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5 Magnesium Facts Everyone Should Know

Magnesium is an essential mineral required for numerous processes in your body’s functioning including; energy production, protein synthesis, nerve and muscle function, blood pressure regulation, blood sugar control, and more. It regulates more than 300 enzymes in your body.

Lack of Magnesium can lead to a host of adverse effects and unfortunately many of us today are actually deficient in Magnesium, this is said to be because of compromised quality of the produce we eat due to soil health, a rise in processed food, and an unbalanced diet. This means you may likely need to supplement Magnesium and be especially conscious of your diet to ensure you are gaining enough of this important mineral.

Lack of Magnesium can result in muscular weakness, soft bones, anxiety, heart attacks, arrhythmia, and even seizures and convulsions. So you now know that it is very important to feed your body with this mineral to ensure the well functioning of your body system.

In this article, we will delve into 5 key benefits of Magnesium and one natural way to absorb this mineral, by working with Magnesium-rich herbs, in particular Nettles and Red Clover combined with Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate).

5 Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the key minerals for maintaining a state of good health and it can also offer you a wide range of specific healing benefits. The following are just 5 of these benefits:

1. Improving energy levels

Magnesium can be very beneficial for lifting fatigue. Correct Magnesium levels ensure that numerous enzyme systems in your body function well. This includes those related to energy metabolism such as the enzyme reaction involved in activating ATP( Adenosine Triphosphate) which is your fundamental energy storage molecule. According to Dr C. Dean in her book entitled, The Miracle of Magnesium: “ATP may be what the Chinese refer to as qi or life force. Magnesium is required for the body to produce and store energy. Without Magnesium there is no energy, no movement, no life”

However, no amount of magnesium can replace a good night’s sleep. Your energy is tightly linked to your sleep quality. And many of you struggle with sleep apnea, snoring, stress, and other factors that can make your body lose its regeneration power.

Lab-made melatonin supplements may have an effect on you… however, it’s so hard to mimic what your brain produces without causing side effects or addiction. A tincture based on Valerian, also called Nature’s Valium is what soothes you at night and helps you fall asleep fast and rest enough to rejuvenate you for the next day! If you don’t want to make it yourself, you can get it from here!

2. Improved Nutrition and General Good Health

Magnesium exists in a vital dance with several other minerals and vitamins in your body. It notably has a role related to calcium and potassium transport within your body. It is important for protein synthesis, blood sugar control, and blood pressure regulation. Magnesium is crucial in the detoxification of heavy metals and for optimal bowel function which helps ensure the absorption of nutrients.

Probably not many of us took care of our health until we really had to. That’s why so many Americans suffer from a damaged gut. Damaged by pesticides, damaged by pill side effects, and poor food choices. If your gut can’t process the nutrients properly, it doesn’t matter what you feed it. It will never be enough.

That’s why gut health is good health. You can help your gut restore with herbs and mushrooms such as Reishi, Lion’s Mane, Turkey Tail, and a few other organic remedies… But I will speak about them later in the article and in the recipe I made for you!

The original recipe came from an expert herbalist. She helped countless people with her study of plants and how to can be used as remedies. Click here to see her most popular release! 

3. Anxiety, Depression, and Stress Management

Anxiety and depression can be symptoms of Magnesium deficiency and ensuring your body has adequate amounts of this mineral can help alleviate these experiences. Magnesium supports your adrenal glands and helps your body manage adrenal stress hormones. Serotonin production and functioning are also dependent on Magnesium and the natural functioning of this feel-good hormone can lift you from these lower feeling states. Magnesium also is generally great for easing an overworked nervous system.

4. Muscle Health and Relaxation

Magnesium has the effect of muscle relaxation in your body and it can also help you maintain muscle health. This can be useful for easing generally tense muscles but it is also very beneficial for asthma caused by the tightening of the bronchial tract muscles, period cramps caused by the cramping of uterus muscles, as well for hypertension, twitches, spasms, convulsions, and certain musculoskeletal conditions.

