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This Is How Fruits Are Making You Ill

This Is How Fruits Are Making You Ill

You are often advised to take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. However, like most foods, fruits and veggies have their limitations despite being considered good for health.

The worst you probably know about fruits is how their natural sugars impact the blood sugar level.

Fruits can also make you ill in different ways if consumed wrongly. If you have a particular health condition, check with your doctor about what fruits you can and cannot eat. It is also important to know which fruit to pick for a specific vitamin and nutrient needs.

Fruits To Avoid If You Suffer From Something

There are no worst fruits, but some can be healthier than others. The problem is in consuming a particular fruit as it may aggravate an existing health problem.

You must be mindful of your consumption of the following in a given health condition:

High Glycemic Index Fruits Can Spike Blood Sugar

The glycemic index is the measure of how a specific food raises glucose. Fruits with high glycemic index impact the insulin response and cause a spike in the sugar level.

High GI-ranking fruits include watermelon, pineapple, overly ripe bananas, mango, jackfruit, grapes and chikku.

Taking a couple of slices of these fruits will not harm you. But, always be mindful of your serving portion since blood sugar also depends on how much fruit you consume.

Because there’s not enough smoothies I can have in a day, I regulate them with a blood sugar-regulating tincture made out of organic herbs. This way I stopped feeling like my sugar levels spiked after having something sweet. Click here to see what I used.

High Sodium, Potassium and Phosphorus Fruits Are Bad for the Kidneys

The Associates in Nephrology identified fruits that are bad for an already damaged kidney. A damaged kidney has trouble filtering out excess sodium, potassium and phosphorus. A renal diet limits food and fruits that contain high amounts of these nutrients.

If you have a kidney problem, limit your intake of bananas, avocados and oranges. Fruit juices and dried fruits are also best to be avoided.

Kidney sensitivity kicks in pretty early, starting in your thirties. And it worsens by year. The problem is once stones or infections appear, you’ll regret not taking care of these vital organs. Check out all the symptoms and triggers that affect your kidneys in the Kidney Protocol.

Some Citrus Fruits May Interact with Medications

Grapefruit and its close relatives like pomelos, Seville oranges, tangelos and Minneolas contain furanocoumarins. It is a class of chemicals that may disrupt the function of specialized proteins in the liver and the small intestine resulting in an increase side effects of drugs.

These fruits can interact with some cholesterol, blood pressure, heart, mood, infection, and blood thinning medications. Grapefruit may also interfere with pain, erectile dysfunction and prostate medicines.

Most people don’t want to accept that the lost ways of thriving without medicine are what really keep us healthy. For instance, some ex-doctors treated themselves with herbal remedies rather than taking medication that interacted with their usual diet. Here’s how they keep away or manage their conditions.

Acidic Fruits Worsen Digestive Issues

Citrus fruits are high in Vitamin C and are valuable in boosting immune health. But, you must limit its intake or temporarily avoid citrus if you have digestive troubles.

These fruits are highly acidic and may trigger acid reflux and stomach ache. If you constantly observe tummy problems after eating citrus, replace them with high Vitamin C but low acid alternatives like honeydew melon and berries.

However, you shouldn’t blame your acid reflux on the fruits you eat. There are plenty of triggers that start with Acid Reflux, one of the first symptoms of something really bad. When it comes to my digestive system, I don’t play around.

If my body cannot process the nutrients I give it, everything goes south. Lately, the best results I’ve got were from a powerful natural blend that helped my body regenerate my gut in just a few days. Check this review for yourself!

Rosacea Family Fruits Are Goitrogenic

According to the Kresser Institute, fruits from the Rosacea family can be a problem for people with thyroid issues. They may interfere with iodine uptake and worsen thyroid disorders.

Goitrogenic fruits may include strawberries, peaches, apricots, cherries, pears, plums, and raspberries. Excessive consumption of these fruits inhibits the proper utilization of iodine and should therefore be consumed in limited quantities.

High-Fructose Fruits Can Stress the Liver

Fruits high in sugar do not only affect the sugar levels. It can also put a lot of stress on the liver which processes and metabolizes the blood. Consuming a large amount of fructose worsens an inflamed and fatty liver.

Cut back on raisins, jackfruits, apples, grapes, pineapples, bananas, pears and other fruits with high sugar content if you have non-alcoholic fatty liver.

As of herbal remedies, I make every couple of weeks a dandelion root, milk thistle seed and schisandra berries tincture. It really targets my liver and I can feel how my energy levels got boosted after consuming it twice a day.

The recipe is pretty long, though. And everyone cannot easily acquire the ingredients. But if you still want to take the benefits, check out this link!

Some Fruits Can Cause Allergy

Oral allergy syndrome (OAS) is an allergic reaction fruits like apples, apricots, cherries, peaches, nectarines, and oranges cause. It is also known as pollen-food allergy syndrome which can occur in people with pollen allergy.

