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Blue Garlic Milk

Blue food and beverages are weirdly appealing and quite interestingly appetizing. However, we were also told to avoid unnaturally vibrant foods because of artificial colorings. Accordingly, blue-colored foods, or food dyes in general, can trigger changes in the brain structure and may cause organ damage.

Experts suggest replacing synthetic dyes with natural alternatives. Blue pigments can be found in anthocyanins and can be extracted from spirulina. This is marketed as blue spirulina and brings you more health benefits.

What Is Blue Garlic Milk?

Immunity-supporting foods are excellent weapons against seasonal issues like common colds and flu. If you are looking for a natural immune booster, a combination of garlic and milk will never let you down.

And, I just discovered that adding a bit of blue spirulina can give it more anti-inflammatory and antioxidant punch! It can also give it a slightly sweet taste and the benefits of spirulina without the grassy taste.

Garlic milk is an effective beverage if you are sick with flu and cold. Contrary to common belief, drinking milk when having a cough will not increase mucus nor worsen it. That’s because mucus is made up of immune cells and bacteria that is produced in the lungs and milk will not affect its production.

The worst that a milk can do is if you have sensitivity to it. Milk or dairy allergy can cause wheezing, coughing and trouble breathing.

However, you can still prepare blue garlic milk using plant-based milk as an alternative to dairy.

Blue Spirulina vs Green Spirulina

Blue spirulina is a superfood extracted from Arthrospira platensis, a species of blue-green algae. Green spirulina, the typical color we know about, is derived from either Arthrospira platensis or Arthrospira maxima.

Green spirulina contains chlorophyll, which explains its green color. Processing and extracting phycocyanin in spirulina and removing all other pigments create Blue Spirulina.

So, which one is better?

Both green and blue spirulina are packed with nutrients and health benefits. The green variety is an excellent choice for its health-boosting properties. Blue extracts may lack the nutrient profile of green spirulina but are still highly valuable with their phycocyanin content.

Green spirulina is a superfood due to its broader spectrum of phycocyanin and chlorophyll. It contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals. It is also affordable and widely available in many health stores. However, not many people favor the grassy and fishy taste of the green spirulina.

Blue spirulina is particularly rich in phycocyanin and contains some of the vitamins and minerals of the green variety. It has a mildly earthy flavor that will not spoil the taste of food. However, blue spirulina is less commonly found in local stores and is more expensive, usually sold in bulk.

Benefits of Blue Garlic Milk

Adding a dash of color to your garlic milk makes it palatable and tempting. Blue garlic milk also provides medicinal properties and health benefits such as:

Reducing Oxidative Stress

Phycocyanin is a well-known potent antioxidant that helps the body combat oxidative stress. It gets rid of harmful free radicals and nascent oxygen that may cause cell damage if left on their own.

Intake of blue garlic milk helps prevent cell damage and reduces the risk of diseases such as tumors and cancer.

Treating Inflammation

Blue spirulina, when combined with the anti-inflammatory properties of garlic, can be an efficient supplement in reducing many types of inflammatory diseases. It can help alleviate pain and discomfort and manage the body’s response to inflammation.

Boosting the Immune System

Blue garlic milk may help initiate the healing process during an infection by improving the immune response. Garlic milk is a natural immune booster that resists and destroys viruses and bacteria. The micronutrients in blue spirulina support its activity by stimulating the production of white blood cells to combat infections.

About this time of the year is when most people get sick. The weather is changing in most states, it goes from hot to cold really fast and our bodies can’t adapt at the same rate. And if the immune system isn’t in its prime, a cold is only the first step to something life-threatening.

I managed to boost my immune system and didn’t catch a cold in a few years now! It’s not that I couldn’t live with a cold, but I couldn’t stand taking lab-made pills that put too much pressure on my liver and kidneys. I can’t even read the names of the chemicals on pill boxes. It’s outrageous…

Your body is capable of being strong with herbal remedies and organic plants. This is what worked in my case and made me a fortress against seasonal illnesses. Check out the remedies you can get here. 

Exercise Recovery

Blue garlic milk may help in exercise recovery by providing muscle support. The combination of milk, garlic and spirulina provides protein, electrolytes and other nutrient replacements for muscle recovery. It can reduce muscle fatigue and soreness, which makes it a great post-workout drink.

