50 Uses of Avocado
You may not love avocados but the following uses for this humble fruit may change your mind.
1. Smoothes Out Skin Wrinkles
Looking for a painless way of reducing wrinkles, well if the answer is yes then go get you some avocados. The skin benefits not only from the inside when you eat them but also when you apply avocados to your skin as a mask. The reason why avocados are so good for the skin is due to the antioxidants they contain.
2. Protects the Eyes from Age-Related Decline
Did you know that avocados contain zeaxanthin and lutein? Well, they do and they are very important antioxidants that protect your eyes from harmful light waves by absorbing them. Now, to reach these particular antioxidants you will need to scrape the dark green flesh of the avocado from the peel.
3. Can Help you Lose Weight
Avocados can help you lose weight in two ways. First, they are full of fiber, which makes one feel full. They also contain monounsaturated fat. Using avocados in place of high-fat foods like butter or mayo can help you lose a few pounds.
4. Improves your Mood
While depression has many causes, one trigger for depression can be found in the diet. If you are not receiving enough folate in your diet then you are more susceptible to being in a bad mood and/or depressed. A simple way of feeling better is to eat some avocado.
TIP: If you’re looking for a homemade easy vegan dessert, you need to try avocado ice cream. I know what you’re thinking, avocados and ice cream together? But it totally works, just like you can add avocados to smoothies. Avocados have a smooth and naturally creamy texture. That makes it such a perfect candidate to throw in smoothies, mousses, and even ice cream.
5. Has the Ability to Prevent Birth Defects
Consuming avocados while pregnant can reduce the chances of birth defects. How you may ask? Well, it comes down to foliate. Women whose diet was low in folate increased their chances of having a baby with a birth defect. While there are other ways of getting your daily requirement of this B vitamin consuming an avocado is a delicious choice.
6. Fights Inflammation
Eating avocados is a tasty way of fighting inflammation due to the antioxidants and monounsaturated fats these green gems contain. You may wonder how this works. First, there are several types of inflammation but the simplest answer is that healthy fat decreases visceral fat, which causes inflammation and provides antioxidants such as carotenoids that fight inflammation.
7. Gives you More Energy
If you are dragging a bit and find yourself with not much energy, chances are you need some B vitamins.
Avocados are full of several B vitamins, which include thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), and niacin (B3). These B vitamins convert food into energy, which will give you that “get up and go” feeling.
8. Improves Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels
Reducing the amount of fat you consume is one way of reducing your cholesterol and triglyceride numbers. But this is not the end of the story, while decreasing the bad fat, such as animal sources, you can increase the healthy fat. This is where the avocado comes into play. It contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are known to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
9. Can Lower Blood Pressure
While oleic acid that avocados contain serves several purposes, one that many have never heard of is the fact that it helps lower blood pressure.
10. Protects the Brain
Did you know that avocados are high in vitamin E? Well, yes they are and why is this important? Vitamin E provides may provide protection against Alzheimer’s. While the how is not completely understood, it is believed to provide protection against pollution and radiation from the sun, which can damage cells.
11. Strengthens Bones
We have all heard about the importance of calcium and strong bones but there is another vitamin that is needed and that is vitamin K. This nutrient is needed to increase bone density and prevent fractures. Eating half an avocado will provide you with 15 percent of your daily requirement.
12. Can Drop the Chances of Developing Type 2 Diabetes
Avocados meet all the requirements of a healthy diet and combining that with a more plant-based menu can reduce your chances of developing type 2 diabetes by 20 percent.
13. Contains Potassium
If you are looking to meet your dietary requirement you may reach for a banana. While bananas do have a lot of potassium, avocados have more.
14. Protects the skin from UV Damage
Been out in the sun too long and you now have a mild sunburn, do not fret. The avocado is to the rescue. All you need to do is make a paste out of the fruit and apply it to the skin. Oh boy does that feel good but why. It is believed that the zeaxanthin and lutein contained in the avocado protect the skin from UV damage.
