aside from uric acid stones) cannot be dissolved by medications. However, there are different ways to encourage them to pass and prevent them from growing.
How Are Kidney Stones Formed?
Kidney stones are the crystals and minerals that the urine fails to dissolve. If not excreted, they will form clumps or small masses of stones and lodge themselves in the kidney. And they can feel very painful.
The size of kidney stones varies, with some only as small as a grain to huge ones the size of a golf ball. Naturally, the bigger the mass, the more painful they get, and they often block the urethra making urination more difficult.
Kidney stones occur from different causes such as the rise of calcium which produces calcium stones. Struvite stones are due to bacterial infection, and cystine stones are genetic and occur because of too many cystine deposits.
Uric acid stones are small stones produced by high levels of uric acid in the blood and urine. These types are easier to pass by medications that make the urine less acidic, diuretics, and alpha-blockers.
Warning Signs of Kidney Stones
Trouble Sleeping: When the kidneys cannot filter properly, the toxins that are normally excreted stay in the blood. This can affect sleep. There is also a link between chronic kidney disease and sleep apnea.
You should be able to sleep uninterrupted for at least 8 hours straight. If you can’t, it’s not the time to jump to conclusions… yet. First, try to aid your body fall into a deep restful sleep with herbal aids such as Valerian – also called Nature’s Valium – or Passionflower, known for its sedative-like proprieties. You can get such a herbal remedy here.
If the issue persists even after giving your body such powerful sedatives, you should investigate further if the sleeping problem isn’t linked to a kidney issue.
Blood in Urine: This is one of the most common signs of a kidney issue; see a health professional right away. Healthy kidneys keep blood cells in the body when filtering waste from the blood to make urine, but when the filters are damaged, blood cells can leak into the urine. Blood in the urine may also be a sign of an infection, kidney stones, or tumors.
High Blood Pressure: Hypertension can narrow and restrict blood flow to the kidneys, leading to extra fluid in the body, and raising blood pressure even more. I can’t always keep the best diet, and my heart suffers from it. It’s a shame because it’s the thing that keeps me alive… literally.
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Frequent Urination, Especially at Night: Kidney disease can cause damage to the filters and increase the urge to urinate. This also leads to frequent urinary tract infections and an enlarged prostate (for men).
Fatigue, Low Energy, and Trouble Focusing: When toxins build up in the blood, some people experience fatigue and have trouble concentrating. Anemia is linked with kidney disease and can also cause fatigue.
Cognitive decline is real, you’ve seen it on the news lately. And you should do everything to fight it for your own sake, and your family’s. I started focusing on my brain health and brain cell regeneration now, since ‘too late’ can be sooner than you think. I so kindly recommend everyone, including you, to fight cognitive decline. If you don’t know where to start, here’s the link to a herbal remedy that will prove helpful.
Stone Breaker Tinctures
Small kidney stones that range from 5 to 10 mm may effectively pass. However, bigger ones may require medication, especially if they are already causing problems and pain in urination.
If you have kidney stones or want to prevent one, taking herbal tinctures is the natural route. Many herbs have therapeutic properties that prevent the formation of stones or soften existing stones.
But they are not the only way you can manage Kidney Issues. In fact, all the information here is taken by a guide that helps you manage the worst health conditions you can struggle with. On page 250 you’ll find the Kidney Protocol. Check out this video to see how the holistic approach helped people thrive even with chronic conditions.
Some of the most effective herbal stone breaker tinctures include:
Chanca piedra, or stonebreaker (Phyllantus niruri), is an herb used for kidney disease and kidney stones. It has phytochemicals that can increase the urine, treat inflammation, and prevent gallstones and acidic kidney stones from forming.
Stinging Nettle
Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is an effective diuretic that aids urinary tract infections and other kidney problems. Nettle leaves are used as supportive therapy in UTIs and have been approved by researchers for treating urinary stones. It is also said to be an astringent for effective treatment of kidney stones.
