Red Clover
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) is one of the familiar weeds thriving in all kinds of grassy areas. It can easily escape cultivation, making it a disruptive common weed. But, red clover is also a valuable plant with many medicinal and…
Horse Chestnut
Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is a flowering tree often found lining city streets and landscaped gardens. Its name was derived from the tree’s horseshoe-shaped twigs that remain once the leaves fall off. The conkers of nuts were also used as…
Don’t Throw Away Your Eggshells, Do This Instead!
If you are a big fan of baking and a plant lover, you know how eggshells and plants go well together. It is not an uncommon sight to see eggshell fragments lining the garden, used as fertilizer, or hanging in…
Sheep Sorrel
Sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) is a leafy herb that grows in creeping patches on the ground. Its leaves taste like lemon and it blends well in salads or when cooked with other vegetables. The plant may exude quite a tart…
Don’t Throw Away Your Onion Skins, Do This Instead!
If you are trying to cut down on your trash, a good place to start is with your kitchen scraps. Onion is probably one of the kitchen staples that you cannot miss. Most dishes start and end with an onion.…