OAS is rare and its symptoms include itching, swelling, nasal congestion, digestive symptoms, and nausea. It may also cause life-threatening symptoms like low blood pressure, shock and anaphylaxis.

Fruits Sprayed With Pesticides

Pesticides on fruits can silently harm your health, with toxic chemicals linked to hormone disruption, weakened immunity, and even cancer. Even “organic” labels aren’t always safe. Avoiding them is crucial to protect your body from these hidden dangers.

Fruits Can Increase Uric Acid

Fruits that contain high fructose can increase the uric acid and worsen gout. High-purine fruits like grapes and raisins also elevate the uric acid. Limit your intake of fruits that are high in natural sugars such as apples, dates, and chikku to prevent the spike in uric acid.

Some Fruits Cause Miscarriage

Fruits are healthy and pregnant women are recommended to up their intake of fruits and vegetables both for her and her baby’s health. However, some fruits may not be suitable in pregnancy. Fruits with latex such as papaya induce contractions as well as the enzymes in pineapple.

Overeating grapes in the final trimester is also not advisable since it may cause the body to generate too much heat.

Please keep in mind that only an abuse of those fruits can lead to such scenarios. Balance is key!

Fruits to Take if You Need a Specific Vitamin

Fruits are an important part of a balanced diet. But, you must also be cautious in consuming them if you are already suffering from an illness. The key to a healthy diet is eating everything in moderation and veering away from those that give you discomfort after eating.

If you need an intake of a particular vitamin or nutrients, here are some of the best fruits to take:

Vitamin A is an essential micronutrient needed to maintain healthy eyes, hair, and skin. You can get it from: Apricot, Grapefruit, Papaya, Mango, Cantaloupe, Tangerine, Nectarine, Guava, Passionfruit.

Vitamin C protects the cells and boosts immune resistance, speeds up wound healing, and maintains healthy skin. You can get it from: Citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange, pomelo, clementine, etc.), Strawberries, Guavas, Papaya

Vitamin E protects the cell from oxidative stress. You can get it from: Avocado, Mango, Kiwi, Berries, and Black currant.

Fiber improves digestion, lowering blood sugar and promoting a healthy heart. You can get it from: Apple, Pears, Strawberries, Avocado, Berries, and Bananas.

Electrolytes promote hydration, nerve and muscle function and blood pressure regulation. You can get it from: Bananas, Prunes, Cherries, Watermelon, Oranges, and Strawberries.

Folate (Folic Acid) aids in healthy cell and fetal growth. You can get it from: Citrus fruits, Banana, Avocado, Berries, Cantaloupe.

You may also refer to the fruit group color for their similar protective compounds. For example:

  • Red fruits contain anthocyanins carotenoids for good eyesight, digestion, heart and cell growth.
  • Orange fruits boost immune health, cells, eyes, and heart.
  • Yellow fruits aid the immune system and blood circulation.
  • Green fruits lower cholesterol and promote wound healing.
  • Purple and blue fruits boost memory, bones, circulation and heart health.

You can also learn all of this by heart, and more! All this precious information has been gathered in a guide so that you and I can benefit from it and not harm ourselves, but rather thrive. Here’s what can help you become an herbal guru in no time.

Refreshing Watermelon Smoothie

There are many ways to incorporate fruits into your daily diet. One of the most refreshing ways is churning it into a fruit shake or smoothie. Unlike juicing, you are getting all the benefits from fruits in a shake, including dietary fibers.

Fruits Are Making You Ill - ingredientsIngredients
  • 1 cup frozen watermelon, sliced
  • 1 medium size banana, sliced
  • 1/4 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup water or low-fat milk
  • 3 frozen strawberries
  • ½ tbsp flaxseeds
  1. Put all the ingredients in a blender. Fruits Are Making You Ill - 1
  2. Puree until smooth. Fruits Are Making You Ill - 2
  3. Pour into a glass and enjoy. You may serve it with ice if you like. Fruits Are Making You Ill - 3

To use: A smoothie is a versatile beverage you can prepare from your favorite fruits and fruits in season.

Fruits Are Making You Ill - 4Feel free to experiment with the ingredients to suit your taste and nutritional needs.

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I have the big book, I need the other 2 books. When I got the big book, I did not receive the other 2 books.

Yeah so I think you actually need to eat a looooooooot of fruits to actually damage something. I’m having fruits daily and I’m just fine… Just the usual joint pains every once in a while.

The way it’s written is a bit confusing but overall great info! Thank you Ann!!!

i’m an apple lover, but know that for some time they’ve been making them sweeter and sweeter. I only eat the green Granny Smith. maybe one a day or two…too much?

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