10 Natural Remedies You Can Only Make This Fall
If preparing your own natural remedies makes you feel a little uneasy, it may be that you have to go through another year of seasons to discover the treasures.
Once fall hits, it’s not the end of the natural remedy-making season. You can always find plants growing wild year-round that are widely available. The only thing different is what you’re looking for. Instead of looking for lush vegetation as you do in the summer months, you’re going to be digging up roots, picking some berries and different fruits, and gathering leaves or other parts of the plants.
Below are 10 natural remedies to start preparing this fall:
1. Dandelion Old Age Spot Removal
Old age spots that appear on the face, hands, and arms can be removed without topical ointments. Old age spots are yellow-brown pigments called lipofuscin that is created in the body from free radicals.
How to Get the Dandelion Roots: To prepare the dandelion roots, go to your favorite dandelion patch. Using a digging fork, lift the dandelion plant about 2-3 inches away from the crown. Then pull the leaves straight up and you’ll have the whole plant in your hand.
Shake off the soil. Then cut away the leaves from the base of the root. Wash the roots and cut into ¼ inch slices. Dry them in your dehydrator until they are crisp. Place in a marked jar and store in a cool, dry place.
Dandelion root tea: In a small pot, preferably stainless steel or ceramic, add 2 cups of distilled or reverse osmosis water and 2 teaspoons of the dandelion roots. Simmer the mixture for 15 minutes. Pour into a teacup. Add honey to taste. Let cool for 3 minutes.
Drink 1-2 cups a day.
2. Dandelion Anger Outburst Coffee Cake and Coffee
Many people have an occasional anger outburst but if you find them increasing in frequency, it’s time to cleanse your liver with dandelion root tea. You might as well have a bit of pleasure to diffuse the anger so try some Roasted Dandelion Root Coffee Cake and have a slice every day with a cup of roasted dandelion root tea until the anger passes.
Roasted Dandelion Root Tea: After washing and slicing the dandelion root, place it on a baking sheet. Roast it in a 350-degree F oven for 10 minutes, and then stir. Roast for an additional 10 minutes. Then use 1-2 teaspoons of the herb per cup boiling water. You may also add a cinnamon stick, minced ginger, or vanilla extract for a more interesting flavor.
The easiest way to make roasted dandelion coffee cake is to take an existing recipe you have and adapt it. An option is to purchase a boxed coffee cake mix and then simply swap out the recommended liquid of the recipe with an equal amount of roasted or unroasted dandelion root tea.
3. Dandelion Root Probiotic
When you run out of your favorite probiotic, you can easily use an herbal supplement. One of the best is dandelion root tea. The reason why this works is that the roots contain high amounts of inulin, which feeds the probiotics that you already have in your gut. Inulin is called a prebiotic because it makes probiotics multiply.
Use the recipe in #1 for dandelion root tea.
Drink one cup daily.
4. Chicory Root Tea – Coffee Substitute
Roasted Chicory Root Tea has been used as a coffee substitute for decades. The best time to dig up the roots in the fall.
The taste is similar to coffee without the caffeine and if you are trying to give up coffee, this is your natural remedy. Use the same recipe as in #2 for roasted dandelion root tea but substitute chicory root for the dandelion.
Drink one cup daily.
5. Rose Hips Tea for an Immune System Boost
After roses stop blooming, small berry-sized red or orange-colored seed balls can be seen on the stem. These are called rose hips and they are edible.
To prepare the tea, cut the rose hips off the rose canes with scissors or pruning shears.
Trim off the stem. Then slice the rose hips in half. Remove the seeds. Rinse and add one tablespoon per cup of boiling water.
Drink one or more cups daily.
6. Stroke Preventative Remedy with Persimmon Leaves Tea
Doctors in China recommend the leaves to those who have already had a stroke and those who have hardening of the arteries.
Persimmon Leaf Tea
Gather leaves from the persimmon tree. Rinse. Place 1 tablespoon persimmon leaf to a tea ball and add to a large coffee cup. Add boiling water, steep for 5 minutes, and drink.