15. Aids in Minor Wound Healing
Got a minor scrape and need some ointment? Simply go to the fridge. Apply a bit of mashed avocado to the minor wound and it will heal up in no time.
16. Possible Treatment for Leukemia
A promising treatment for leukemia can be found in this humble fruit. The avocado contains a compound called avocatin B.
In recent studies, this compound has been shown to kill leukemia cells, which could lead to promising new treatments.
17. Helps Relieve Symptoms of an Enlarged Prostate
This fruit is high in phytonutrients. What are phytonutrients? Well, they are a family of plant steroids that help your body block the absorption of bad LDL cholesterol. Now the particular plant steroid that can relieve the symptoms of an enlarged prostate is beta-sitosterol. There are other sources of this plant steroid but the avocado has four times more than the orange, which should provide a lot of relief for an enlarged prostate.
18. Helps with the Production of Healthy Sperm
Women need to make sure that their folate level is correct prior to get pregnant and during the whole pregnancy. But men also need to have their folate levels checked. A low level of folate can cause the sperm to be not as healthy as it could be which in turn could cause birth defects.
19. Aids in the Prevention of Osteoporosis
Keeping the structure of our bones strong is a very important step to preventing osteoporosis. How the avocado comes into play begins with the vitamin K, which this simple fruit contains. Having a diet high in calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K is very important due to the fact that vitamin K can help the body absorb more calcium instead of going out with the urine. While the hero’s parade is always showcasing calcium and vitamin D, do not forget the unsung hero for strong bones, vitamin K.
20. Helps the Body Absorb certain Nutrients
You may not know that for some vitamins and minerals to be absorbed they need a buddy to help in the process. This is where the avocado comes into play. The healthy fat in an avocado can help the body absorb more vitamin A, E, K, and D along with antioxidant lycopene. Beyond being tasty, this is another reason to make up some salsa and guacamole.
21. Can Reduce Chromosomal Damage caused by Cyclophosphamide
While how this process works is not completely understood, the numerous phytochemicals found in avocados have shown to reduce the DNA and RNA damage that is caused when cyclophosphamide is taken as part of chemotherapy.
22. Provides Promising Breast Cancer Protection
Studies are still continuing but it is believed that a certain monounsaturated fat called oleic acid can reduce the odds of a woman developing breast cancer.
23. Acts as a Promising Cancer Treatment
There are many causes for cancer but one is linked to genes. Oleic acid found in avocados has shown some beneficial promise on working with genes that cause certain cancers.
24. Improves Digestion
Fiber is one of the many important components of avocados. This high fiber content does keep things moving and reduces the chances of you suffering from constipation. But, there is another gem in this high fiber fruit. Oh my, what could it be? In short, a diet rich in fiber is a great approach to reducing your chances of developing colon cancer.
25. Contains Dietary Fiber
Yes, fiber has been mentioned before but did you know that avocadoes have two types of fiber? Well, they do and each one plays an important role in a healthy diet. Soluble fiber dissolves in water while insoluble fiber does not. The avocado is seven percent fiber with 25 percent of that fiber being soluble and the remaining being insoluble. So what does this mean? Putting it simply, eating an avocado is a great way of feeding the bacteria in your second brain or gut, which is a wonderful way of keeping your stomach happy.
26. Serves as a Natural Detoxifier
This may seem a bit odd but the longer food stays in the stomach, the more things can go wrong. Encouraging the emptying of the stomach often reduces the chances of toxins building up. Now, where does this fruit come into play? Avocados have a lot of fiber for their little size. Fiber will keep things moving on down the intestinal tract, which will act as a natural detoxifier.
27. Relieves the Symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis
The anti-inflammatory components of the avocado provide relief from knee osteoarthritis when eaten and the oil is rubbed on the joint. Research is also being done on saponins, which are found in avocados and soy. Extracting this substance and using it as a rub is being explored as a treatment for the symptoms of this disease.
