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DIY Liquid Morphine

You will probably never take another synthetic painkiller after you try this.

Today I want to share with you a recipe I’ve been testing for over a year that has significantly changed my life.

All it took was some reading, two herbs and two mushrooms that I could easily get from my local herbal shop.

I went from being a recluse who wasn’t even able to get out of bed most days to probably the most active I’ve ever been. Now, I can play with my kids again, go on hikes, and enjoy all the things I had to give up because of my fibromyalgia.

All the doctors I went to couldn’t even pinpoint the cause of this debilitating disease. I was put on a fistful of pills and shown the door, which only made my wellbeing worse.

I found the recipe I’m sharing with you today by browsing through a copy of the Holistic Guide to Wellness when I was visiting a friend’s house. It was a lifesaver.

The ingredients’ main target is pain, but they have plenty of other medicinal properties that can help every single part of your body at once!

I’ll tell you about them below.

The first ingredient in the Liquid Morphine is Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera).

Flower of an ashwagandha plant, Withania somniferaYou’ve probably seen this particular herb trending on TikTok. People love it so much because it’s been proven to lower cortisol levels, which can also alleviate stress-related pain and tension as well. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, muscle soreness, and chronic pain disorders, a tincture made from this plant will benefit you greatly.

I was so surprised by the people’s testimonials, I decided to give it a chance. It has helped me recover from physical and emotional stress – and that’s because it also supports the adrenal glands. Withanolides, the active compounds in Ashwagandha, have been shown to lower the inflammation levels in the body.

The second ingredient is called Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis).

Lemon Balm Don't Step On

This soothing herb unfortunately has a very bad rep. A lot of people call it a weed and usually step on it or uproot it.

But if you’re someone who experiences sleep problems, headaches, nerve pain or muscle tension, you might want to stop trying to get rid of it, and instead pick it up and turn it into a tea or a tincture.

Lemon Balm contains compounds like rosmarinic acid and eugenol, which have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It’s these compounds that will fight stress-induced pain, migraines, and even digestive issues for you.

Thanks to is its sedative properties, Lemon Balm also promotes a restful sleep. This was game-changing for me since the pain I was in kept me up all night, and tired and groggy all day.

The next ingredient in the recipe is Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus). 

This is another natural medicine I discovered because it was popular on the internet.

The rare Edible Lion's Mane Mushroom / Hericium Erinaceus / pruikzwam in the Forest. Beautifully radiant and striking with its white color between autumn leaves and the green moss Photographed on the Veluwe at the leuvenum forest in the Netherlands.

I was in so much pain when I discovered it, I was willing to try everything, including things that weren’t recommended by my doctor. Little did I know then, these helped me more than anything he ever made me take.

I like this mushroom so much because it doesn’t only help with alleviating my pain, but it also improves my cognitive abilities. It’s the only mushroom that’s able to successfully stimulate your nerve growth factor production. This means it can successfully protect and actively regenerate nerve cells.

When you’re in pain, there are certain chemicals inside you called neurotransmitters that get released. These neurotransmitters signal pain to the brain. Prolonged exposure can lead to physical damage to these nerves – that’s why you probably feel random tingling, numbness or weakness in certain areas of your body.

That’s why it’s particularly useful for people with multiple sclerosis or fibromyalgia, like me, where pain is often linked to nerve damage.

However, if you need something for topical pain, Cayenne Peppers might be the answer. You don’t have to rub them on the painful area like people used to do, instead you can use this salve. It’s anti-inflammatory, and it can really help you if you have arthritis, carpal tunnel, knee pain, muscle soreness, shoulder pain or tennis elbow. It’s even healed people post-knee surgery!

JMS Review


The last ingredient in this recipe is called Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum). 

It’s also known as the Mushroom of Immortality.

Reishi ( Ganoderma tsugae ) growing in the forest. Popular mushr

It practically boasts of medicinal benefits, including pain relief. It contains triterpenes and polysaccharides, which have potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It also has adaptogenic properties, which can be of use to people who suffer from muscle tension, migraines and joint pain.

If you’re in a lot of stress, it can also balance your cortisol levels and support your adrenal glands. This will promote relaxation and improve your sleep, which are two essential factors for pain management.

Lastly, Reishi can regulate your immune system, leading once again to less inflammation and pain.

Before reading the Holistic Guide to Wellness, I’ve been taking these herbs individually. I was afraid to combine them because I thought they would make me sick, much like how ibuprofen and blood thinners interact. It wasn’t until I read the Holistic Guide to Wellness that I realized the benefits of mixing them together.

DIY Liquid Morphine Recipe

The method here is a bit different, as we’ll be making a double extraction. This way, you get to extract both the water-soluble AND the alcohol-soluble medicinal compounds from mushrooms and herbs, which in turn will make your concoction much more powerful.


  • 2 tbsp dried Ashwagandha root
  • 2 tbsp dried Lemon Balm
  • 2 tbsp dried Lion’s Mane
  • 2 tbsp dried Reishi
  • 1 pint (500 ml) of high-proof alcohol (preferably vodka or over 80 proof alcohol)
  • 1 pint (500 ml) water
  • Glass jar with lid (mason jar or similar)
  • Cheesecloth or strainer
  • Dark amber glass bottle for storage


First, you need to prepare the herbs. Chop or break them, then place them into your mason jar. Pour enough alcohol to completely cover them by about 1-2 inches. Close the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place for 4-6 weeks. Make sure to give your jar a good shake daily to ensure maximum-extraction of the alcohol-soluble herbs.

Now, for the water extraction.

After the 4-6 weeks period has passed, you strain the herbs and mushrooms through a cheesecloth or a fine strainer. You then place the strained herbs and mushrooms in a pot with about one pint of water. You bring the water to a boil, then lower it and let it simmer for about 30 minutes to an hour. You let it reduce until there is about half the water left.

DIY Liquid Morphone Jar

Once your mixture cools down, you strain the herbal material again, but in a separate container from alcohol.

Lastly, you combine the two extracts in a clean jar or bottle. You should have two parts alcohol to one part water extraction. You transfer your combined tincture into a dark amber glass bottle to protect it from light. Label your tincture with the name and the date.

You can take about 1-2 droppers full 1-2 times per day as you might need.

However, if you don’t have the time, the tools, or the place where you can source your ingredients from, you can purchase the same tincture with the same ingredients from here. It’s made by one of America’s top herbalists, and all the herbs in it are either wild-harvested or organically grown – which not a lot of supplements can claim!

The Liquid Morphine might just become one of the most-sought remedies once a crisis strikes, pharmacies get looted, and hospitals overcrowded.

You can find it in the Pain Management Protocol, which is just one of the 45 health protocols from The Holistic Guide to Wellness: Herbal Protocols for Common Ailments.

Other protocols include: Depression, Sleep, Brain and Nerve, Anxiety and Stress, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lungs and COPD, Leaky Gut, Gastritis and IBS, Hair Loss, Liver Health, Flu, Viral and Immune System, etc. Check out the protocol you’re interested in here

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