Stone Root
Collinsonia, or stone root (Collinsonia canadensis), is an herb traditionally used for urinary problems and kidney stones. Its roots and rhizomes relieve bladder pain and inflammation and also increase the amount of urine to pass small stones easily.
Cleavers (Galium aparine) is an excellent diuretic that may flush small stones, toxins and bacteria. It also aids in lymphatic drainage, which helps detoxify the kidney and rid of urinary problems.
If you see Cleaver’s on the street, don’t step on it! If your feet, hands or fingers are swollen, you might need to look for a lymphatic detox. Cleavers is the most powerful lymphatic cleanser, but only if you prepare it this way.
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is also rich in oxalate. But when taken accordingly, it may help in managing kidney stones. A randomized clinical study conducted in rats suggests that the anti-urolithiatic activity of parsley alters the urine’s pH to make it unsuitable for crystallization.
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) as a tea or tincture provides excellent support in increasing urine output. It is recognized as one of the non-invasive kidney stone treatment alternatives that may help pass and prevent its formation.
Celery (Apium graveolens) stalks, seeds and plant extracts are effective diuretics that may help flush small kidney stones. In-vivo tests on animal models of celery ethanol extract show an effective anti-caluli effect due to its apigenin compound. It prevents the development and inhibits kidney stone growth by decreasing the calcium levels in the kidney.
DIY Stinging Nettle Stone Breaker Tincture
The rising incidence of kidney stones is alarming. Some of us are getting stones and passing them unnoticed.
Hydration is the most important preventive measure that inhibits stone formations. If you have an existing condition, you may also consider herbs and herbal extracts to help reduce the kidney stone size and prevent other problems.
This recipe uses the potency of stinging nettle against stone formations. It uses apple cider vinegar as a menstruum, although you may opt for 80-proof or 40% alcohol if you want.
If you choose to make it alcohol, your tincture will be more potent, last longer, and capture a broader spectrum of nettle’s properties.
ACV is an effective ingredient that may soften kidney stones and reduce their size to be passed easily. Apple cider vinegar can help boost the healing effect of stinging nettle for cleansing the kidney from stones.
What you will need
- Glass jar with non-reactive lid (or you may use wax paper in between if using metal lids)
- Strainer
- Dried stinging nettle to fill a quarter of the jar
- Apple cider vinegar
- Fill the jar with ¼ dried stinging nettle leaves.
- Pour enough ACV to submerge the leaves and cover them by a couple of inches.
- Cover the jar and let it sit in a cool and dark place for at least 3 to 6 weeks. Add more ACV if the leaves have soaked up the liquid.
- Strain and transfer the liquid in a dropper bottle.
To Use: Take 1 to 2 dropperfuls of stinging nettle stone breaker daily. There is no recommended duration for taking it but be sure to take it moderately until your symptoms clear up. Do not take tinctures for more than two months.
Do not take this if you have chronic kidney disease or are taking any medication without consulting a doctor.
Most supplements are lab-made, filled with chemicals and hard-to-pronounce ingredients. You are probably not aware of what they actually do to your body. In many cases, they did more bad than good.
If you can’t make your own tincture 100% organic at home, don’t worry. You can get the exact same tincture recipe, the same high-quality one here. It’s made with wild-harvested and organically grown herbs by one of America’s top herbalists, so you know you’re getting the best.
And if you truly liked making this tincture at home… you’re on the right path to a journey you’ll never regret. And I am talking about becoming an herbalist. It sounds like a big word, but it’s so easy to get certified. You get to learn so many remedies and so many recipes you can help yourself and your friends and family with.
I got to know Nicole Apelian better, the woman who survived 57 days in the wilderness in the show ‘Alone’ with nothing but her plant knowledge. Despite living with MS, she thrived and handled her condition like a true champion.
No matter which state of the U.S. you live in, you can meet Nicole here, and let her give you some of her herbal knowledge to help you thrive as well.