5. Healthy Nerve Signaling

Magnesium plays a role in the transmission of nerve signals as it enables calcium to enter your nerve cells, allowing electrical transmissions to move to and from the brain along your nerves. It also prevents excessive excitation of nerves. This mineral can therefore be helpful in alleviating many nerve-related problems. Magnesium may be considered as neuro regenerative and neuroprotective and may be helpful for treating certain neurological conditions.

It’s easy to overlook that preventing issues is easier than fixing damage—especially with your health. Have you ever forgotten where you put your keys just minutes ago? Or maybe you’ve walked into a room and completely forgotten why you went in there? These little moments remind us how important it is to keep our cognitive health sharp.

You might be interested in what remedies to take against brain fog and to promote a healthy brain. Take a look at this bundle, which has received reviews like:

Healthy Brain Bundle Review

Herbs as Sources of Magnesium

There are many herbs that serve as wonderful natural sources of Magnesium. You can help nourish your body with this mineral and many others by working with herbs as infusions taken internally (teas) or absorbed from external immersions (soaks).

Some of the many herbs that contain a significant Magnesium content include Chickweed, Burdock Root, Dandelion, Basil, Coriander, Mint, Nettle, and Red Clover. Seaweeds such as Dulse, Seamoss, and Nori are also rich in Magnesium.

For the purpose of a mineralizing Magnesium soak you can choose any Magnesium-rich herbs,  just be sure to research accordingly to prevent any contraindications. When working with herbs as medicine or to intentionally improve nutrition be sure to source the highest quality herbs you can access;  ideally organic, recently grown, and well-dried or fresh herbs.

The two Magnesium herbs featured in the Magnesium mineralizing soak recipe in this article are Nettles and Red Clovers which offer a loverly Magnesium boost along with a host of other minerals which, in this case, may be absorbed through your skin during extended immersion in the herb blend dissolved in warm to hot water.

If you hate being stung by nettles, here’s the secret of how to use them as a remedy itch-free!

Epsom Salts as a Source of Magnesium

Epsom Salt is naturally occurring Magnesium sulfate, It bears a physical resemblance to salt but it is actually made up of Magnesium, Sulfur and Oxygen. It is most commonly dissolved in water as a mineral bath salt and it is said that Magnesium from Epsom Salts may be absorbed into your body through your skin and hair follicles.

DIY Magnesium Mineral Soak Blend

This blend offers the benefits of Magnesium absorption as well as so many additional benefits related to other herbal actions, energetics, plant constituents, vitamins, and minerals from the Red Clovers and Nettles. This formulation is extremely simple to make and can be so beneficial as well as enjoyable.

Please Note: This formula will offer your body trace Magnesium and many other minerals. You can work with it along with a properly balanced diet and further natural magnesium supplements if necessary, especially if you have severe Magnesium deficiency.

What You Need
Magnesium Facts - Ingredients
  • Dried Nettle 10g / 0.35oz
  • Dried Red Clover 15g / 0.5oz
  • Epsom salt 180g / 6.3oz
  • Grinder
  • Storage jar ( +- 250ml / 200g / 7-8 oz)
  • Spoon
  • Mixing bowl
  • Measuring scoops
  • Scale
Step by Step Instructions
  1. Measure out Epsom Salt ( 180g / 6.3oz )
  2. Weigh out dried Nettle (10g / 0.35oz) and Red Clover ( 15g / 0.5oz)
  3. Pack the Nettle and Red Clover into your grinder. Magnesium Facts - 1
  4. Grind the dry herbs finely.
  5. Mix finely ground herbs with the Epsom Salt. Magnesium Facts - 2
  6. Fill the mix into your jar. Magnesium Facts - 3
  7. Enjoy adding this mineralizing blend to your hot bath water. Magnesium Facts - 4
Suggested Dosage, Storage and Shelf Life

Magnesium Facts - DoneThis mineralizing salt soak should last for 6-12 months if herbs are freshly dried and stored optimally. Please ensure the herbs you use are well-dried and that you keep the contents of your jar dry.

Use this recipe as needed, it can be used frequently as long as none of the possible contraindications apply to you. See how your body reacts to the recipe as long as you don’t have allergies to any of the ingredients. The recommended dosage is 6-10 tablespoons of the blend added to your hot bath water. You can soak in this for a minimum of 30 minutes.

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