28. Possible Treatment for Psoriasis
If you are lacking B12 or cobalamin then you could develop psoriasis or make your existing condition worse. Avocados contain this B12, which when combined with olive oil has shown to be a promising treatment for psoriasis.
29. Provides Protection against Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, and Hypertension
There are many different ways to reduce your chances of developing heart disease and other similar problems. This includes exercise, reducing stress, and a healthy diet. Avocados are a green wonder that contains so many things that are good for the heart. First, this fruit is very high in potassium. This is known to lower blood pressure, which can reduce your chances of suffering from a heart attack or stroke. They contain vitamin E, which a heart health vitamin and lutien. What does lutien do? Well, it helps protect arteries from hardening. Avocados contain folate that can protect the blood vessels from high levels of homocysteine. This amino acid can damage the blood vessels. Finally, oleic acid is contained in avocados. The role that this substance plays in heart health is by reducing inflammation, which can cause atheroscierosis.
30. Improves Insulin Sensitivity
Eating a high fiber diet is a way of improving insulin sensitivity and the avocado is a tasty way of positively contributing to this type of diet.
31. A Promising Treatment for Gout
In a nutshell, gout is a buildup of uric acid that in turn crystallizes in the joints, which causes pain and inflammation. Now, the goal in prevention is to reduce foods that can cause a buildup. This includes red meat, organ meat, and seafood. While this may seem very hard to do, there is another approach that can prevent and/or treat gout.
Avocados can prevent gout by making you feel full, which could reduce the amount of the meats noted above that can cause gout. Also, this simple fruit is chopped full of nutrients that can help the kidneys move uric acid out of the body. This includes potassium and vitamin C. If the kidneys can move the uric acid out of the body then you can prevent gout or reduce the number of bouts with gout.
32. Help to Build Collagen in the Skin
When it comes to building collagen in the skin, one can benefit not only from eating them but also from utilizing cold-pressed avocado oil as a skin treatment. Beyond the fat in the avocado, it also contains vitamins C and E, plant steroids, omega-9, antioxidants, and minerals that all work together to promote collagen production.
33. Reduces Dry Skin
If you have dry skin then you need an avocado. This fruit contains biotin, which is known to reduce skin dryness but do not go eat a bunch of avocados. While eating them would be very healthy, dry skin is only addressed with the avocado is applied directly to the skin.
34. Improves Adrenal Fatigue
Adrenal fatigue occurs in four stages. The just of this disorder is that fat is required for hormone production. When you do not have enough fat in your diet then hormone production is affected. The key to reducing the chances of going past stage one is the consumption of fat. While fat has gotten a bad rap, our bodies need fat to function properly. The key is to consume healthy fats and this is where the avocado comes into the picture. The monounsaturated fatty acids in this fruit can meet this requirement without the negative consequences of animal fats. Eating avocado can provide the fat to keep hormone production going, which can reduce the chances of going past the first stage of adrenal fatigue.
35. Improves Liver Function
A simple but important ingredient that avocados contain is glutathione, which is used by the liver to remove toxins from the body. Low levels of glutathione can cause the liver not to function properly.
36. Promising Treatment for Viral Hepatitis
Early studies on using avocado oil as a treatment for liver damage caused by viruses is showing promise. It is believed that five compounds in the avocado are what help heal the liver but more research needs to be done before this approach is approved.
37. Prevents Food Poisoning
Because avocados are antimicrobial, they can prevent E. coli. Now that does not mean to go out and eat food that is contaminated but it does offer future prevention and treatment of food poisoning.
38. Gets you in the Mood
Yes, the avocado can get both women and men in the mood. For women, consuming avocado can reduce premenstrual symptoms. If a woman is not bloated or irritable she is more likely to be interested in sex. Men, on the other hand, benefit from consuming avocados because they are heart-healthy, which will improve blood flow to those important areas. Once blood flow has improved a man’s libido will rise.
