DIY Antiparasitic Drano
There’s an 80% chance you have THIS parasite in your body right at this moment.
Let that sink in:
If you’ve ever drank tap water, grabbed a doorknob, played with your cat or dog, or walked barefoot in the grass… there’s a good chance you’re already infected!
I’ll tell you exactly where parasites hide in just a minute… and why they might be the root cause of your health issues.
Even if you eat healthily and take care of yourself, there’s still a chance you’re walking around with parasites in your body. It’s almost impossible not to!
But before we dive in, I want to warn you… what you’re going to hear might make you feel a little bit queasy… it might even gross you out… But if I don’t tell you about it, who is going to?
This Is How They Get Into Your System
Parasites aren’t just a third-world problem. They’re also a first-world problem. These are the hard facts.
There are plenty of mistakes that people make regularly that can get them infected – some of which I mentioned above.
Food is another way they get you. Meat, fish and pork can carry roundworms, flatworms and even tapeworms. You need to fully cook any meat you plan on eating to destroy them so yes… rare meat and even medium-done, if not prepared carefully, can be a problem. Sushi lovers, be careful!
Another parasite that’s very common all over the globe is the pinworm. Unfortunately, it’s most common in daycares and schools because children aren’t that great at hygiene.
Parasites Can Travel Anywhere In Your Body
The hot spot for most of these little suckers is your digestive tract.
They block it, making it difficult for your intestines to properly process and expel toxins, in turn getting them inflamed and irritated.
But here’s the disturbing thing: parasites can travel anywhere in your body.
If they settle in the lining of your intestines, they make little holes there and trigger what is known as leaky gut, because the gaps allow toxins and undigested food particles to slip into your bloodstream. If they settle into your joints, they tear at your muscles and eat the tissue. If tapeworms get cancer, they could spread it to you and trigger the growth of tumors.
But that’s not all.
If they settle close to your brain, they release toxins that can hijack certain parts of the brain which allows them to take over, rewiring your nervous system, causing anxiety and depression.
Look, I get that this is scary. It was the same for me too when I first started learning this information.
But if you keep hosting this unwanted guest in your body, it will keep growing… and it won’t stop unless you do something.
The Easy 2-Step Routine That Changed Everything
These recipes stand proof that you don’t need to spend loads of money on drugs, doctor visits and supplements to do a parasite cleanse when you can do it with common ingredients that you probably already have at home.
I took this recipe from The Lost Remedies Academy. If you’re interested, I’ll leave you the link below to check it out. You’ll find a lot of great, high-resolution, fully detailed video recipes you can follow as you make your own remedies.
It’s been working well for me, so I wanted to share it with you too:
The DIY Antiparasitic Drano Routine
A. In the morning
- 1 tablespoon raw pumpkin seeds
- 1 teaspoon honey (optional)
- Measure one tablespoon of raw pumpkin seeds and place the seeds on a clean spoon. You can adjust the quantity based on your preference; if the taste’s too strong for you, you can take only half a tablespoon.
- You can drizzle a teaspoon of honey over the seeds if you’d like the mixture to be sweeter.
Make sure you chew the seeds thoroughly before swallowing – this way you ensure your body has enough time to absorb all the nutrients and it also aids the digestion process!
- Drink a full glass of water immediately after to help the seeds reach the digestive system faster.
Why Pumpkin Seeds? Pumpkin seeds contain a compound called cucurbitin, known for interfering with the ability of parasites to attach to the intestinal walls and disrupting their life cycle.
B. In the evening
- 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves (or 1 teaspoon dried thyme)
- 1 cup boiling water
- Optional: Lemon, honey, or mint leaves for flavor
- If you’re using fresh thyme, wash the leaves thoroughly. I prefer to use dried.
- Bring the one cup of water to a boil.
- Add the thyme in a teapot, a heat-resistant container or a tea bag, like me.
- Pour the boiling water over the thyme leaves.
- Allow a couple of minutes for the thyme to steep in the hot water. Based on your preferences for the strength of the tea, you can adjust the steeping time. I like mine strong, so I keep it in for about 10 minutes.
- Strain the liquid to remove the thyme leaves, if you prefer a smoother tea.
- This is optional, but I also add some lemon juice and a mint leaf to enhance the flavor. Make sure to stir well.
Enjoy it while it’s warm!
Why Thyme? The active compounds in this herb are thymol and carvacrol, and they are rich in antimicrobial properties. They have the ability to melt the membranes of parasites, leading to their removal.
If you want to find more recipes like these ones for any ailment you might suffer from, I strongly recommend The Lost Remedies Academy.
Here are some other recipes I particularly liked: The Herbal Migraine Killer, Nature’s Xanax, Moon Milk, The Redbull of the Woods, and The Amish Pain Elixir.
And many others!
