10 Medicinal Plants People Confuse With Their Poisonous Look-Alikes
In recent years, outdoor enthusiasts have become more interested in foraging local plants for food and medical purposes. Although this is a sustainable practice that should be encouraged, it also requires caution: many edible plants have poisonous doppelganger that can…
The Plant That Helps Every Part of The Body At Once
While some medicinal plants benefit only one organ or system, this plant helps every part of the body at once. Known as adaptogens, they help us respond to stress and illness by restoring our biological ability to cope and adapt.…
Beetroot Tea for Inflammation and Liver Damage
Your liver is responsible for at least 500 different functions and taking care of it is usually a no-brainer; just eat healthy and minimize alcohol intake and it will take care of detoxifying the organs and blood, producing hormones, synthesizing…
Weed Tea – Turning Unwanted Plants Into Fertilizer
There are some weeds that are more troublesome than others. Thistles and wild oats, for example, die off and break down easily in the compost, but others, such as some running grasses and vines, can be persistent little buggers and…
5 Warning Signs You Have IBS
This article highlights the cause of IBS, 5 warning signs that you have it, and how you can manage and even prevent its symptoms using natural remedies. Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a gastrointestinal disorder affecting the large intestine,…
DIY Anti-Microbial Laundry Soap
Whenever possible, I try to use a natural product that is safe for me as well as the environment, but finding a detergent that fulfills both criteria can be difficult. So, when it comes to pre-treating stains and hand washing…
Home Remedies to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally
We all want a brilliant, white smile, but there are some pretty outrageous claims out there about how to whiten your teeth without a trip to the dentist. After a bit of research, there are three effective home whitening remedies…