39. Aids in the Prevention of Gum Disease
Avocado oil can stop gum disease when used every day. The process is simple and only requires one to rub the oil on the gums. Got some dental irritation and/or inflammation? Treat it with avocado oil. The anti-inflammatory ingredients in this oil will reduce the problem. But keep in mind that to keep your mouth healthy, you also need to visit your dentist regularly.
40. Can Help Reduce Tooth Decay
There are two substances that avocados contain that help reduce tooth decay. The first one is potassium. Individuals who have a diet high in potassium have shown to have less tooth decay.
41. Reduces Stress
Everyone suffers from stress but did you know that being low in magnesium can also cause you stress. Now, let’s take a look at this magnesium thing. Having the proper amount of magnesium will help you sleep better; this will aid you in releasing stress. The opposite is true if you are low on magnesium. So, if it has been a tough day, go get you an avocado and the creaminess of this fruit. Before you know it, all your troubles will float away as your body is quenched in magnesium.
42. Enhance Memory
Early studies are showing that consuming avocados can help with the working memories and problem-solving skills of older adults. The study indicates that the healthy fats, fiber, and lutein content of this fruit contribute to this improvement.
43. Helps with Brittle Hair and Nails
Due to the biotin along with vitamin B and E, when applied to the hair and nails, avocado is a wonderful way of reducing breakage. If you do not have any avocados then apply avocado oil to the ends of the hair, scalp, and nails to reduce dryness.
44. Post Workout Snack
We all know how important it is to consume protein after a workout but if you do not have the right ingredients to get the most of the protein, well your body will not benefit. Eating an avocado after a workout is a beneficial way of promoting muscle repair and recovery. Why you may ask? Avocados have nine essential amino acids that are needed for proper protein synthesis. This is very important for any post-workout recovery plan.
45. Aids in Weight loss
The fiber in the avocado helps us feel full, which means we consume less food, right? Well, there is another part to this weight loss story and that comes from oleic acid. This is a monounsaturated fat that works with that part of the brain that tells us we are full and satisfied. Now, because our brain tells us we are full, we stop eating and in short, we lose weight.
46. Potential to Stop Prostate Cancer Cell Growth
In laboratory tests, avocado oil shows promise is stopping prostate cancer cells from growing.
47. Protects against Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic Syndrome is a group of factors that when combined can increase your chances of developing type 2 diabetes fivefold. While there are other choices one need to make when it comes to not developing this health problem, an easy decision is to eat avocados. These little nutrient-rich gems contain healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids that are known to reduce several health problems that can lead to metabolic syndrome.
48. Reduce Breakouts
No, eating avocado will not help reduce your breakouts but avocado oil can. How? This oil has antimicrobial properties, which could help with this common skin problem.
49. Relieves symptoms of chemotherapy
While studies on this use are just beginning, basic test-tube studies have shown that avocados have the potential of reducing symptoms of chemotherapy.
50. Preventative Measure against Oral Cancer
Did you know that eating an avocado can help you avoid developing oral cancer? Well, the answer is yes. The mechanism as to how this works is not completely understood, it has shown to prevent precancerous cells from turning into cancer.
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Folate not foliate.
Hi Jay,
Thank you so much for your continued support.
We have made the appropriate changes!
Many blessings and good health!
Love all these natural remedies without taking medication
by far.
I thought there was an ice cream recipe somewhere 👀
Me too. :/
You can find the recipe here:
Many blessings and good health!
Could you send me a recipe or tell me how much avocado should be used in ice cream?
Hi Karen,
You can find the recipe here:
Many blessings and good health!
How is avocado oil made? Or do we have to buy it…
Making it is pretty complicated so it is much easier to buy it. When you buy it though you may not get pure avocado oil. Adulterated oils are not uncommon. Also I recommend that you never buy oils in plastic. Both are non-polar and the plasticizers can leach into the oil.
What is a good avocado oil?