Drink one cup twice daily.
7. Chickweed Ointment for Skin Burning or Itchy Skin
This ointment is so simple to make and yet, it’s been one that herbalists have counted on for decades.
How to Make Chickweed Ointment
- 1 pound fresh green chickweed
- 16 ounces olive oil
- 2 ounces beeswax
- Cut up the chickweed leaves into very small pieces.
- In small stainless steel or ceramic pot that can be heated, add the chickweed, olive oil, and beeswax. Mix.
- Cover the pot and place it into a 200-degree F oven for 3 hours.
- Then stir.
- Strain the mixture through the fine wire mesh.
- Pour into a jar for storage.
- Store in the refrigerator or freezer.
8. Comfrey Maceration to Heal Wounds
With an open wound, taking immediate action is necessary. Washing the area is always the first step.
But what do you do if you’re out hiking when it happens? A leaf of comfrey could be your solution. Comfrey is known for its ability to regenerate tissues.
How to Make a Comfrey Maceration
First, remove any bugs that are on the leaf. Then roll the leaf up and place it in your mouth. Chew it up for about 20 seconds. It doesn’t taste bad at all. Next, spit out the macerated herb into your hand.
Next, apply the macerated comfrey leaf directly onto your wound. Cover the wound to keep the herb in direct contact with the injured tissue. Repeat the process daily until the injured tissue is healed.
9. Plantain for Bug Bites
Plantain can be found along roadsides, sidewalks,
It’s an herb that has styptic properties to it as well as anti-venomous, emollient, antiseptic, detoxifying, and mild astringent properties, too.
No one ever plans bug bites, but when you get one, make use of plantain leaves to take the sting out of them.
How to Use Plantain for Stings and Bites of Poisonous Insects
- Take 2-3 fresh leaves from the plantain plant.
- Bruise the leaves. This means you crush the leaves or pound them to get the plant to start oozing its healing contents.
- After the leaves are bruised, apply them to the affected area.
- Cover the injured area.
- Keep the area moist with the ‘juice’ of the leaves for the rest of the day. When the leaves dry up, replace them with new ones.
10.Hawthorn Berry Syrup
Having a strong heart is essential for survival, and everyone needs extra heart support these days. The frequency of 4G, 5G, and 6G can affect the left ventricle of the heart, decreasing its function. If you have hawthorn trees near you, the berries are an indispensable treasure waiting for use.
Hawthorn Berry Syrup
Serving size: One tablespoon 2-3 times daily
- ½ cup dried Hawthorn berries
- 1-1/2 cups distilled or reverse osmosis water
- 2 oz brandy
- 1 teaspoon cayenne or ginger tincture
- Dry 3 cups fresh Hawthorn berries in your dehydrator.
- Then take ½ cup dried berries and add to a stainless-steel pot along with the water. Set aside on the kitchen counter overnight.
- Then place the pot with berries on the burner and simmer for one hour. Let cool.
- Mash the berries or place in a food processor and buzz for 15 seconds.
- Return the berries to the burner and add brandy. Simmer on low for another 20 minutes. Then strain through cheesecloth. You may add honey and cayenne or ginger to the mixture.
- Pour the syrup into a dark bottle and label it. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.
These are only some of the hundreds of natural remedies that are fun to make in the fall, but they are some of the best ones. After preparing these, you will feel a sense of mastery and can move on to others. Have fun this fall!
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10 Remedies You Can Make Using Plantain
Do you have any remedy for all loose tooth and receding gums?
Where is the age spot recipe?
It is dandelion root tea recipe #1 and drink 1-2 cups daily.
Thank you Julianne. I thought perhaps the tea was
a separate recipe and there existed a topical recipe for age spots.
yes, that’s what I’m asking as well: Where is the age spot recipe?
Hi Elizabeth,
Thank you for your comment.
The Age Spot Recipe is a cup of dandelion root tea daily for a few months.
It should work from within.
God bless!
Yes, I would like the age spot recipe also, please.