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Golden Soup

Anti-Inflammatory Golden Soup

It’s understandably concerning when your body rapidly heats up, turns red, becomes sore, and starts swelling like a balloon. As concerning as it is, this is a common response your body has when it comes into contact with harmful stimuli. Various factors can cause a bodily reaction like this, from certain foods you’re ingesting to a health condition. Whether your inflammation is the result of your health, an injury, or even your lifestyle choices, the sensation is uncomfortable and, most of the time, painful.

It might seem like an endless, difficult battle fighting your inflammation, but you need to know the fight can be easier: as easy as eating. What’s better is the ingredients that can help fight your inflammation are delicious and easily found in grocery stores or grown in your backyard!

For something that can help your swollen body so easily, it makes sense that its name is Golden. The ingredients in this Golden Soup deserve a gold medal for their anti-inflammatory properties, and you’ll soon understand why.

What are the health benefits of Golden Soup?

Given the name ‘Golden Soup,’ you might notice that the dominating color of the ingredients is orange. Realizing this may prompt you to question the significance of the ingredient color orange and what the ingredients have in common.

Color plays an important role in nature, and each color carries a significant meaning. The colors in fruits and vegetables are pigments, organic compounds created by the plant to be used for its survival by attracting pollinators and creating camouflage. While these organic compounds benefit the plant that created them, they are also miraculous for aiding human health concerns.

Each color is created by different organic compounds, giving each color different healing properties. The color orange is produced by organic compounds known as carotenoids, including alpha-carotene and beta-carotene. These carotenoids have been linked to various health benefits, acting as ammunition to combat oxidative stress, including inflammation. Here are some specifics on the ingredients in this Golden Soup:

  • Butternut Squash – Butternut squash is a stem vegetable that contains carotenoids and polyphenols that help fight inflammation.
  • Carrot – Carrot is a root vegetable that contains carotenoids and phytonutrients that help fight inflammation.
  • Turmeric – Turmeric is a root vegetable that contains polyphenols, specifically curcumin, that help fight inflammation as severe as arthritis.
  • Ginger – Ginger is a root vegetable that contains bioactive compounds, specifically gingerol and phenolic compounds, to combat inflammation and pain.
  • Garlic – Garlic is a root vegetable that contains bioactive and phenolic compounds to help combat inflammation.
  • Cardamom – Cardamom is a seed that contains 1,8-cineole, the active ingredient that helps fight inflammation.
  • Bone Broth – Bone broth contains hyaluronic acid and so much more, which help strengthen bones and combat inflammation.
  • Coconut Milk – Coconut milk contains phenolic compounds that aid in the fight against inflammation.

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Though all the ingredients in this soup will help aid in your combat, there is one that overpowers the rest: turmeric. Turmeric has been used for centuries for its healing properties and has been recognized for its ability to ease chronic inflammation, especially in those with arthritis. Science has worked its magic and found the source of this healing property inside turmeric, known as bioactive curcuminoid polyphenols.

Surprisingly, coconut milk is a close runner-up. Coconut milk is often used with other beneficial ingredients as a diverse and synergistic combination. By adding coconut milk to this Golden Soup, you’re giving yourself a bonus of anti-inflammation power. On top of the added anti-inflammation power, studies show that those under heat stress who consume a coconut milk combination are less stressed by the heat.

How to Use Anti-Inflammatory Golden Soup

Anti-inflammatory Golden Soup is a recipe to be incorporated into your diet or meal plan if you experience inflammation in areas throughout your body. Eating this Anti-Inflammatory Golden Soup on a routine basis is the best way to add this soup to your inflammation management diet.

If you are self-managing a diet for acute inflammation, this soup can be added to your diet once every 1-2 weeks, and you can adjust as you feel, or not feel, improvements. If you are pregnant, managing chronic inflammation, or are using medication, please talk to your doctor about adding this recipe to your diet. This soup is also helpful if used when your inflammation flares up.

