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6 Foods to Help Your Body Fight Diabetes

Are you one of the millions of people worldwide who struggle with diabetes? If so, you may be surprised to learn that you can fight diabetes through diet, and you can do so by eating foods you love. Diabetes may not have a definitive cure, but you can certainly manage symptoms with savvy diet and lifestyle changes. By making these smart choices, you’ll experience greater success in day-to-day living, positively impacting your relationships, mood, and energy.

In this article, you’ll learn about 6 foods that will help your body fight diabetes by balancing blood sugar. You’ll also learn how to make a tasty apple cider vinegar tonic that you can enjoy year-round! Keep reading to take the first step in managing your diabetes naturally.

Diabetes 101

Diabetes is a condition that occurs when the body has trouble processing insulin. Our bodies use insulin to prevent blood sugar spikes, which can cause a myriad of conditions. Those with insulin resistance are at risk of damaging nerve and blood vessels, among other things.

Diabetes comes in a variety of forms and has no rhyme or reason to whom it chooses. For example, gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy and often resolves itself after. Pregnant women with this condition are likelier to experience preterm birth, unstable moods, low energy levels, and larger babies.

Diabetes is often labeled by type. Type 1 diabetes is undoubtedly the most high-maintenance, requiring endless levels of monitoring. This particular diabetes results from the body producing no or very little insulin. Children and teenagers are most at risk for this form of diabetes, which is a lifelong journey.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type, resulting in the body not processing insulin correctly. As of 2023, it’s estimated that over 35 million Americans have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, with a considerably higher tally worldwide.  Other types of diabetes include prediabetes and latent autoimmune diabetes.

Guide – The Diabetes 2 Protocol HERE (Video)

What Foods Help Your Body Fight Diabetes?

You may not be able to cure your diabetes, but you can certainly manage it. The first step in managing diabetes is a healthy diet. Try incorporating these foods into your menus and watch the difference!

Organic Leafy Greens

If you’re following the Diabetes Plate method,  you’ll remember that half your plate should always be non-starchy vegetables. Dark, leafy greens are versatile, as you can top them with a salad dressing or oil and vinegar. You can also pile your lean protein on top, making a tasty salad! Leafy greens are low in calories, but they’re also packed with fiber, which can slow the rise of blood sugar.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is a diabetic’s best friend. You can add a dash to your smoothie or use it in our Blood Sugar Balancing Tonic, as seen in this article. Aloe vera juice has been proven to lower blood glucose levels in diabetics and improve insulin resistance. You can purchase aloe vera juice at many health food stores or make some yourself from harvested aloe vera gel. Be sure to buy plain aloe vera juice with no sugar.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Tart apple cider vinegar is a simple remedy that, when consumed daily, can lower LDL and A1C levels.  There are a variety of ways to consume apple cider vinegar. You can use it to dress your organic leafy greens, drink it straight, or make our Blood Sugar Balancing Tonic. You can also dilute it in water for a pleasant taste and for a mild effect.


A 2015 study had diabetics consume ground ginger each day for 12 weeks.  At the end of the study, ginger lowered fasting blood sugar levels and positively impacted hemoglobin levels. You can achieve the same effect through fresh ginger, too! Add a little fresh or ground ginger to your stir-fries or beverages for a warming sensation that will boost your health.


Another warming spice that does the body good is cinnamon. Many say cinnamon imitates insulin, helping even a small amount of insulin be more efficient. Studies state that cinnamon helps lower fasting blood glucose levels, making it an excellent natural remedy for diabetics. Keep in mind this one thins the blood. Bonus: cinnamon also speeds up metabolism and boosts heart health – all while tasting great!

What Cinnamon Does to Senior Brains (Video)


Every person with diabetes knows that a good low-glycemic sweetener is critical to managing diabetes. Stevia is a great all-natural option that you can even grow in your own backyard. This is a fabulous option for budgeting diabetics, as a little goes a long way. Stevia comes in powdered or liquid form, and you can even find it in seasonal flavors. Try adding a dash to your beverages first, then expand into baked goods.

Blood Sugar Balancing Tonic Concentrate Recipe

This Blood Sugar Balancing Tonic is a refreshing beverage that will help you manage diabetes with joy. It contains a great mix of herbs that create a warming effect in the body. It’s a great alternative to lemonade and includes the best ingredients that work synergistically to improve fasting blood sugar levels.

If you want to help your body manage blood sugar levels itself, you can try the same thing I’m using: the Dual-Extracted Cordyceps Mushroom Tincture. It can even replace the effect of the recipe below.

Consider this a “concentrate,” as you need just ⅛ cup to make the tonic. You can customize the amount of water that you add to the concentrate, depending on your personal preference. This is also a great option for those hoping to reach their ideal weight, as it can cut cravings.

FightDiabetes - IngredientsIngredients
  1. Add the ground ginger, cinnamon sticks, aloe vera juice, apple cider vinegar, and water to a large saucepan. FightDiabetes - Step One
  2. Set the saucepan over medium-low heat and bring the contents to a boil. Turn the heat down and let simmer for 25 minutes. FightDiabetes - Step Two
  3. Remove from heat and strain. Add the recommended dosage of Dual-Extracted Cordyceps Mushroom Tincture and store it in a large glass jar placed in the refrigerator.
How to Use Our Blood Sugar Balancing Tonic

FightDiabetes - How To UseTo make the Blood Sugar-Balancing Tonic, combine ¼ cups of Blood Sugar Balancing Tonic Concentrate with at least 2 cups of water. Add stevia to taste. You can drink this tonic hot or cold—the choice is yours! As it is a medicinal remedy, we recommend enjoying just one cup a day. Be sure to store leftover Blood Sugar Balancing Concentrate in the refrigerator, preferably in a large glass jar. Enjoy!


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Love your emails learning how to use natural herbs

the recipe does not say how much of the cordyceps tincture to use? Please clarify

It says the recommended dosage, that must mean there are directions on the package of the tincture.

I reversed my T2DM by making adjustments in my food that includes herbs, spices, and unrefined ingredients for the vast majority of my nutrition. Ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, blueberries, pineapple, and cherries. Yes, I still indulge in an ultra-processed ingredient such as smoked sausage or kielbasa usually as flavoring with vegetables. I took Trulicity for a few years and it kept me “well-controlled” but I wasn’t willing to be controlled if I could reverse it! I have a couple of your books and love finding treatments in nature, as well as those free goods for the larder!

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