Improve Heart Health

Garlic milk contains allicin, which plays a significant role in managing blood pressure and preventing cardiovascular stress. Blue spirulina is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can boost overall heart health. Taking blue garlic milk once a day can reduce the risk of potential heart-related diseases.

Digestive Support

Like any algae, spirulina is a rich source of natural fiber that improves digestion and treats gut issues. Spirulina is digestible and does not tend to irritate the gut for people with existing gut issues. Likewise, plant-based garlic milk may also help with different gut problems with its potent digestive properties.

If the meat and vegetables you eat are not from your own backyard then you can’t really be sure of their source. If they aren’t cooked well they may still have parasites, which will keep on living in your gut. Or if you had parasites in the past then your gut flora needs to go back to normal.

A bruise on the skin or a scratch may heal by itself and you keep an eye on it constantly. But you can’t see your gut. You don’t know anything else than that it hurts. That’s why I choose to keep it healthy and shield it from damage with plants that our ancestors used as remedies. Plantain, Slippery Elm, Reishi, and Lion’s Mane are just a few of the herbs that aid your body. You can find them all organic HERE!

Liver Tonic

Garlic contains sulfur compounds that help cleanse the liver and prevent damage. A clinical study on garlic reveals beneficial effects on non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. Spirulina is also an alkalizing superfood with hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic properties, which may help in liver detoxification and its protection.

⇒ Pour 7 Drops Of This Tincture To Detox Your Liver (Check Ingredients to Do It Yourself)

Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight, try taking a glass of blue garlic milk before bedtime to better absorb its benefits. Blue garlic milk may boost metabolism and regulate appetite to reduce food cravings. It can stabilize the blood sugar levels, which is also helpful in appetite control.

Managing Diabetes

Eating garlic in moderation helps regulate blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity, which is beneficial in managing Type 2 Diabetes. Adding blue spirulina to garlic milk may bring beneficial effects on fasting blood glucose and lipid profiles.

Reducing Arthritic Pain

With its excellent anti-inflammatory properties, blue garlic milk may significantly reduce inflammation of the joints. A journal published in 2015 concluded that Spirulina platensis suppresses adjuvant-induced arthritis with its immunomodulatory and anti-angiogenic modalities.

Arthritic Pain is not only triggered by the condition itself. Your daily movements may put too much pressure on your joints, which leads to constant pain that doesn’t let you thrive like most people do. Here’s the exercise you need to do each morning to alleviate joint pain for the day!

How to Prepare Blue Garlic Milk

Give your immune system a boost and get the benefits of phycocyanin in this easy-to-prepare blue garlic milk recipe.

You may find blue spirulina in some online health stores but expect it to be more expensive than green. They may be sold in bulk and if you are lucky, you can find stores selling them on retail.

You just have to try it, especially now that flu season is looming and your immune system needs nutritional support to keep the body protected.

Blue Garlic Milk - IngredientsIngredients
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 cup plant-based milk like almond, coconut, rice or oat milk
  • ¼ to 1 tsp blue spirulina powder
  • 40 Drops of Yerba Santa Tincture, also found in This Bundle
  1. Crush and mince the garlic and set aside for about 10 minutes to allow it to release its compounds. Blue Garlic Milk - Blue Garlic Milk
  2. Bring milk to a slight boil in a milk pot. Blue Garlic Milk - 2
  3. Add the minced garlic and bring to a boil. Blue Garlic Milk - 3
  4. Remove from heat and add the blue spirulina. You can adjust the amount as desired, starting from ¼ tsp. Blue Garlic Milk - 4
  5. Pour into a glass and don’t forget to include the garlic bits and tincture drops. Blue Garlic Milk - 5

Blue Garlic Milk - DoneTo use: Take a glass of blue garlic milk for a week before bedtime. There is no established dosage for blue spirulina, but always remember to consume it in moderation. You may also want to start in a small amount and gradually increase it over time. Use blue spirulina sparingly since too much can cause the garlic milk to go bitter.

You may also add your sweetener of choice to make it more palatable.

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Thank you sunshine 🌞 this 💛 💖 💓 💗

YIKES! I love most of your stuff but you are way off base on dairy. Check out or any number of sources that are not funded by the dairy industry. The evidence is overwhelming

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