If you can’t wait for your body to process the herbal remedies in the soup and you need a quick fix to your pain, don’t worry. I’ve got your back! I found some time ago a soothing bundle that relieved me from knee pain in minutes! It’s anti-inflammatory and famous for alleviating arthritis pain and much more. It also contains 4 tinctures that help your gut, are anti-bacterial, regenerative, and help you thrive and enjoy life. I’ll leave a link for you HERE to check out the Joint & Movement Bundle.

Golden soup may seem like a winter comfort treat, but thankfully, we have ways to enjoy it all year, especially in a time of need. Pair this thick, creamy soup with crunchy green vegetables, like celery or cucumbers, and you will find it quite refreshing in the warmer temperatures. As mentioned above, coconut milk helps people under heat stress; this not only cools down your inflamed body parts but keeps you from overheating if you’re eating this soup in the summer!

This anti-inflammatory golden soup recipe is for six servings. You can enjoy it regularly, and it has no severe consequences when eaten daily. If you follow proper canning methods and store it properly, keep it in your fridge or cold cellar for 2-3 months or store it in the freezer for 4-6 months.

Grocery stores carry butternut squash in the fall season. If you’re looking for butternut squash in a grocery store during the off-season, you will likely find it pureed in a can or tetra pack. If you grow butternut squash in your backyard, you will harvest in the fall, and the vegetables could last until next year’s harvest season.

Anti-Inflammatory Gold Soup Recipe

  • 4 cups of Butternut Squash Puree
  • 2 cups of Bone Broth
  • 1 can of Coconut Milk (400ml/14oz)
  • 2-4 cloves of Garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 inch of Ginger, finely chopped
  • 1 Carrot, finely chopped
  • 2 teaspoons of Turmeric
  • ½ teaspoon of Cardamom (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil

Note: Cardamom powder might be hard to find and is an optional spice for this soup. Without cardamom, the soup is still outstanding.

  1. Heat the garlic, ginger, and carrot in a frying pan with the olive oil for 2-3 minutes on medium. Golden Soup - Step 1 copy
  2. Stir in the turmeric and cardamom, and heat on medium for 1 minute. Remove from heat. Golden Soup - Step 2 copy
  3. Add all of the ingredients to a large pot and heat on medium until it bubbles. Golden Soup - Step 3 copy
  4. Lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Golden Soup - Step 4 copy
  5. Serve and enjoy the taste of feeling less poofy! Golden Soup - Step 5 copy

To make a homemade butternut squash puree, slice a large butternut squash in half and clean out the inside. Bake the halves, inside up, at 350 degrees for 45-60 minutes. Blend until pureed.

To make bone broth from scratch, purchase a bone from your local butcher and add it to a pot of water, bring it to a boil and simmer. Keep the bones covered with water by adding warm water when necessary, skimming the foamy top layer. After 8-12 hours of simmering, let it cool and remove the bone.

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Will try this.

Good looking out

I hope you make a cookbook. I absolutely love your penicillin chicken soup. It’s a family favorite!

I would love to see the recipe for the penicillin chicken soup ! Do you share Dr. Apelian ?

Thanks. Love your stuff. How about curry? I grew up a coconut milk lover and it is excellent in any occasional soup including curry.

Hi Dr Nicole I live in Australia and would love to purchase some of your balms. Is there any possible way of sending these to me please?
I suffer chronic pain all over my body from arthritis as well as body heat right in the centre of my solar plexus region. I’m desperate for natural help. I pray you are able to help
Me please? 🙏 thank you so much Jacqui

I made this soup last night. Absolutely delicious It made 4 bowls & 2 of us devoured it in one meal

Hi Nicole
i have 2 Questions , : I can’t eat garlic , it’s a very heavy trigger for Migraine, smell and taste ,
is there another option,
Bone Broth : is that the weight of the Bone or the extract, from Beef, Pig ?
Thanks for your answer
Kind regards karin

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