The entire Lost Remedies Academy took me less than a week to complete! Every day after work I would set aside about 30 minutes, just for me and Nicole. The best kind of Girls’ Time, I would say! 😊
I had so much fun and learned more than any class in school would ever be able to teach me.
At the end of the course, Nicole surprised me by awarding me with a beautiful diploma, of which I attached a photo below.
I invite you to check out The Lost Remedies Academy here.
i actually already have some thyme at home, will definitely try this
Hi Melissa,
Thank you for your interest in our article! Let us know if this remedy is helpful for you.
Many blessings and good health!
How long do you do this for?
Yes, please, how many days do you do this treatment?
Hi Tamara,
Thank you for your interest in this article!
You can do this parasite detox for 2 weeks.
Many blessings and good health!
How many times do we need to eat the pumpkin seeds and drink the tea?
Thank you.
Hi Laura,
Thank you for your question!
You can do this parasite detox for 2 weeks.
Many blessings and good health!
Sounds great! I have everything needed to do it. How long do I take this?
Hi Melanie,
We’re glad to hear you enjoyed the article!
You can take it for 2 weeks.
Many blessings and good health!
2 weeks
How long do you take this for
Hi Cemile,
You can do this antiparasitic routine for 2 weeks.
Many blessings and good health!
Why is there no answer to the question of how long to follow this procedure? That’s not good.
Hi Aura,
You can do this antiparasitic routine for 2 weeks.
Many blessings and good health!
Do you have to do part A and B? And how often??
Hi Irene,
Yes, part A is for the morning, and part B is for the evening.
You can follow this routine for 2 weeks.
Many blessings and good health!
I thought it looked like tapeworm.
Ringworm is definitely a fungus, not a worm!
It is, but the photo above, which I assume Patricia is referring to, is tapeworm..
I would love to try this. However, about a month ago I purchased organic pumpkin seeds to add as a snack to my diet. Just a few bites and I had the worst headache. Lasted 3 days. Is there any other alternative I can use?
Hi Holly,
We’re sorry to hear this. If you suspect you’re allergic to them, stop use. There are many other remedies you can try.
Here are some helpful articles:
Many blessings and good health!
A headache actually may imply the killing of parasites that have made it up to your brain. You must drink more water to help the body flush
I did an Internet search & a different treatment, (not these herbs/seeds) said, “We recommend doing this cleanse for 90 days as detailed in our guide.” I’ve heard similar because of the parasite life cycle. I think others have recommended a break and then doing it again to get rid of any eggs that hatch. Hopefully, she will reply for this one or do a follow-up article.
Hi Phyllis,
You can do this routine for 2 weeks, and see how your body responds. After a few weeks, if parasites are still a problem, do the cleanse again. It’s very important to pay attention to how your body reacts to herbal remedies.
Many blessings and good health!
Anyone? Ferris? Beuller?
How long do we need to do this routine to expect to be reasonably free of parasites? Someone please answer this, as everyone here, myself included, are pretty interested to know. With natural remedies, it sometimes takes longer, so, a week? Two? A month? And how does one know one is “parasite free” or do we just assume after undertaking these treatments we’ll be fine for a while? Or is it more like we’ll be able to reduce the numbers but never fully get rid of them? And along with how long is the treatment, how frequently should one treat oneself? It appears quite easy to become infected with these little “darlings”, so is it safe to say this treatment will need to be undertaken a couple times a year? More frequently? SPECIFIC information would be wonderful. Thanks a million. Inquiring minds and all….
Hi Michon,
You can do this antiparasitic routine for 2 weeks, and see how your body reacts. Take a break for a few weeks, and if parasites still bother you, do the cleanse again. It’s very important to pay attention to how your body responds to these herbal remedies.
Many blessings and good health!
Did you not read the prior comments??? She answered the question at least ten times before you entered with your asinine attitude. Just…OMG. To the author of this article…my apologies for the lesser mortals and thank you for your patience.
How did you know that it worked for you? Were you having symptoms?
Did you expel any worms?
And how do you know when you’re done?
Thank you for the tips!
Hi Angelle,
You can do this antiparasitic routine for 2 weeks, and see how your body reacts. Take a break for a few weeks, and if parasites still bother you, do the cleanse again. It’s very important to pay attention to how your body responds to these herbal remedies.
Many blessings and good health!
Many blessings and good health!
I’m currently doing a candida gut cleanse, can I do this parasitic cleanse at the same time?
Do one at a time, your body may stress trying to do more than one thing at a time
Hi Lynn,
It’s best not to combine 2 or more detox routines at a time.
Many blessings and good health!
Is there help for an over stimulated eye to brain coordination due to the results of vertigo and doing too much too quickly after vertigo symptoms stopped.?
Hi Bobby,
This article might be helpful:
Many blessings and good health!
I came with the same question as most of the others. How long do you do this? But STILL no answer???
