Improve Your Eyesight with These 3 Common Herbs
From checking smartphones to reading computer screens and binging on streaming platforms, our eyes are under a lot of strain every day. Since it’s also normal for our eyesight to deteriorate as we grow older, taking care of our eyes…
DIY Deep-Cleaning Herbal Mouthwash
The deeper you dive into natural herbal remedies, the more you realize how easy it really is to replace many of your daily hygiene products with safer homemade options. Your dental hygiene products are no exception. You probably know by…
Yaupon: America’s Forgotten Tea
Yaupon Holly (Ilex vomitoria) has played an important role in Native Americans’ lives for over a thousand years. It is a perennial, evergreen shrub that is native to southeastern North America and is one of two endemic American holly plants…
Homemade Pumpkin Seed Oil for Hair Growth
Pumpkins go hand in hand with the fall holidays of Halloween and Thanksgiving. Besides making a delicious snack, pumpkin seeds offer a wealth of health benefits. In general, plant-based oils are becoming increasingly popular. Many provide a good source of…
How to Make a Healing Soap for Eczema and Skin Rashes
Eczema flare-ups are such a pain in more ways than one. And if you are one of the 30 million Americans with eczema, you might also be spending a small fortune on expensive creams and soaps yet, still finding little…
Horse Chestnut
Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is a flowering tree often found lining city streets and landscaped gardens. Its name was derived from the tree’s horseshoe-shaped twigs that remain once the leaves fall off. The conkers of nuts were also used as…
Parsley Tea for Inflammation of The Urinary Tract
Updated: 13 March 2025 Parsley is a somewhat underrated herb. Not only is it tasty, but its medicinal properties are varied. It’s easy to grow since it also self-seeds. You can harvest parsley in most climates throughout the spring and…
How To Reduce Dental Pain Naturally
Few things are more difficult to cope with than dental pain. That throbbing ache that refuses to subside? The lightning-sharp pain that hits your molar even if you’re not eating or drinking? They can both make it impossible to concentrate,…