I know when I did the Dr Hulda Clarke parasite cleanse – it was about a 3 week protocol, but of course you could go longer. That one had the green hull of black walnuts, pumpkin seeds and cloves; believe they each killed parasites in a different stage, and that’s why you also needed about 3 weeks (FOR THAT ONE). Not sure about this one.
You can do this antiparasitic routine for 2 weeks, and see how your body reacts. Take a break for a few weeks, and if parasites still bother you, do the cleanse again. It’s very important to pay attention to how your body responds to these herbal remedies.
many blessings and good health!
What a bunch of rude and impatient people. You aren’t paying for this and if it takes someone two days to reply to you then that’s incredibly good. Don’t hassle people for things like a petulant child. If you don’t get an answer then try a POLITE follow up after a week or two, not a rude “STILL no answer” after a day.
Yes!! I was thinking the same thing
Right? Maybe if people would read the other questions, they would have their answer.
I have the book
I have two of her books, neither has this protocol.
Hi Lynn,
In The Holistic Guide to Wellness, you can find the Parasite Protocol at page 139, and in The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies there are many herbs with antiparasitic properties. The remedies in this article, and the way they were prepared, are from The Lost Remedies Academy.
Many blessings and good health!
Hi Peggy,
Thank you for supporting our work!
We hope you enjoy your book.
Many blessings and good health!
I’m wondering will that work for dogs? And if so can I just powder the pumpkin seeds and thyme together and sprinkle it over there food?
Hi MsKimi,
Pumpkin seeds are generally safe for dogs in moderation. They are a good source of fiber, healthy fats, and various nutrients.
Always consult with your veterinarian before making significant changes to your dog’s diet, especially if your dog has any pre-existing health conditions or dietary restrictions.
Using thyme as the primary method for deworming a dog is not recommended. Thyme and other herbs may have some anti-parasitic properties, but they are not proven or regulated for use as effective dewormers in dogs.
Many blessings and good health!
Black walnut for deworming dogs. ?? Anyone have more information
Weird , she won’t answer everyone’s question of how long to do it !
Hi Ann,
You can do this antiparasitic routine for 2 weeks, and see how your body reacts. Take a break for a few weeks, and if parasites still bother you, do the cleanse again. It’s very important to pay attention to how your body responds to these herbal remedies.
many blessings and good health!
Ann she has answered Everyones question! Just because you can’t see doesn’t mean it’s not answered. People need patience & understanding.
Blessing & God’s help!
Next Pill coming: Called, Patience & Understanding!
And I would add, that depends on how LOADed your body is ! Give your body a rest, and wait a couple or 3 weeks and try it again.
Are these shelled pumpkin seeds or pepitas? It seems they are 2 different kind of seeds, but they are similar.
Hi Jonni,
The author of the article used shelled pumpkin seeds, but you can also use pepitas if you have them on hand.
Many blessings and good health!
How many days in a row should one do this or is one day sufficient and then do periodically?
Hi Judy,
You can do this antiparasitic routine for 2 weeks, and see how your body reacts. Take a break for a few weeks, and if parasites still bother you, do the cleanse again.
Many blessings and good health!
I love the remedies that you email me but when I go to print it for reference, it wants to print like 26 pages instead of the five required for the remedy. How can this be fixed?
Highlight the pages you want to print. Then click print, making sure only the 5 pages show up on the print page.
I just copy and paste only the information or recipe I want to a word document. Highlight the recipe, copy, (control C) then open a blank word document, click on the document, then press print (control V) you can do this any way you do your copy an paste that works for you.
Is this okay for kids? (5 year old).
Would the dosage be the same?
Thank you 🙏
Thank you for the very enlightening info.
How do you know if the cleanse worked?
Also, where do I find those cute labels for my medicinal tinctures and infusions? Love them.
Thank you so much for your time and interest in the well being of others.
Many Blessings. Kb
I have chronic gut issues (colon) that never gets diagnosed, therefore, treated properly. I’m going to try it! Thanks!
Hi, I want to try the cleanse, but I don’t like the taste of thyme. You mentioned we can add lemon, can we also add honey to sweeten the taste? Also, do raw pumpkin seeds different than organic sprouted pumpkin seeds? I’m assuming yes with a different flavor. Thank you for posting this. This book looks like it has a lot of great info!
oops, that was *Are raw pumpkin seeds different……. I changed the sentence but didn’t proofread. Do you have a recommendation for brain sharpness?? 😉 lol
How long do you use this? a day, a week, or longer
I also took Nicole’s Lost Remedies Academy, I learned so much from her classes. I loved it, and I like that you can go back and watch them again.
Thank you.
I am sorry I did not read the comments first and ask the same question everyone else ask you. Sorry.
You might want to look at the fatty liver question again, as people have cured their fatty liver holistically, as long as it is not too far gone. Thanks for the ideas and info though….
I have a question about the Pumpkins seeds for parasites? How long do you take it?
I have the book, I did not read the other people question, Please disregard, thanks. One more thing how do you know you have parasites?